Normalization of National Socialism

As the war in Ukraine heats up to more devastating levels of carnage it's time to start brainstorming ways to further normalize National Socialism and White identity to the general public.

There is simply no getting around the fact that Azov Battalion is a Neo-Nazi militia and is a point of contention in this conflict.

Normies and lefties who support Ukraine will be forced by necessity to give at least tepid support to Azov Battalion. We need to think of ways to promote and normalize ourselves within these communities.

This is of the utmost importance. Give this thread everything you got no matter how unimportant you may think it is because some user will figure out a way to use it.

Forgive me for any mistakes I made. After years of browsing Any Forums this is the first thread I have ever created.

Heil Hitler

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's why kikes shill Russia on here
So that we get nothing done

My thoughts exactly.

>I'm a National Socialist
>Can you elaborate on that?
>I uhhmm, holocaust didn't happen but it should have!
Lmao. Hating a specific race by itself isn't a political leaning. Nazism is leftwing just like communism. Other side of the same coin a capitalist flicks around while the commoner is stuck in artificial left-right dichotomy killing each other.

Go back retard

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>brainlet infograph
>calling anyone retard
Lol. Big daddy government and state enforced slavelabor for everyone. You're poor and NEET am I right?

No, I'm a wagie faggot and doing my part

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>Has spent years pandering to Proud Boys in America.

>Suddenly has a problem with nationalists defending their own country.


Holy shit the mental gymnastics here.

>proud boys in America
You mean the 30 dudes that would car-pool trips to olympia/portland?

>wall of reddit spacing
Not reading your bullshit spic.

JUST LOOK AT WHO AGEES WITH YOUA literal leftypol memeflaggot

Kys, nigger. This one post has just seeded the idea that we should promote ourselves in spaces that are not our own while the getting is good and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it. Anons are going to see this and start psyoping normies and lefties on White identity and National Socialism. More of these threads will be made now by more qualified anons than me.

>Nazism is leftwing just like communism.

Theres alot of them, bud. Theyre international.

Yea, in YouTube comment sections, they're fans of Gavin. I met Tiny in Olympia, it's really not that big of a organization lmao. They're just bros, invited me for beer and a lot of minorities in their circle.

Unlike the Ukrainian nazis, NATSOC is a political/economic ideology. A kino army is a consequence of this political movement. Without the political head the SS jarheads are just cannon fodder just like in Ukraine now. The jew head's objective is the Russians slaughter the fighters. Never vote jew, never support jew business, the early life and education page is your friend

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I'm not a lefty.


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t. conservative

>Are we Left Wing? Right Wing?

Even as Commander Rockwell was saying many years ago, classifications of "left" and "right" were becoming then and certainly are by now obsolete and meaningless. To place this into perspective, by referring to left and right, one only expands the context of, whilst remaining at the same point as those extremely foolish ones who still think in terms of party politics, Democrat versus Republican, Labour versus Conservative. The point being is these terms are all equally SYSTEM terms because in reality at the core of each of their programs they all support the system and are part of it.

What has been missing up until now is a clean DIVIDING line, an actual BREAKING POINT, where all pretense of working within the system by its rules are dropped once and for all. In short, the complete break from time passed.


As has been said earlier in SIEGE, those who control the system by having ultimately succeeded in attaining total control over every aspect of society (government, media, business etc) have LOST control over the course of events through having done away with competent legitimate opposition that can conceivably step in and take over in an orderly manner as Hitler's NSDAP did in 1933.

An incredibly dangerous and explosive situation this is, for it is becoming clearer each day that those in control and their minions are losing the ability to hold the pieces together yet there is no relief, there are still no answers seen coming from any reputable direction. This of course spells total collapse, total anarchy, total destruction and it shall result in anyone babbling about conservative this or liberal that one day being rewarded with a bullet.

When the mess collapses the obvious will become clear: There is only ONE CORRECT WAY to go about handling elemental human problems, not by further compromise but through Universal 卐 Order.

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Is he conserving white genocide and transgenderism, miscegenation

Well, looking at the current state of the world conservatism doesn't seem that bad.

> There is simply no getting around the fact that Azov Battalion is a Neo-Nazi militia and is a point of contention in this conflict.
That works for a Jewish president.
You might say, that they are just useful idiots.

National Socialism?

You mean, Globalist Socialism? Didn't you get the memo? Neo nazis fight for globohomo, they always have. It was created to found Israel and help the jews. The jews need a good boogeyman and an excuse to scare jews to their ethnostate. The bonus is that when neo nazis come around, they always kill white people the most too, just like Hitler did and just like the neo nazis in Ukraine are doing, killing white Russians back in 2014.

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Meme flag is somewhat right, conservativism only has meaning in the US which was a kino white nation before but not for the other nations of the world

The Storm God:

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>left wing/right wing faggotry

Imagine being a neo nazi in 2022.

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Wieard I'm not demoralized.

I love Siege but when we promote ourselves to others we should definitely be on our best behavior and sound so reasonable that anyone who disagrees with us is made to look like a psychopathic tyrant. We need more Jared Taylor and less James Mason for now.

>Calls himself a Nazi
>Still believe in 2022 that Nazism is white nationalism
Americans are disgusting sub-humans who know nothing about the very ideology they claim to follow. I wish I could take each of you by the neck and twist.

I’d suggest personally pointing out the refusal of Israel to support sanctions on Russia
May normalize anti-semitism and the power of Judaism over the media to more and more people

>It's ok to support ukrainian nazis fighting russian nazis who are de-nazifying the ukraine
I don't know, this is the best slogan I could come up with.

Tu és judeu, comunista safada?