I am born to Ukrainian family and I live in Smolensk. Air field in image is only 1 hour drive...

I am born to Ukrainian family and I live in Smolensk. Air field in image is only 1 hour drive. Tomorrow I will sneak as close to air field as I can. I will use many home made equipment to damage planes and burn fuel machine while on ground. Cлaвa Укpaїнi.

54°20'28.0"N 32°28'21.1"E
Use satellite map. What is best approach for sneak close to airport?

Attached: ВПС Росії..jpg (1200x665, 409.71K)

Reported to Russian MoD. They will expect your arrival.

Attached: 19D35058-8879-4277-ADD4-0FCAD8A84A77.jpg (210x240, 7.73K)

You make post from mobile device, you do not scare me. Russian state very busy with many report and many protest. They will not hear your warning on time.
Cлaвa Укpaїнi. Cлaвa Укpaїнi.

i call bs on that

following the thread nonetheless in case turns truth

>Russian state very busy with many report and many protest.
Cool story bro but they will wait for you.

Я живy в Пpигopcкoм. Tы yжe мepтвeц.

Half of Any Forums is Russians at this point so I wouldn't bother

The best approach would be to tunnel underneath, like some sort of badger, or mole rat.

Attached: 082347b987238v892364.png (1080x720, 397.32K)

Tunnel bad idea, take too many hours. I think forest in North is better approach? I have studied the inside of their plane. I can set fire on fuel storage.

They will set fire to you

Cлaвa your moms dick пидapac

Great idea user don’t forget to live stream it

Good luck user, be careful.

they will probably have cameras and nightvision so unless you scout the place and find some blindspots your only way in is to disguise yourself as a russian soldier
don't forget to take pics/stream it

I have reported you to KGB, Mossad, and CIA. Enjoy getting raped in a gulag, OP.

Maybe you should take off your meme flag first jew rat

Attached: 1639789294882.jpg (1000x630, 380K)

Sorry lad just called up Putin and told him, party van is on the way to your house

Attached: 1646340541219.png (721x680, 246.69K)

t. glownigger

good job user. reported you to FSB. enjoy :3

UH HUH And you just happened to post it on a basket weaving forums full of FSB lurkers. How fucking clever of you. Now how would you like to die? A double tap or do you want to impress your Any Forums zoomer audience with a webm of your guts hanging out while you are still breathing?

Attached: Retard (YOU).gif (498x371, 2.96M)

based slav calling out a phonefag

Just forwarded to the Ministry of defense of russa, enjoy gulag comrad!