Offensive Realism is correct

russia is exerting their power because they can. they're going to enact regime change in ukraine and all /k/ can do is seethe about it. regardless of "right" or "wrong" all that exists on the global stage is states with conflicting goals and varying abilities to achieve them. there is no such thing as justice between countries, only winners and losers
you can say that the sanctions will crush them, and maybe you'll be right, but probably not. already the west has walked back on cutting ties with gazprom. BRICS ties are growing stronger in response as well. it might be unpleasant, but it won't unseat putin or destroy the country. the west doesn't dare send full armies against russia. there's nothing that can actually prevent russia from achieving their goals
while you were busy uncritically consuming ukroid propaganda the russian military was busy achieving objectives. when the war is over they will be +1 puppet regime and you will still be an anonymous autist with your dick in your hand. just a reminder
here's the map, since most of you tards are so partisan you don't dare acknowledge ukroid losses. odessa siege in

Attached: march2_cnmap.jpg (1460x1098, 483.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok loser, what does Russia actually get out of this horribly embarrassing war that isn't a massive insurgency and a united NATO? Natural gas it can't sell?


Hell of an essay Vatnik but I ain't reading it

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>all /k/ can do
Nice try. Coping no gun glownigger basedboys arent /k/

Ok Cheng

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puppet regime you illiterate faggot
>nato wasn't united against russia before this

So what does Russia get out of NATO in Finland and Sweden, remilitarized Germany, Nordstream 2 destruction

you may be right that russia wins blah blah who cares it's interesting to see all that hardware i thought looked so cool in a ragged state, some broken down and others blown to bits.

plus it's hilarious seeing the Russian's taking losses in ways they definitely should not be (why are TB2 still flying lol)

Honestly Italy, Germany and Hungary were really getting close to Russia and nagged the USA everytime they got told to stop doing it.

>russians resorted to commissioning hoi4 playing chinks to make fake maps

all offense intended: Ukraine is literally negative value for any puppet master

>So what does Russia get out of NATO in Finland and Sweden
Not happening. If Finland tries to join NATO, Russia would immediately ride its tanks to Helsinki.

>Nordstream 2 destruction

hahah. You are funny. Chances are that Ukraine will destroy its own pipelines leaving Nordstream 2 as the only remaining option.

At which point NATO would intervene anyway you dumb vatnik.

>puppet regime
To do what?
To be a permanent infinite money sink?
How much trade and soft power has Russia lost in order to gain resources it can't sell in the NATO-backed European Afghanistan?

What's with face, Vodka?

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If they can't invade a flat country that speaks its language and only started having a military eight years ago, how are they going to invade a forest surrounded by a swamp that's been preparing to resist a Russian invasion for 100 years?

do we have a kotel or not bros

VDV are already on their way sir

I have an idea

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NATO was going to crumble apart. No one thought the russians were a credible threat (and to be honest, they still aren't really), aside from the US none of the other members were meeting spending targets and partially as a result of these factors there was 100% serious interest from the last US president to pull out entirely.

Buffer state to protect it in case of nato invasion where russia finds itself without functional nuclear weapons that were built 50 years ago by non functional cia sabotaged computers and havent seen a lick of maintenance since.

BRICS died years ago you gay retard. Even if the Russians win, the disastrous consequences of this war will afflict Russia for years to come

10 trillion rubles couldn’t even convince the most brain washed Russian shill that they could pull of an amphibious landing

I doubt they'll join but both Finland could probably join NATO basically instantly. What would they need from a membership action plan anyway lol

People in NATO were thinking of appeasing the Russians in some way before this. After this, people are talking of doubling down against Russia. NATO smells blood now and they are going to squeeze Russia until it breaks.

you need to stop posting now user

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Finland and Sweden are about to join NATO, Germany is fucking rearming, and the entire western world has galvanized and united against Russia as if Earth were attacked by fucking aliens

but at least putin has a chance at making red border go bigger for 5-10 years max

That’s a nice picture of putin dipping his testicles into a blender user. top kek

fetal alcohol syndrome, many such cases

1) Russia's goal was a quick clean sweep over the entire Ukraine to achieve a regime change.
2) Russia obviously completely misjudged the hearts and minds of Ukrainians. Both when it comes to soviet era nostalgia and will to fight.
3) The two aforementioned points are why Russia failed completely in that regard. So my guess is at this point it has become math for them: As long as the fight in Ukraine is cheaper than the possible gains (higher GDP, sales of wheat etc.) it's still a net win for them.
4) That's probably one of the reasons they send so much old shit over there. It's just not as expensive if they lose it.
5) The main problem for the russians are five things: a) the very stiff resistance of the Ukrainians, b) the incredibly low morale of their own units, c) the massive logistical fuck ups, d) the massive tactical and strategical fuck ups, e) the unexpectedly overwhelming support in the west, especially when it comes to military hardware.

