Being against propaganda makes you a traitor now

This is an attitude openly embraced by a disturbing number of people.

Attached: Treason.png (763x151, 20.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>You must believe the lies or you are my enemy
This is literally 1984

Empire of Lies.

If you rise prices, you are helping the enemy. See how easy this game is?

I thought good guys didn't lie

I've seen shit like this for the past few years. Terrifying.

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>literally who on twitter
Seasoned, but retards and shills will give this hundreds of replies

These people are sadly misinformed. We're not at war. The Constitution is expressly clear. Even if we were at war, debating the proper end to a war is also an Act of Congress, not propaganda or disinformation or what have you. So wrong on all three accounts.

Unfortunately a lot of people in the US govt share these sophomoric views it is important to call them out on it.

I laugh when leftist basedboys suddenly pretend to care about tribalism, patriotism and loyalty to your government when it's convenient for their rhetoric.

soýboys, fuck you jannies

sounds like someone just absolved the NAZIS

Let's remember this next time the US goes to war again. Going to open the internment camps back up.

Sure. Let me know when there is a declaration of war.

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

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if u support the country usa is at war with then thats aiding and abetting the enemy. the founders didnt go far enough with libertarianism, they baked in all these kinds of authoritarian faggot provisions into the constitution

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so why wasnt every anti vietnam hippie shot and strung up during the 60s for being pro vietnam and anti american during the war

hell not just the hippies the entire holly wood , music industry and many famous people talk show hosts ext during the 1960s where openly anti american in every way possible calling for a end to the war. nothing happend to any of them because free speach so get fucked leftist communist niggers. they really have gone full circle

rightoids never enforce laws because they're cucks

seems like
>violence is the only way forward

>disturbing number of people
>1 comment
>all else null

Thanks for posting your social media info here but I really don’t care

oh wow great I'm in time for another twitter screenshot thread... night is made...

Everyone over the age of 40 in the US has been conditioned from birth to bark when the "Russia bad" bell rings.

A tale as old as time

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>we have a word for that

they act like they want a revolution worldwide

I would say under 40s, more so

im confused, did we declare war???

>dubity dubb
you could always say muh democracy and freedom of word to reply at the more insane tellings of them. Now that we have a war things will definitily change

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worng... entikrely wrong... I was born nine months after the cuban missile affair...I am very kindly disposed toward Russia as I have understood some little history. There are a large number of boomers who will claim they're traumatized from the shool drills hiding under desks ...this is silly and irrational emotive expression to be ignored. mature people love Russia and understand the game being played the the global powers..

too much great classical music from Russia they get an eternal pass like Germany and France for their great contributions to Art.

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It's called an example. Are you suggesting there aren't a lot of other people who have the same attitude?

If you think for yourself, you’re a traitor.

>posting more twitter screenshots from random dumb animals that just need to be shot in the head and dumped in a mass grave anyway
kys as well OP, fucking faggot
s and h

Attached: opisafaggot.jpg (360x396, 13.38K)

Libs in particular saying this shit is fucking ridiculous after those faggots spent the whole 20th century unraveling every sedition law, every curb, and making a mockery of all concepts of national loyalty in order to aid and abet the communists. I have so much fury and hatred in my heart for those disgusting fucking faggots.

so they are aware this isn't real, but they don't actually care. NPCs can be very scary sometimes

Eat shit and die you cocksucking retard.

It's insane how these faggots wake up and go from pandemic to wartime.

>Talking with a woman I matched with off of Bumble
>She asks for my opinion over the Ukraine vs Russia conflict
>Tell her that there is no reason for the US to get involved and that Ukraine is not innocent in the story. If anything, the EU should be blamed as they wanted Ukraine to adopt the Euro over their own currency. Without having a proper trade system discussed.
>She immediately goes full NPC and says that by me not supporting Ukraine I must support Russia and she doesn't want to talk to anyone that supports Hitler 2.0

>believe war time propaganda or else

Literally 90% of our country think propaganda just means "bad evil things the government says" because of leftist brainwashing to make them hate anti-communist propaganda from the 50s and 60s. The fact they've all unanimously turned around with "haha we're in charge now so now we get to do all that stuff" is one more reason to pray for nuclear annihilation.

>do nothing but lie to the american public for decades
>surprised they fucking hate you and don't trust you
>call them the traitors

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