forcing everyone to call it київ is not enough, we must derussify ukraine to the max. adopt latin alphabet now! kijw! ukraina europejts!

Attached: 02F89690-A521-4029-AC97-FD1D32ED4730.jpg (202x119, 10.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>ending up with yet another abortion of a language like polish or czech

>another language
user, I…

Attached: FAB0D1F8-C74A-4F66-A1A1-C2FE8CA37D05.jpg (304x269, 20.3K)


yeah so basically shit languages. i just assume everyone can read cyrillic because i don't associate with brainlets.

Ukraine will be sovereign Russia in very short order. Globohomo and the satanic pedophile elite are on the run from a far more dignified and holy man than any of them. Vlad Putin will crush their head and win this thing in Jesus name

Attached: Solid Christian .jpg (720x842, 133.23K)

>shit languages
they are dialects and subdialects on the slavic linguistic continuum between polish and russian

who the fuck cares. slavic languages make more sense in cyrillic. did you not consider the possibility that several letters don't even exist in the latin alphabet? try and transliterate ы or pretend that written polish isn't as incomprehensible as something like welsh.

1. Adopting the Latin alphabet is not creating another language
2. Polish and Czech alphabets are better than English because in our alphabets each grapheme corresponds to a single phoneme

dokładnie skurwysynu
uwielbiam polskie posty na tej chujowej am*rykańskiej stronie
zdychaj psie i ssij pałę pedale


What a dogshit thread.

Пoшeл нa хyй!

Akkktcsschually, it is "ukrainska latinxa" chud

as someone who's studied germanic languages extensively from old/middle english, old norse, middle high german, and modern german; and a decent amount of russian.

and has travelled in poland

i can assure you that polish is complete fucking nonsense

you could probably fix your retarded language with the accented w's and other fake letters just by using the cyrillic alphabet, if you didn't have such a boner

in fact the only language i studied that seems to work more or less equally well in german, polish, and russian orthography, is (((yiddish))), despite basically being a retarded form of german

then again, kikes have their own boner (circumcised) and like to think that writing their broken fake german in the (((hebrew alphabet)) makes sense, even though they have to redefine half the letters like polish has to do with the latin alphabet


Sure thing Jaroslaw Szcwicchlcychbrnczwnsic



Of course it’s not. for example did they ever settle the Moldovan-Romanian language dispute or have both sides accepted they are the same language with different orthography?

it would certainly be easier to decipher than st. kyrill's moon runes
make the polacks stop latinizing V as W while you're at it

It's a Bulgarian alphabet, so it's ok.

still not accepted*

W is V is Germanic languages too. Ł is fine for W, but I hate how it’s always transliterated as L