My guess: Russia envisioned a completely different operation. One where they would be welcomed as liberators by most Ukrainians. This detail alone would tell us a lot of things about the Russian higher-ups because such a degree of misjudgement shouldn't happen

CIA insurgency is coming, Nothing Putin puts their will hold because the Russians are too poor and will have to back out.

at least the indoor chicken farmer will be safe

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$0.01 wouldn't convince anyone of anything

So obviously time is running against Russia right now.
1) Every day this war costs russia around ten (10) billion Dollars. In 2020 their entire GDP was 1.483 Trillion. So right now on the eight day of combat they have lost 80 billion - roughly.
2) Every day this war becomes increasingly unpopular back home. Sure, they are arresting left and right. But it's obvious they cannot throw a third of their population into prison because these people are needed to work for the GDP.
3) The longer this shit goes on, the harder the sanctions will be felt. Right now it may only be millions of russians emptying their bank accounts. In two weeks? Who knows.

In my humble opinion we are not talking about a real and complete military victory. Russia may only try to gain as much ground as possible before they run out of money and the last bit of popular support.
And that's where math becomes a thing once again: The harder the Ukrainians fight, the more russians come home in a body bag, the faster Russia's time runs out.

>Natural gas it can't sell?

If you think Europe is about to get rid of its reliance on Russian gas you are out of your mind. Russia provides over 40% of all gas needs to the EU. This is impossible to change quickly. It will need years and decades to change all the infrastructure, build new nuclear power plants (an unpopular move), build new renewable plants, build new pipelines, build new lng terminals and ships (when the Asian market is much more important). On top of that, alternative source of gas and oil, such as Argelia, either have strong Russian links or are outright Russian allies.

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The Jew FEARS the indoor chicken farmer

Nuclear Power plants are back on the Menu if the alternative is buying gas from "literal fascists"

It takes an average of 10 years to build one. Don't get your hopes up.

Maybe Russia should have invaded before the Spring, so Europe would need heating.

Electrical heating is the future, anyways.

Hey just burn coal if you have to.

>alternative source of gas and oil
Good thing the EU has its number one ally. The Ukraine. The worlds 14th largest reserve of natural gas and oil

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Nuclear power plants take 20 years to build at current rates

Most of the Russian gas is not used for heating, but for industrial processes that desperately need it.

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>what does Russia actually get out of this
Honestly the only thing that COULD make some strategic sense is if the Ukrainian invasion is intended to deny EU it's food production.

This combined with no fertilizers from China and Russia could be an attempt to gain leverage by weakening EU's food security..

It would also explain why China was hording all the grain it could buy before the invasion.

Wow, making the EU more economically dependent on the US, Mexico and Canada, how horrible.

There food security is even worse than Europe

Funny enough, the US has been importing so much oil from Russia that Russia has jumped up to being its 4th largest trade partner.

Attached: INTERACTIVE-US-OIL-from-Russia.png (770x770, 89.4K)

>Ukraine cannot defend itself against a nuclear-armed Russia with conventional weapons

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>There food security is even worse than Europe
Russia and Ukraine becoming their bread basket might help with that.
I mean it's kinda clear that Russia will now become a vassal state for the Chinese anyhow.

you're not supposed to post that

Yes and thanks for making NATO relevant again when at this rate Russia could have waited for another 5 years for the US to disappear up it's own asshole and the EU to fragment.

Based retarded vatnik, The 2 ruble they pay per post to you is now only worth 1 ruble thanks to inflation. Hyperinflation will kick in in a few months when the money printing has to start to fund the war.

Even if Russia wins, every Russian loses. There is nothing to gain in Ukraine. Most of eastern Europe hates Russia and will continue to hate Russia.

