

I just realized if Biden croaks, this cunt is going to fuck up so. goddamn. badly.

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Yep. And every word of criticism she gets for it she will blame on White Supremacy.


kek has spoken.

She'll be better than Putin

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The first mystery meat woman to become president, you should be proud

A small part of me wants to see her become president, she always gets so fucking salty during interviews.

That's the state of the world. We trust a cryptkeeper with dementia to guide the ship better than a nigger who LITERALLY got her start in politics by sucking Willie Brown (kek)'s dick.

>It's time to do what we've been doing and that time is everyday.

We have entered the just deserts timeline.

She was the most qualified for the job
2.Has a vagina

She might actually do better. I hope Joe croaks.

Got the popcorn ready.

By biden's qualification standards, she should have HIS job.

She is powerful and dynamic

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Take it back, this ape will kill us all

Hmmm. I sense a penis on this one

The only good thing is the Senate could refuse to confirm a new VP and she would no longer have the tying vote. Run the clock out until midterms and then hopefully the House/Senate change hands and prevent Democrats from further destruction.
She would still be assfucking us internationally and destroying us domestically in all the ways that don't require congress though.

God I hope Putin nukes us if that ever happens.

I would be impressed if she managed to articulate that. Whenever she speaks unintelligible nonsense comes out.

yeah but what a wild ride it would be, sometimes the worlds gotta burn to get better

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He thinks the President actually matters KEK. He’s just a public figure user you should know that by now. Did you think a orange self absorbed clown and old man with Alzheimers was running our country?

Stunning and brave