Lenin statue in Seattle

Its time this got taken down. Lenin was a Russian who oppressed the Ukranian peoples.

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>That moment when kikes inadvertly cause a rise in anti-socialist ideology

Feels good bros.

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so do it faggot

absolutely, lenin is putins mentor

This. Communists didn't allow fags to rape little boys or women to be promiscuous whores. Fucking cringe tankies baka.


Let's get this shit trending lmao

You're born to a bottom-feeder, working class family. Upper middle class and upper class people fucking despise your type. You will never fit in with them, no matter how successful you become, and you will never be invited to their parties or become successful in the first place. They will always spit and shit down from above on you.
But still you larp an ideology which empowered a small group of elite and exploited the working class.


I bet you can't find me a SINGLE instance of the working class being exploited in Germany.

I don't want to fit in with 'muh upper classes', nor will I hate them. We do away with class bullshit and unify via racial homogeneity and nationalism.
Tranny memeflags spouting their socialist nonsense can seethe more.

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>I bet you can't find me a SINGLE instance of the working class being exploited in Germany.
Hitler never paid a penny in taxes when in power, and continued to collect money from the people. Oops, there goes Hitler exploiting his entire country kek. Hardly had to think for that one, and there is much much more.

>Tranny memeflags spouting their socialist nonsense can seethe more.
Homie just squeezed out every possible buzzword he could think of in the shortest sentence possible. Your brain has rotted from Any Forums usage. I'd forgive anyone for thinking you were satire.

No. You are a nigger.

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How did he collect money from the people?
Through his financial advisor and lawyer Hans Litten, it was publicly revealed (even in Nuremburg) that the only income Hitler personally received was through his sales of his book Mein Kampf. So where'd you get that?

Hitler's tax behavior is unknown to me however, i'd like to know where'd you get it? I'm sure Stalin paid justly and in time as well.

The nazis and the commies both killed faggots.

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bump fuck commies Christ is King

No. Fuck you and your jewish cult.

>commie uses communist rhetoric while trying to come off as middle of the road logical thinker
You really thought you said something profound there didn't you? You want to know the truth? You're nothing better than that burger, just as emotional and dumb as anyone else.

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have thought about this.
it's in plain view but there might be a way to do it clandestinely.
all of this of course is theoretical.
1) go out during big social time so people doing something silly isn't really noticed or cared about
2) 1-3 operatives climb statue and put party hat on top of statue, towards the front for reasons soon to be described
3) operatives not climbing act like hooligans and laugh and sing socialist songs
4) inside party hat have soda can or container with thermite
5) light thermite
6) run

ideally this would melt the face off the statue

Attached: calculation.jpg (1024x762, 143.72K)

Advocating for destruction of private property is a violation of 4chans rules. Enjoy your ban.


>Hitler's tax behavior is unknown to me
That took 10 seconds, god damn just do your own research outwith Bitchute. He also forced German stamps to be printed with his image, and then collected a royalty on using his image, thus collecting money from the people and state every time they wanted to used the mail service.
This is but one avenue he stole money from the people, and he had many other secret bank accounts in which he funneled money out of state projects and into the pockets of himself, his elites, and anyone he needed to pay off.

>I'm sure Stalin paid justly and in time as well.
Stalin was even worse, but nobody mentioned him so don't try to derail.

You are so easily swayed by propaganda that a few Any Forums jpegs and some incoherent schizoid Bitchute documentaries have completely swayed you to support a party which would have enslaved your country given half the chance, and were worse than the "jewish elite" in their elitism and exploitation of people, whom they claimed to hate.
They did not hate the jews, they had many powerful jews on their side. They just needed a scapegoat to blame all the country's problems on.

it's private property

>says "feels good bros" about anti-socialist ideology
>posts an image of German National SOCIALISTS
70 IQ

I have a lot more respect for a burger user who uses a new buzzword every sentence than some faggot who brings nothing to the discussion, and uses a dreadful image to somehow make his shitty take any more valid.

>Here is this tranny image which in my head applies to you
You really got me there.

True im shocked someone hasnt blow it up or something? Fuck this commie shit