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The biggest profiteer of this invasion are the US. If you claim to fight against US hegemony in the world and your effort is to invade some shithole country to turn over the entire Western world to the US camp then good job.

I think JJ will be rethinking his assessment of Russia as a great power. It has the mentality of a great power, with none of the capability.

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Finland will be the second most eastern NATO country after Turkey within a year.

>what does Russia actually get
Crash their economy and as result military power with no survivors.

>Nuclear powers cannot lose. At best Russia ends up spending more than they expected to take a bunch of Ukrainian land as a buffer against NATO and buffet of resources. At worst we all get nuked.

Dumbfuck, Russia is just a piece of land. What matters is what happens to Russians, Putin is a fucking dumb monkey his regime and government interests matters not. He and his cronies will live like kings till they die.

Most Russians will suffer huge financial pain as result of this war. Thier living standards will drop. Russia will become pariah in the international community like Iran. A nuclear armed shithole.

Ya Putin showing how scared he is of NATO and bullying everyone who hasn’t joined definitely won’t make them want to join.
Being part of NATO hasn’t been this desirable since iron curtain. He only increased its expansion.

>Natural gas it can't sell?
He said as everyone is still buying Russian oil and natural gas.

>russia is exerting their power because they can. they're going to enact regime change in ukraine and all /k/ can do is seethe about it. regardless of "right" or "wrong" all that exists on the global stage is states with conflicting goals and varying abilities to achieve them. there is no such thing as justice between countries, only winners and losers
.....Did you think you stumbled upon some sort of secret only an enlightened few know?

I don't think you understand; whatever happens to Ukraine in the end, Russia is never going to be considered credible or a threat to anything that actually matters for a century at least. The /k/ube cares not from whom the blood flows, only that it does. Russia has proven itself inept, incompetent, fraudulent, and an unaware self-parody.

The reason /k/ loves this so much is that you vatnik shills have been, unequivocally and irrevocably, btfo'd.

Only to get abandoned, stolen by locals, ATGM'd, then the VDV will land in freezing water entirely unsupported, and will do so at least once a day.

I mean this war proves Russia can still win wars through zerg rush and sheer numbers of trash to throw at the enemy. It's nothing new but it's still a large factor. Most Euro armies are small and will remain so.

Russia just showed everyone it’s ass and it turns out it’s just the new best Korea

Please stop with the VDV memes I can't stop laughing

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It's going to become a starving prison-state? Well, is it not already?

>Russia hasn't lost a single vehicle that doesn't actually exist
12-14 Armatas exist, at most, and the only time anyone's actually seen one, it broke down. Let me try this:
>The Somalian Gen 5 Assbandit still hasn't been shot down, best jet in the world
Meanwhile Russia has, confirmed, lost T-90s, the best thing they can actually deploy. Russia will never, ever recover its image. I can only imagine that at this point you paid shills are getting paid in crypto instead of rubles.

You have to consider what it has to use this tactic against. It's using it against Ukraine, a country that has for 8 years been unable to defeat rebels within its own borders. Meanwhile Russia had years of time to prepare from within the safety of its own borders, a massive economic and materiel advantage, the knowledge it had the ability to strike and not be struck, and fresh units led by "volunteer" veterans from the Ukrainian civil war. And it's STILL fucking it up. I still firmly believe this is more of a winter war situation, where the Russians will eventually dominate and force the opposition to concede. But they'll still look so bad doing it that it might as well have been a defeat for as much as the perception matters.

>win wars
No. They showed everyone they can barley win a war. They have no sea power and can’t even gain air superiority. They showed they can only win by shoving tanks down down a countries throat they luckily land-lock on 3 sides.
Thank god they don’t have mountains in eastern Ukraine.

any funny new vdv ops happen lately?

all of them died yesterday

NATO wouldn’t intervene directly for a non-member. The process of joining takes years, as we see with the Ukraine

>Russia still hasn't lost a single Armata or SU-57
Because they can't afford to deploy even one of the fucking things. Come back when they finally let it out into combat conditions.


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The US imports crude from Russia and exports refined petroleum products. The net export of refined products is larger than the balance of imported crude (US also exports refined products from domestic production). The US started refining Russian crude after sanctioning Venezula by the way.


