Listen up, all you shills calling for WWIII...

Listen up, all you shills calling for WWIII. When it actually sinks in and the real war starts you won't be able to kick, scream , tattle-tale or call for help. The sight of human beings absolutely mangled by IEDs, rifle-fire, shrapnel will overload you, causing you to turn into a quivering shell of what was once a person. You can't just go home sleep it off in your comfy bed with your jammies and try again tomorrow after you catch up on some Netflix.

Most people literally have no fucking clue how horrible this will ACTUALLY play out in reality. They have been pumped so full of Marvel and Star Wars that they think "war" and "revolution" are like they are in video games and movies and TV shows. And it will be fun thing that will happen over 2 seasons of episodes.

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hahahahahah it will go horribly FOR YOUS
we are gonna be the next power and all the work we put into it was drinking caipirinha and eating bunda KEEK

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Don't care, still shilling for no-fly zone.

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you talk like woman, show boobs

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See pretty lady picture
Download pretty lady picture
Don't read

Sauce on mom tits?


I fucking love this trend.

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Fuck off Dimitri.

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I have seen human carnage that would make a trauma surgeon queasy and I feel nothing, but when I see a homeless cat struggling to survive my heart melts and I feel incredibly sad. Fuck I hate people.

Is there something worse than nuclear holocaust?

I agree user the shills pushing for ww3 are suicidal scumbags
I don’t want WW3
I want love and peace

That's nikita klæstrup, a Danish politicians.


I want WWIII so globohomo will fall. No, I won't fight for my country.

My body is ready.

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Dw Brazil for once in your life someone won't forget about your measly existence, I'll remind Xi to nuke you before we go

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I literally prey for war

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This. Literally the biggest reddit pussies on the planet are now shilling for world war while at the same time crying about war atrocities. At this point I have to assume that the majority of humans are brain-damaged.
I say, send those who cry for war straight to the front and let them lead the charge. If you want war and kill others to save imaginary lines drawn on a map go right ahead and lead by example.

but nikita is a male name

I kick cats professionally for a living.

>Let putin do whatever he wants.

No. Fuck your life.

Killing jews and other lazy homosexuals isn’t a war if normies aren’t retarded enough to defend them.

isn't brazil an active warzone?

Only cryptokikes and brainwashed normies want a war. Even if a world war breaks out im not fighting sorry lmao

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Mega based. Fuck OP.

I bet the guy who cut his hands won’t be drafted. Based paw faggot.

true, lots of these dumb niggers are going to get nuked

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She's got my vote

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Other than that, I can see a timeline where I shoot both enemies and friendly fire my platoon with the justified wrath of what the clown world did to me.

As long as the tittie woman visits me from time to time I'll be alright user

Dude. All that bad shit you describe is just another Saturday night in Baltimore and Detroit. Gore won’t effect Americans.

Embrace the Topol. Go for the light fren, the light will set you free

Humina humina

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Op thinks anyone cares and has a special place in this world.

Drop the nukes cunts.

lol whatever, you aren't a veteran, you don't know shit. My only concern is dying in a meat grinder for jews. I want to die fighting for freedom against a ZOG government instead; then I will sleep well knowing I only killed journalist, vaccine clinicians, politicians, and antifa.


It's happening weather you want it or not


See pretty lady picture
Hastily do image search to make sure it's not a man
Download pretty lady picture
Don't read

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Most people on Any Forums will have a better shot in a warzone than normalfag
Minus the obeses mutt like picrel

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Sounds good. Can't wait.

The Coomer of Kiev

Grug agree

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I hear there is no pause function in real battles - is this true user????

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Literally who cares? 99.9% of them are NPCs, and there isn't much left to live for in this dead world. I just wanna watch your owners losing control.