Russian point of view

Can anyone explain in detail the other side? The media only covers Putin being a mad man. No one ever discusses why. So why did Ukraine refuse Russia’s demands? We’re they unreasonable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ukraine rebuffed him because Zelensky is robbing the country blind and is holding out for US intervention so he can run off to Israel and fade out of the limelight

Russia’s demands were both long standing and pretty reasonable, so nothing about this should have come as a surprise. As far as I know the west and Ukraine was not willing to entertain any serious discussions. This means the west leadership are either incredibly incompetent (a very valid option) or they actually intended for this situation to happen as an excuse to break Russia forever. Why the Ukrainians should sacrifice their country for such a showdown is a separate question. I suspect the west installed a gubmint and used media to brainwash people, as they traditionally do.

US DOD built 11 bioweapon facilities in Ukraine. Russia has bombed eight of them so far. Also, th Ukraine was aboit to start getting nukes. Putin's hand was forced on this.

Ukraine is rightful Russian clay

>Colour revolution in Ukraine brought corrupt Ukrainian hardcore nationalists into power
>New government banned other languages, starts renaming everything, and antagonises Russians and the eastern minorities
>Russians in the east declared independence
>BTFOs hohol military
>Russia arranges ceasefire between the sides
>Ukraine violates treaty daily for 8 years
>America now pushing for military bases there
>Putin decides enough is enough its now or never
And the Ukranians would never give in because theyre just puppets of the Americans and Ukraine is insanely corrupt even by Slavic standards. Plus the country is split in two, the Ukrainians in the west want all Russians to die slowly, the Russians in the east think Ukrainians are all satanspawn from birth

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Putin is not insane. Russia is not doing this to relive soviet union glory days. For Putin to actually invade Ukraine means Russia is in deep shit. This is a serious situation. It is not at all as black and white as msm has portrayed it to be. Ukraine is essentially on a tight leash by the US state department. It is being used against Russia.

Now take in all the strange propaganda against russia we have seen for many years. They are treated as if they are a superpower on par with our own. Their intel agencies are the best and they are elite haxxors with wizard powers. Problem is thry roughly have the gdp of Italy, and their actual reach is much less than most in the west realize. Make no mistake they are indeed a superpower, but not to the extent the usual suspects make them out to be. And you will see the cycle of this. Either they are a hideous, powerful force about to swallow europe and taking down western elections, or they are junior varsity drunkards with a crumbling military and economy.

Sorry for rambling. I guess what I want to leave all this with is that this shit is very complicated and not at all as simple as anyone on either side makes it. Anyone trying to package this within a narrative that can be written in one or two sentences is either childish or they are malevolent. It doesnt matter what side you may be on. ALWAYS get info from as many sources as possible and dont just take things at face value. We live in the most evil days of humankind and the propaganda war is like nothing I've seen before. God keep you fellow anons

This is the correct answer. To add more context, globalists aka NATO aka jews have been fucking with Russia through the Ukraine for quite a while now. It's an important defensive/logistics territory for Russia, and if Uky's natural gas reserves were controlled by an anti-Russian (puppet) government it would severely hurt Russia's trade dominance and political leverage. Important to note that they need dominance otherwise they will fall to globohomo, so it's a matter of longterm survival.

Russians must rape or they explode

Dude this image perfectly describes the trucker convoys protesting restrictions! Notice they all disappeared when Ukraine news hit. Bunch NPCs.

judging by the fact that my country has a woman president
i hope they take us too

i wouldn't fight even a second for this shithole i'd just straight up surrender to russkies

Checked. Among the best takes I've seen on this board.

>this shit is very complicated and not at all as simple as anyone on either side makes it
Totally agree. There's a lot going on with lots of past history and possible future ramifications. It's like a chess game, but people think they can summarize what's happening by only talking about two moved pieces while ignoring the rest of the board.

Imagine if the United States lost the cold war, the several Southern states broke away and formed their own countries because the US was now bankrupt. Now imagine North Carolina has discovered oil reserves that could rival Texas and take away the USA's enrgy dominance in the region. Now imagine the USSR may have lead a military coup in 2014 that lead to corrupt, ultra-nationalist North Carolinians into power and they want to join the Warsaw Pact and put Soviet missles and bases a couple hundred miles from Washington D.C. Also, the Democrats in the state, who are aligned with the USSR, have been slaughtering Republicans for 8 years and erasing all of their history--it is now illegal to speak "American", statues of American leaders are torn down, etc. That is pretty much the situation from Russia's point of view. They see Ukraine joining Nato as an existential threat and are acting accordingly.

Nato want to nuke them form Ukraine
Something like that
And that kiev rus was the center of slavic people or something

must watch:

>2 panels to insert covid cartridge
>3 panels to insert Ukraine cartridge
What a waste of space

The reason is to kill white people. Both sides play for the jews. No more brotherwars

Because the state is run by murderous shits that don't actually care about human life. Nor in Russia, nor in Ukraine, nor in the US. To them people are just numbers and pawns in their games to achieve self satisfaction.

Ukrainians are not brothers to Russians.

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RealLifeLore on YT did a video of what Putin wants in Ukraine. Less redpill and more geography though.

>We live in the most evil days of humankind
Do we? Wars based entirely on propaganda shit are nothing new, and wars and life in general have been worse before. Chemical weapons, nukes, mass rapings, vivisections, experimenting on war prisoners, labor camps, you name it.

Basically Ukraine's president is jewish, and jews are professionals at ensuring they are victims. He locked down the country to prevent people from leaving, and changed the military age limits so that children can be child soldiers, basically living sympathy beacons to turn the enemy into a villain if they keep fighting. I'm not on either side, but I am sorry to tell you this russian dude, but the jews have decided that putin is to be a sacrifice for the new world order and the great reset. I dunno what reason putin had to start this invasion now of all times, but as he was a member of WEF, he was probably tricked, lured under false pretenses likely by WEF or some other jew group. The jews are pissed off that their covid narrative has finally started to be discovered and unraveled, so they are throwing putin under the bus here as a sacrifice to distract from their narrative collapsing. A part of this is nuclear war, their new world order, the great reset, it cannot happen without nuclear war. The whole goal right now isn't to beat putin, or save ukraine, or anything like that, its to ensure that putin causes global nuclear war, ensuring the death of russia, and the destruction of multiple locations around the world. If you side with russia here, then you are their enemy, any and all kinds of support could lead to russia changing their minds, or coming to their senses, and that cannot happen, the jews need destruction so they can start over and rule from the beginning. You also cannot build back better if there's nothing that needs to be rebuilt after all. Either way there is really no good guy here, the real story is about a corrupt dude getting baited by jews into attempting to take a corrupt country from a corrupt leader, thinking he can do this while this leader is jewish and part of the new world order. I don't really have a side to take here, besides wanting the jews on both sides to fucking die lol