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>get dropped on random airfield only the company commander knows the location of
>no ground support arrives, pre-de-nazified counterattack mauls your lightly equipped comrades within hours
>only survivor amidst the charred, Molotov'd remains of your brothers in arms
>captured alive by russophobic globohomo Jewish fascists who take photos of you to use as social media propaganda, your facial features disfigured by fetal alcohol syndrome visible for all of /k/ to laugh at
>Ukies graciously allow POWs to be released if their mothers come to the border to pick them up
>mamushka, high on krokodil, drags you by the ear across the Chernobyl exclusion zone to an irradiated Belarusian marsh
>babushka who heroically survived the siege of Leningrad by eating her three younger siblings has come to see this humiliation, calling you the son of a drunk HIV-infected whore
>VDV colonel comes to pick you up in a horse carriage and assigns you to the newly created 1021st Special Guards Anti-Fascist Liberation Desantniki Battalion with other straggler paratroopers
>"You ready for another drop, soldat?"

Attached: I shall dance you the dance of my people.gif (200x225, 619.08K)

>What is refurbishing previously shut down plants

If NATO applies they'll be given article 5 protection from the moment they apply until decision whether they're allowed in or not. This has been in talks for years, NATO and Finland aren't so stupid and naive about Russia invading immediately.


>puppet regime you illiterate faggot

How do you think that's going to go when the Russians have to walk out of surrender negotiations with hand grenades to keep themselves from getting hung from a street lamp by civilians right in front of a fucking BTR?

This entire event is a colossal strategic mistake for Russia. Not only have they sunk their own position to being a pariah state that's going to have to occupy Ukraine for the next decade, they've completely galvanized NATO and the EU.

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Are you fucking kidding me? Russia would lose pitched division-level battles to Finland, and its supplies would cease to exist on the first day and till the end of the war/insurgency (which will be a catastrophic defeat, same as in Ukraine).

>puppet regime
That puppet regime will be much weaker than US-made Kabul government. And cost Russia x10 casualties due to how much more powerful the Ukrainian insurgency will be compared to anything in recent memory.

>and all /k/ can do is seethe about it
As if the real /k/ actually cares about who wins the war.

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There's no grenades there bro.

You are right. None of /k/ coping will matter once Ukraine is partitioned and another land-lock state the size of Hungary will become a demilitarized zone on western Ukraine will become a forever burden for EU countries.

So what do you think he's holding? Why do you think the people in the video are yelling about grenades?

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>No Imperial Star Destroyers lost
>No X-Wings lost
>No Babylons lost
>No Imperium of Man Navy Grand Cruiser lost
>No Thundercougarfalconbird lost
>No Ratte lost
>No Maus lost
>No F-97s lost
>No M1A5 lost
>No F-19 lost
>No Aluminum Falcon lost
This is what you're doing and it's so transparent as to convince no one. It just makes us laugh at you harder.

Even if they deploy those and Ukraine fails to deal with them, do you think real military powers are going to cower in fear from that? Neither the US nor China would be too troubled.

Regarding the process of Finland joining NATO, there was an article few days ago about different possible scenarios on what might happen if Finland applies for NATO membership. Analysis done by a risk management expert.

>1. straightforward decision to join NATO - Russia will react by invading with the goal of denying Finland its independence, but also to challenge NATO. This scenario is evaluated to be unlikely because of NATO's military power and FDF being a legitimate deterrent.
>2. Finland does not apply for a NATO membership - Russia attacks regardless with the goal of denying Finland its independence and possibility of applying for NATO later. This scenario is listed as likely and that likelihood will grow even further if Sweden decides to join NATO.
>3. No decision to join NATO as the discussion around it becomes prolonged (no consensus is reached and talks continue, a referendum that can be influenced by a foreign hybrid operation is held etc.) - Russia will attack with the same goal as in scenario 2. FDF becomes the only deterrent and the likelihood of this scenario grows the longer a public discussion about NATO continues.
>Particularly scenario 3 should be avoided and the decision about joining NATO should be done quickly and firmly and outside public.

