Aryans Are The Israelites

I cannot get pick related out of my mind in the context of whites (Aryans) being the true biblical Israelites, whose identity was appropriated and perverted by the Semites. Everything on this list tallies up with what the Aryan tribes have accomplished. I need answers anons. Is it all true?

Attached: 04E7992F-0246-496A-B76E-4BA50702087C.png (1200x631, 282.92K)


You don't know what Aryan means.

>You don't know what Aryan means.
Indo-European. Anything else is hogwash buddy

Explain point 29. Israel to lose all trace of her lineage.

>Explain point 29. Israel to lose all trace of her lineage.
The white man evolved in a once tropical continent around the North Pole, which was destroyed in the younger Dryas period. We have lost our common history

>to lose all trace of her lineage.
And we no longer know who we are as a people. This will all change of course, as it did once in Germany

Hosea 1:9 is
>8 When she had weaned Lo-ruhamah, she conceived and gave birth to a son. 9 And the Lord said, “Name him Lo-ammi, because you are not My people, and I am not your God.”

That doesn't say that the Israelites will lose their identity

>That doesn't say that the Israelites will lose their identity
I'm not an expert of bible studies. I want to interpret this in the light of historical truth

show me one instance of male genital mutilation by whites.

Attached: 1644666812468.jpg (717x511, 63.37K)

Youre definitely not American.

OP youre just jealous because we’re dumber. You can date the Jews and they’re sexy and it’s fine. They’ll respect you once they realize you’re not stupid as rocks.

That picture is the reverse of what I'm implying.
Semites of ancient times were intensely jealous of the Aryan Persians, Greeks, Indians and Sumerians/Babylonians and wanted to appropriate their religious customs to exalt themselves instead. In short, Semites have always been cultural parasites


Here's something interesting to think about. People have counted back through the genealogy of the bible to guestimate that adam/eve were about 6,000-10,000 years ago. Guess what else appeared about 6k-10k years ago? did blue eyes appear&client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=qL0hYprgCInBkPIPqo6KCA&ved=0ahUKEwia1LvB9av2AhWJIEQIHSqHAgEQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=when did blue eyes appear&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowI6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsILhCABBDHARCjAjoRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQowI6BQgAEJECOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToECAAQQzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDENQCOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARDUAjoICAAQgAQQyQM6BQgAEJIDSgQIQRgBSgQIRhgAUPMEWLU3YPQ3aAJwAHgAgAGkAYgBnhmSAQQwLjI0mAEAoAEBsAEAwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz

Fucking Any Forums wont let me post a short url

So white people killed Jesus? Hmm, interesting theory.

The people who killed jesus wern't real jews. 2:9

Why the hell whitey wants to larp as circumsion/desert tribe so much?

Attached: Jews_not_Chosen.jpg (600x371, 49.5K)

Incase someone doesn't want to go to that link, it says that blue eyes came about 6-10k years ago. Both these 6-10k year time frames were found independently and yet they line up so perfectly it's kind of shocking.

Scythians in particular could have been one of these tribes. There were likely more that still have living descendants.

Eve got knocked up by sabaoth and that's where blue eyes came from.

Jesus and Paul referred to pharisees as Israel and jews. “I Paul am a hebrew of hebrews, of the tribe of Benjamin, a pharisee” “i came only for the lost of the house of israel”. Cope, christ cuck faggot.