Why do Whites in White countries fear "white supremacy" so much?

Do you see Blacks in Africa so fearful of black supremacy? Or Asians in Asia over asian supremacy? Like I'm aware this is brainwashing, but on a objective level it's so absurd

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Absurdity and insanity seem to be the bread and butter of our political class these days.

Yeah, Jewish conditioning is a helluva drug. Most Whites, even more conservative ones, have at least some degree of internalized self-hatred.

The whit man is the only one who has been tricked into believing it is wrong to favor his own kind.

Because they're the weak ones who want to use leftist socialism to try and get ahead in life. They've allied with the orcs They've sold out their own race in return of hopes to get down on all fours, and lick up some slop that master pours out onto the ground for them.
These are not humans anymore. They don't have souls, they're not people. They are sell out Demons who want to forsake human sapience and become upkept farm animals.
Kill them all, you'll be doing our race a great service. Throw them into the ditch with the rest of the Jews and niggers. Maybe there's a nice gibs chek in hell. Make them go find out.

Because they rightly realize that they are not prime specimens of the white race and liable to be in the way of any attempts to make whites supreme

Europeans came up with this system of morals and ethics that requires us to try to maximize equality between people.

It's rather ironic that no other group would have returned the favor.

If the woman's mind is controlled ... and women's thoughts are given equal value to men's socially ( another absurdity in 90% of cases obviously! ) then men will be forced to fall in line with the female position if they want to get any pussy. Jewish control is always a sexual and degenerate control. This is their weakness. The decline of virtue is always the rise of Jewishness, and vice versa.

main concern is anti-white racism. this has to stop.

but "white nationalism" is a absurd and fake irrational ideology, its just white flavoured multiculti

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Because every time a white supremacist takes power a world war explodes.

I see it so much. Even conservatives, the ones who will always get slandered as "white supremacists" will still try to pander to minorities in some way. Why you see stuff like "based black man" even circulating here, a desire to somewhat appease

KGB propaganda via Russia, China and WEF and a Bolshevik coup on America. Nothing wrong with immigrants at all until SOROS particularly uses them as a weapon to gain control of a native population for a globalist agenda. Funny thing is Jews support him in his success thinking they won’t be thrown under the bus next and he actually gives a shit about anyone.

I'm just trying to deconstruct this. Why should White people fear so much about them having power, them being on top, or having supremacy. You don't have to desire it, but I do not get the extra emphasis on fear mongering about it in society

As a White guy why should I personally care so much, it does not harm me.

the reason white people is afraid is simple: all people are creative world wide, but white people have a special skill of blending creativity with facts/reason/engineering. once white people put their minds to something like war it truly is terrifying where it goes. keeping white people self hating and fat is the only thing stopping atrocities never seen in history due to technological advancements.

Not everyone is as selfish as you, user. Some people actually *gasp* want to help others when they are being persecuted, even when they themselves are not.

Because social media is programmed conditioning and people have been conditioned to think success is bad.

Never mind “whiteness” is a social construct and puts Anne Frank in the same category as Hitler to a bunch of idiotic, projecting idiots who spend all day looking at algorithmically curated content to make them feel deliberately angry and insecure via Facebook because in the psychological profile these are the attitudes which get people to purchase targeted advertisement products. Everyone is cattle, and if you’re not hip to that, you don’t get the system yet.

You're misunderstanding. I am saying why should I be so *fearful* of it, like many are. Even in society, levels of irrational fearfulness to accuse it in circumstances that aren't even close to it, almost like a Red Scare/Witchhunt

Dont worry — the Chinese have already come up with Crispr-Cas9 mutated genome editing which allows virus to target spike proteins in DNA of wild animal populations. A few more years of quantum cracking and refining and all X people will die — where X is a race they do not like with a unique genome able to be attacked.

that is one of many plans but whites have an amazing ability to adapt including targeted genetic weapons. whiteness is not just a color of skin it's an entire genetic adaptation unlike any other on earth. we're the only ones to demonstrate honest behavior (show of conscience). the only others that come close to approaching this are the japanese (honorable). once white people see no benefit to altruistic behavior the game accelerates to speeds never seen

Jewish tricks are effective, especially on white women.

It's kikes in white countries (and outside) who fear white supremacy and white nationalism so much.
They project.
They fear it so much that they project massive amounts of their hysteria in schools and media.

This rubs off of some women and effemine "educator" men who don't understand this.

Because they see how poorly other races are doing, and instead of realizing that this is proof, going back since the Indo-Europeans, of white superiority, Jews have taught them that this is the result of some unnamed and hazily defined White sins for which we must constantly atone.
Whites, being who we are, will seek to constantly correct ourselves.

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I don't care about nasty worthless enemy shitskins! They have their own garbage monkey countries to live in, and all they do as the subhumna filth that they are, is make everything in white euro nations worse for the actual human beings!
Nigger animals have caused multiple times more harm to Caucasian blood, than anything the greatest members of their race ever contribute. Spics are just space taking mongrel abominations that deserve nothing and make our nation worse, and Semite muslims are worthless leeches that breed and replace the culture aloneside the genetics of wherever their cancerous desert genes take root.

It doesn't matter if a white attains some superhuman greatness, compared to a nigger-skin enemy. Because he has at least already attained humanity, and can be counted a person. Unlike a shitskin invader. Unlike a beast.
Round them all up, beat them into a stupor and throw them back where the filth belong. Enough of poz'd fake gay Jew'd shit itt. Race war now.

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white supremacy is a myth, lets say jews but has other reasons to, but lets say they made a golem of that idea (choosen race was their idea first) and they use white to their world control enterprise, as you should know too much shit was done for money and power and the scape goat is that old and now disobedient white golem. you can try to keep using it but is cursed and the black golem is ready and functional for destruction

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