Scenario 1 seems to have been done with the assumption that Finland gets fast track -treatment and article 5 protection from the moment they apply, which sounds realistic and reasonable because applying for NATO would be impossible without it.

lmao Russian oil is still being sold, today, and an inflated price
>what does it gain
look at a map leddit nigger
>muh insurrection

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>lmao Russian oil is still being sold, today, and an inflated price
more money to the pockets of jewish oligarchs. This doesn't help the average Russian one bit

>immediately appeal to emotion

Sweden will never join NATO unless Finland does as well

the map is unrealistic because it implies that russia "holds" the areas in red; which they don't. For instance, the area E/NE of Kyiv is essentially a pocket of Russians. Sure, Ukraine might be unable and/or unwilling to attack them, but simply driving along a highway doesn't necessarily mean that you hold the area around you.

Seems so, Sweden's social democrats don't want to give up the identity tied to being neutral. Can't blame them, Sweden is geographically protected while Finland has over 1000 km long border so we need to take the initiative in decision making.

>horribly embarrassing war
Imagine actually buying into literal CIA twitter psyop, lol.

And how this puppet regime is going to last? A year before Ukrainians rebel AGAIN? Russia has lost long-term. NATO is not going to let this one go.

>it can’t sell

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China pays garbage prices for natural gas compared to Europe and that pipeline won't finish for a decade.

>Russia is of peaceful influence please do not join the NATO

oy vey

I don't think you know just how big this fuck up is user, now no one will want to have anything to do with russia in at least a decade, and that if they don't do more warcrimes, wich is unlikely.
Also from a Strong stance, to a pitiful one, people is watching russian conscripts cry, gypsies stealing last geneartion SAM carriers and the face of white kids crying, no one gives a shit about some third worlder region getting bombed to oblivion, but when it could be your kids?

I don’t think Russia plans to hold western Ukraine, or install a pro Russian government for the reason you stated.
I think the aim is to fully submit Kiev into recognising LPR/DPR as independent from Ukraine

Europe’s sure gonna flourish under overpriced yank gas

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It will, because all the morons in Europe will realize they need to focus on nuclear, instead of the shitty wind turbines that do nothing.

Neither are inbred closetgay magalards with diabetes. Do leave at your earliest convenience.

Was exposing their military as dog shit cannon fodder part of this plan?


>NATO is of peaceful influence please do not ally Russia
>Republika Srpska
Eat shit, subhuman NATO maggot.

Lol no
China’s gonna be buffed by cheap gas while America’s only real ally, is going to be bogged down by their overpriced shite.
This is a long term loss for NATO.

How did that work out for Ukraine, Georgia? Russia destroyed the status quo of Finland and Sweden being neutral because it is no longer viable for them as Russia isn't a trustworthy neighbor.

*sigh* I'll warm 'er up, Sir.

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People are non-thinking, only acting on emotions. Like women.

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Putin also understimated NATO. He didn't expect them to be this galvanized against him, fell for the "Biden is weak" meme and thought they won't do anything, because they will be to divided to help. And to be fair, he almost succeeded with Germany, who tried to weasel themselves out of obligations, but I guess one stern phonecall from Uncle Joe knocked some sense into them.
And then it turns out NATO is already in Ukraine, their intelligence is way ahead of him, and they are doing everything they can to help Ukraine, short of officially entering the actual physical confrontation.

>If you think Europe is about to get rid of its reliance on Russian gas
They did, swiftly and without remorse. You're bargaining about things that already happened.

>they cant sell it
>nooooo that second pipeline to China won't finish for a decade.
kek way to move you goalpost faggot

Either way that isnt (((America))) who has to bribe 20 fake interest groups larping as environmental activists. They built the last one in 6 years given approval and had no reason to rush things.

Eitehr way everyone is still buying Russian oil and gas not just China.

They haven't. Energy is one of the areas where the EU and the US are very careful to sanction.

This barrage of stupidity warranted a screen capture, in that lego brain of yours.

>They haven't.
Go educate yourself on the current situation, I'm not your handler.

Nobody wants to invade Russia. We just want you monkeys to stay in your cage and stop throwing shit at your neighbors.

What about all the Ukrainian civilians who’ve had their bank accounts frozen to stop them leaving the country, and then dragged from their homes and conscripted

They have alternatives. The only reason why Germany for instance was so hooped up on Russian gas was because it was a cheaper and easier solution. Worst case scenario, they can always go back to atom. On the other hand, Poland has been working for years now to be 100% independent from Russian resources.

