Any Forums‘s stance on the invasion and vaccines - strawpoll results

>Supporters (%)
>Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Ratio

Russian supporters:

Ukrainian supporters:


Whaddya think?

Attached: 7BB21097-E65E-4BA8-9391-44840DA56299.jpg (750x2067, 248.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Any Forums is made out of schizos and kremlin shills
tell me something I don't know

>tell me something I don't know
the best part of you slid down your mom's ass onto the motel bedspread. it still lives there with thousands of other samples. dormant, waiting...

>39% election tourists
what I would expect tbqh

Most republicans and democrats in congress support the Ukraine people. The same is true in real life most people logically can’t support a regime that starts fights and kills innocent people because it’s just insane

Attached: 82F04881-AAC9-4F0A-AFDA-B3E4A482FB94.png (720x734, 193.74K)

None of the above and I'm not vaccinated

>what did the leaft mean by this?
I was here when the war broke out and everyone was cheering Putin. If anything, the pro-ukie faggots are the tourists.

I'm shocked at how many people are unvaccinated. Almost everyone lives in countries where the vaccine has been widely available for a long time so it's probably almost 100% a matter of choice.

Lol vaush subreddit literally made threads organizing to raid here

>no link
this has to be a meme, right?

>I’m a special boy
if anybody cared I’d have added the option

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Whoever is vaccinated is not pol

Why because you saw some reddit screencap posted here? Igaf anyways what vaush believes, if you're just going to be a contrarian retard you're just as easily controlled by leftists as if you listened to everything they say, best to ignore their opinions entirely.

>Any Forums‘s stance
>pol is 300 bots, 39 cia/fsb/nsa agents, and 1 schizo
Cant say I'm surprised

>only 34% of old/pol/ remains
>the rest are glowniggers
It was good while it lasted, only a matter of time before this great board of high samizdat energy got cucked by CIAniggers and FSBniggers.

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Fuck you, nigger
wheres my vote?

come on, vaxxers have bigger hearts than that

Attached: 1234432.jpg (680x521, 46.18K)

All those retards who got the experimental vaccine for a made up pandemic must feel stupid now that the pandemic suddenly isn't a thing anymore because of war in the Ukraine.

based, dont let them occupy your brain. ignorance is bliss
empathy is gay

12.6% people here confirmed R*dditors

Currently the breakdown roughly shows that

among vaccinated
>2/5ths Russia
>2/5ths Ukraine
>1/5th Schizos

Among unvaccinated
>2/5ths Schizos
>2/5ths Russia
>1/5th Ukraine