/ag/ - Alchemy General

The Double Eagle on the Russian crest is foremost an alchemical symbol of the rebis - the end goal of the alchemical process - the paradoxical unification of opposites; nonduality personified.

This is the divine hermaphrodite, the double eagle, the rebis, Ardhanarishvara, Phanes, Baphomet: all the same concept, the union of opposites.

The double eagle is of course also the symbol of the 33rd degree Scottish Rite in Freemasonry.

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This of course ties into the theory of the bicameral mind. The trans phenomenon is a kind of short circuiting of this process. For more, read on:

>Holy Marriage, Alchemy, & the Return to Union

This is a deep spiritual process that has been described by many religious and esoteric traditions.

These traditions generally include the following elements:
>the primordial angelic hermaphrodite
>the notion of a divine soulmate or twin
>the dual forces of mind and matter (these are >usually assigned a gender, but not always)
>the descent of the soul into matter for a purpose and the ascent back to unity, following a successful incarnation
>the eternal nature of consciousness and the soul
>an acknowledgment of the higher realms, i.e. the astral plane

Humans are composed of two opposites: mind - immortal Being; body - mortal Becoming. These opposites trouble us and produce a dynamical, life-long process of spiritual growth. In psychological understanding, this process is directed toward the realization of one's essential person, one's Platonic "higher self".

The periodic descent back into matter fuels novelty generation and the Individuation process. Your Self is eternal, and this realm is you fishing for more unique experiences that color your true divine identity.

Bringing forth the immortal person (known as Jungian individuation), living fulfilling life guided by divine providence, and reuniting with your twin soul in a hieros gamos, or holy marriage, is the most noble goal of many of these traditions. It is captured in the alchemists’ description of the Great Work or Magnum Opus: married in the physical, United once again in spirit.

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>You are excrement, you can change yourself into gold.

I love me me some alchemy
Have yet to make the atone though. Better dead than lead.

Wow, thanks OP, very cool.

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>7 rotating nexuses
>individual colours
>black and white
>meeting at the 2nd nexus
no no no no no
I don't like this
this isn't right.
very wrong.
this is dangerous.

Geocosmic Rex gang

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the synchronicities are off the wall

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Where my SGD video archive consoomers at?

Alchemy gets its name from the ancient Egyptian city of Chemmis, which revered the god Min-Horus. This figure was adapted by the Greeks into Perseus, the archetypal alchemical hero and dragon-slayer.

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But the double eagle symbol has nothing to do with masonry or some esoteric soulmate thing, it's supposed to symbolize the state looking in the west and eastern directions, as if to imply that the empire is that big it can 'see' everything. It originates with the Holy Roman Empire, which was a German monarchy, which was Catholic.

Not saying the soulmate thing isn't real, but the double eagle crest isn't connected to it. Not seeing how any of the two things mentioned have anything to do with alchemy either, isn't alchemy supposed to be a metaphor for fine tuning your soul or perception or whatever so that you become better somehow? Either that or it's just 'advanced' chemistry.

Being a hermaphrodite isn't divine, it's a mental problem, if you believe in the soulmate thing, your awareness is both the man and the woman, not both of them in the same form.

Baphomet hasn't got anything to do with any of these things either, it's a satirical depiction of some occult larp, don't remember what, don't care either.

The Scottish rite isn't the same as the original masons, it's an infiltrated spin off of the real thing, your post is implying that 'masonry' is all the same thing, when it isn't.

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Oh who gives a fuck, free masons are a bunch of nerds who blow themselves. A lot of elites become freemasons yes, but you can't actually believe any of their shit is any more than silly theatrical goofery.

have you done this?


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more reading, use your discretion:

The double-headed eagle as an alchemical symbol illustrates the hermetic and alchemical axiom SOLVE et COAGULA, the process of separating the elements and then bringing them together after purification and consecration. This process is somewhat analogous to the psychological practice of depth analysis, where the personality is analyzed in detail, subconscious elements are brought to light and processed, and the personality is then made whole or fully integrated so that all the aspects of consciousness are in harmony – the divided self is healed and the person becomes whole.

Might the cornerstone of the Holy Royal Arch, and the hero of the Third Degree of our Blude Lodges be referring to this Stone of the Philosophers, the Hidden Light of the sages by which spiritual regeneration is to be accomplished? As if for further proof, the substitute for the Ancient Master’s word is encoded into the very Hebrew phrase itself: MAsu HA BoNaim.

The double headed-eagle, as the ensign of the Alchemical Rebus or Stone of the Philosophers, symbolizes this process, the magnum opus or Great Work of spiritual regeneration. Through its unification of opposites and association with alchemical Fire, the path of regeneration and ascent up the Tree of Life is indicated.

As Scottish Rite masons, may we each undertake the task of so analyzing and purifying our natures, that we too may be as proud, noble, august and bold as the Eagle which is our symbol, showing our minds the direct path ofthe ascent into the Heavens, carrying our souls aloft to the very throne of All Creation.

interestingly green is commonly used to symbolize envy.

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Hot topic today. Third or fourth thread I’ve seen.

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What has a double headed eagle got to do with what you said though, you're describing some sort of psychological undertaking to resolve a 'problem' of duality, but the eagle is a depiction of a 'dual' being, so why would you make that as a cryptic symbol for something that seeks to do the opposite of what the symbol is depicting?

Everything else you put is just larp faggotry, was expecting a discussion on the mentioned topics, but whatever.

According to the Ancient Greek myths regarding the founding of the Delphic Oracle, the god Zeus, in his attempt to locate the center of the earth, launched two eagles from the two ends of the world, and the eagles, starting simultaneously and flying at equal speed, crossed their paths above the area of Delphi, and so was the place where Zeus placed the stone.[1] Since then, Delphi has been considered by Greeks to be the center of the world, the omphalos – "navel of the Earth."

Above the entrance to the Apollo's temple at Delphi is written: "Thou Art"

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I am who am

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The USA just experienced it's Pluto return. Pluto comes around every 244 years and coincidentally (or not) that's approximately how long every major empire in history has lasted. First Afghanistan and now it's impotence in the face of the Russian invasion marks the end of the US global hegemony. The collapse of the dollar will soon follow, in my opinion.

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>"Thou Art"

The Self is the World Soul, the anima mundi, in microcosm.