You first. Provide source. Sanctions against the energy have been considered and dismissed due the obvious backfire that would result in European and American economies.

Maybe you should try to stop shilling a globohomo infested puppet like ukraine, fag

It will take years to build these "alternatives". Like it or not, you have no alternatives now.

They are victims of their corrupt oligarchic overlords. Victims of the USA, really. Just another pawn to be played in their dominance of the world.
All Ukrainians should surrender as quick as possible.

And Europe has those years, fret not. They have plenty of alternatives before they find some more long-term solution. The gas from Russia wasn't the only way. It was only the most convienient way.

You mean that thing that never happened? I'm gonna go with it never happened.

please, please, please do that vadim.

Keep it up Russkie friends, and Finland will join NATO out of sheer spite.

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Moldova next?

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Why do you think comfortable westernized europeans are going to engage in an insurgency? If nothing else, Ukraine is flat as a board, where will you hide and attack from?

I think installing some puppet regime like with Yanukovych was one of Russia's goals, and then hope for the best. Funnily enough, Yanu is ready and eager to become the next president of Ukraine.
But at this point, even someone as detached as Putin needs to understand that this plan has no legs. So I guess, he's going for some plan B.

Oil tops $119 per barrel as wheat prices surge to 14-year high, lads!

Attached: Oil.jpg (300x168, 5.64K)

Keep your head in the sand dude

>hourly Vatnik cope thread

Nah, not even gonna read it this time

I can’t see that working at all though? LPR/DPR are almost certainly going to Russia, so Ukraine now has no majority pro Russian states. What gain would putin have managing an openly hostile populace

At this point? Out of spite. Russia has shown its soft belly. NATO is not going to let Russia have the final say.

>laughs in Irish

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The Russian shilling on here and on Any Forums is fucking out of control. Either that or more of you are incredibly fucking retarded and fell for Kremlin shilling than I thought. But I'm leaning more towards edgy contrarians that always need to support some kind of asshole because it makes them feel like they're sticking it to leftists or some stupid shit.

>people who don’t agree with me are shills

> Vietnamese rice farmers and Iraqi goat herders could fight the US to a standstill
> but Ukranian wheat farmers are too "comfortable"

Because he wants to keep Ukraine away from NATO, that's that. He wants to "expand his area of influence" and dab on NATO. So far, NATO has dabbed on him.
The funniest thing about all of this is that no sane country actually *wants* to be in the Russian sphere of influence, because Russia is such a fucking sperg. I can almost assure that if it wasn't for the communist fossil Lukashenko and the Russian tanks stationing there, even Belarus would join NATO to protect itself from Putin in a heartbeat.

There is no good argument in favor of Russian invasion. It's always the same 3-5 parroted talking points that are easily ripped apart. So yeah, shills or complete retards.

I mean, if Big P really thought he was going to take the country in a week and get a nice Short Victorious War I could see it at least inflating his e-penis?

But now that that's off the table I just don't see any way this works out emotionally OR realpolitikally for Russia.

Pretty much. Putin thought "Eh, America didn't stomp my balls with Crimea or Georgia. Surely Ukraine will go the same way", and it didn't.

>Because he wants to keep Ukraine away from NATO
To what aim? To keep nato off his border?
Well he’ll have a new one with poland?

Holding Ukraine will be incredibly costly, I think his aim to to take DPRLPR

>>Republika Srpska
The Serbs started it
>the rest
No NATO involvement whatsoever you dumb vatnigger

Now he's going to talk about the CIA coup, lol.

>To what aim? To keep nato off his border?
Pretty much. It's "my dick is bigger than yours and you will respect me" thing. I know it's an extremaly petty reason to start a war, but we are talking about Russia here. Turns out, no, his dick isn't big enough to warrant respect.

Seriously, buffer from what, WW2 style tank attack lines? They've already proven themselves how bad land invasions go without gulf war-style 40 days of preparatory air strikes.

Yeah there are what like 10 airframes of the SU-57 and 14 Armatas. There are only 4 SU-57s that aren't test prototypes and 14 Armatas that don't even have working powerplants. It's hard to shoot down planes that don't fly and tanks that don't roll.

>Politics is the mechanism to constantly give deranged Russian faggot whatever he wants while giving him repriments he wipes his ass off with
No faggot. Russia has shown many times that they're not worth engaging in politics or diplomacy with. They're essentially North Korea, just richer and bigger.

Well, IMO at this point, I think Putin is very aware he might go out like Beria in 1953. Here's to hoping.
Why do you think he's keeping his distance from his generals and advisors? Hint: it's not because of COVID.

Gas fields ukraine didnt have the money to exploit

Transnistria, they already control it.

Keep making shit up, you'll get some idiot some day.

>And then it turns out NATO is already in Ukraine
He has to have seen that one coming, did he just assume that the Ukranians having near perfect situational awareness was not going to hinder operations?

It's cuz he's a cheeky monkey.

A puppet regime in Kiev will be overthrown the moment Russian troops leave (like it was the previous two times). So if they tried that, it would either be an indefinite occupation of all of Ukraine, in which case they would have to deal with a guerilla insurgency with NATO weapons continually bleeding Russia of men and money. So realistically, I doubt thats their plan, the most they will try to take is the Russian speaking east but even there there will still be resistance going into the future. I think these will be Russia’s demands
>recognition of Crimea as Russian territory and the independence of the donbass republics
>guarantee to never join nato or allow their weapons on Ukrainian soil
>castrate the ukrainian military
>disband azov and other nationalist groups

>He has to have seen that one coming
This entire conflict has been Russians tripping on their own feet, and you expect them to have good intelligence? If anything, Russians having piss-poor recon and logistics is tale as old as time. Putin expected to catch NATO with their pants down, but in the end, the opposite happened.

>1) Russia's goal was a quick clean sweep over the entire Ukraine to achieve a regime change.

It took America and Britain longer to overrun a smaller and weaker country

They need to hit Zelensky. Like him or not, he's been rallying Ukrainians and keeping them together, and most of them still see him positively. NATO intelligence made this a point during the first couple of days, that he was Russia's #1 target. With him still alive anywhere in Ukraine, they simply can't instate a puppet dictator.

ah yes, creating a martyr will solve things

Glowie cope. Nobody is buying your bullshit anymore, maggot.

>So if they tried that, it would either be an indefinite occupation of all of Ukraine
Putin really doesn't have time and money for it, he will probably install a puppet president and withdraw as quickly as possible. I still truly believe that his initial goal *was* to do that, because he had such an easy time in 2014, but he severely underestimated his enemies and overestimated the competence of his army. The fact that the entire northern Russian flank is a complete shitshow or that the Russians STILL can't hold air superiority after almost a week says that either someone in the commanding brass is retarded or Putin is some unconventional strategic mastermind that haha was only pretending to be retarded.

It'll damage their morale quite a bit.

Yeah. I have a feeling Zelensky is being guarded 24/7 by a NATO- provisioned crack commando units, I mean, unaligned mercenaries. And the Ukrainian/NATO intel is five steps ahead of Russian one.

Countries are known for surrendering when their democratically elected leaders are assassinated by authoritarian invaders

No, it will piss them off even more. That's how slavs roll. And openly killing a head of a sovereign nation (who gave a speech at UN, mind you) will make wonders to convince the West to stop antagonizing Russia, I am sure of that.

Yeah 2 more days till they take Kiev right user?

If you were going to kill Zelensky the moment was before the invasion. Now he's kinda like a Ukrainian Churchill. Killing him will only make things worse.
The best thing to do if they capture him is just disappear him, and then spread rumours he actually did run away to the west.

That's a FAMAS

because they're not comfortable anymore retard and have seen their streets and people shelled senselessly in a completely pointless war, and ultimately seen what Russia's brainwashing can achieve in the men invading them

Wake up, NATO faggot, your beloved hohols lost access to Azov sea, Kherson and are getting encircled in the east in what looks like the largest cauldron since the fucking Stalingrad. Reposting twitter psyop memes on Any Forums/k/ won't alter this, clown.

Finn here
The rethoric around joining NATO has been no, because we think diplomacy will suffice. But Russia's actions with Ukraine has showed that we can't trust Putin.
Popular opinion has shifted from around 40-60 against NATO to probably over 50 yes


>But Russia's actions with Ukraine has showed that we can't trust Putin.
Was there a time where you could actually trust Putin? Eastern Europe hasn't rusted him since the Kursk submarine incident.


Apparently our boys in glowing paint have been training up a couple of platoons of Ukrainian Spec Ops in the western style, that's probably what they're doing right now

>have been training up a couple of platoons of Ukrainian Spec Ops in the western style,
A couple? Dude, the entire Ukrainian army is using NATO tactics. NATO has been secretly training them since 2014, it seems and it shows.

people have the natural right to defend themselves, simple as

Prepare backup boards.

Feds are now starting to force US and EU ISPs to block chans and chats where people post footage of the real situation in Ukraine rather than the NATO MSM narrative. Several IP ranges affected already.

Non NATO aligned Twitter and YouTube channels are getting blocked and age restricted and require logins to unblock footage.

Prepare backup boards.

Attached: durr.jpg (225x225, 9.95K)

Secure the Volgograd gap

yeah but I'm talking the real deal high speed operator shit, there's a group like 70 Ukranians out there rolling around with the training and gear of an SAS platoon and I want to know what they are doing

Wait if the Russians are winning why is the map showing losses wrt yesterday?

>or I will personally suck your dick
Better get some water and pop rocks ready

Prolly not. We do look kinda foolish for believing in the possibility of diplomacy with Putin huh

Take a look at this dude

We know Ukraine won't win military (unless Russia is a total carnival and this goes on for enough time for Russia's money and mil resources to run out)

But this has shown how weak the Russian army is. And this will ruin rus eco

>But EU will buy rus gas and oil

For a while and only little and at great great discount. Yes, it will hurt our economy and standard of life a little. We are more than willing to do that

>they never learn
Truly manlet mentality kek.

Retired Turkish Rear Admiral Cem Gyurdeniz:

● Russia is no longer afraid to use force when drawing its geopolitical red lines. All this leads to the fact that the Atlantic System, which is a union of trading states, is declining in the face of the Asia-Pacific systems, which are a system of security states.

I'm not saying that a multipolar world system is being created, it has already been created.

● Time offers Turkey huge opportunities right now. One thing I have been advocating all this time is that it is not beneficial for Turkey to be in a regressive Atlantic system.

● Turkey has a geography and elements of national power that can best implement the model of neutrality, which we call the Finnish model.

During this period of the changing pendulum, Turkey should apply the Finnish model as an equal partner with the Asia-Pacific powers and the Euro-Atlantic powers and begin a new geopolitical era as a balancing factor.

● The promise that brought Zelensky to power is to make Ukraine a member of the EU and NATO. In this case, does this not mean ignoring the democratic demands of the Ukrainian people to take into account Russia's security considerations, namely the requirement that Ukraine not be a member of NATO?

Did the Cuban people not have the right to place Russian missiles in Cuba for their own security in 1962? Wasn't that their democratic right?

● However, US President John F. Kennedy What did Kennedy say? "I will stop all ships transporting and protecting these missiles to Cuba." This was also the US red line. What happened?

● A compromise has been reached. Countries always respect each other's red lines. The Jupiter missiles were withdrawn from Turkey, and in return the Soviets recalled the ships bound for Cuba.

A similar compromise could be reached today. Will a civilized country be drawn into a war just because Ukraine has joined NATO?

>>nato wasn't united against russia before this
Certainly not the way they are now.

The current battle map.

Attached: 1646313352069[1].webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

your delusions aside, are you russian or you really that much of a cuck for strongman BVLLS? do you have fantasies of being in a position of power? is that why you shill for vatniks and drink their cool aid?

True. By trying to weaken NATO, Putin made it infinately stronger. He probably shouldn't be shittalking Macron, Biden and like 90% of European leaders, because now they have a personal beef with him.

Brainlet take

No counterargument or proooofs
Classic vatnigger

nobody gives a fuck about russia
why in the name of fuck would west want to invade russia? for what purpose? to what end?
you are just regurgitating shit meant for internal russian purpose
>oh no nato is coming closer to russia borders
>so lets just move russia borders closer to nato
fucking 4d chess move

There’s a war on. Puppy guarding a potential martyr who’s more likely to die to artillery than assassins isn’t worth it when you could be attacking that 65km traffic jam in the middle of the night.

/k/ is such a shit board filled with ameriboomers