14 years undergraduate here

Got in university in 2008, when I was 18. 14 years later and I still haven't gotten the degree due to multiple reasons(break up with gf, trouble with the law, being a poorfag, too lazy to study). Out of 40 exams required to get the degree I have passed 7 so far. 33 remaining. Is it still possible to do this at age 32? I feel my brain has closed and when I open the books to study they all seem like Chinese to me. Worst part is I've been getting multiple threats from the rector to evacuate my room in the dorm and get the fuck out cause I've passed the limit allowed to stay for 11 years. They threatened to call the cops every year for the past 3 years but so far I've went to leftist parties and had them block the process. Any ideas what to do with my life right now? My parents think I only have 2 exams left to get the degree(I lied).

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I'm in a similiar situation but since I know how to code I got a job as a software dev and just started working without a degree.

just move to ukraine and fight your way up to general proper greek warrior culture

How can you even afford this? What a retard.

Just two more exams!

>stay in uni dorm for 14 years for free
>eat food from the uni restaurant for free(after the 6th year my card expired so I always take it and refuse to pay, good relations with the staff there help)
>tell my parents every year that this is going to be the last
>next year comes
>this is gonna be the last I promise
>voila, 14 years undergraduate

32? sneak into Germany and work as a bartender

at least you are in universty. im fucking 24 year old healthworker, trying to get into computer sci and been rejected twice, it feels like shit :(

Jesus, just do a coding bootcamp you loser

28 year old phd gradaute here
in your late 20s and 30s you will experience a loss of creativity that you have to compensate with a gain of experience

it is not impossible but it will get continuously harder to graduate
i wish you all the best

kek, I literally have just two more exams. has been the case for years already.

shitty b8

>Out of 40 exams required to get the degree I have passed 7 so far
So you barely did anything. What are you even studying, might not be worth it.

>stay in uni dorm for 14 years for free
>>eat food from the uni restaurant for free(after the 6th year my card expired so I always take it and refuse to pay, good relations with the staff there help)
>>tell my parents every year that this is going to be the last
>>next year comes
>>this is gonna be the last I promise
>>voila, 14 years undergraduate
You have no goals and no prospects, the only thing you are interested in studying is ways to game the system. Your parents know you are a wastrel, you don't go home because then you'd have to grow up. You are proud to be a drain on society. You do you.

How is Germany for working as a dev without a degree?
I fell for the drop out of Comp Sci meme and now I am working as a jr dev in Spain.
Will not having a degree fuck my ass as much as people with the meme paper say?

just stop user, learn something you can do without degree like coding, plumbing, electrician cook, or whatever you

Stop smoking weed

>the only thing you are interested in studying is ways to game the system
I learned my lesson. The system doesnt care if you are smart or creative it only cares if you can game it without getting caught. Ill probably hire someone else to take the exams for me and give him my car in return. it is the only way

you probably done the same exams for 14 years, how the fk do u fail lol.

You don't need much creativity for undergraduate degrees, only discipline.
I miss 4 exams for my physics degree, it's a grind.

Go learn a trade degrees a player out. I suggest plumbing, electrician or LPN.

I was similar to you, but decided to study really hard to finish all my stuff in the last 2 years. I know many bright people who didn't study enough though and dropped out.

If you just finished 7/40 exams then it's time to drop out user. Unless you can think of other ways and be honest with yourself whether you can finish the remaining courses in time.

I'd suggest you though to get an internship while you're still a student. It should be easy. Go ask other students or your career department. Go to cafes and see if someone knows someone who knows someone where you could do an internship. And then if you like the company and they like you then apply for a permanent position. Dress well, be hygienic, social, friendly and responsible and you'll be fine. Get a haircut and pay for some professional photographer to take a picture and someone to help you do your CV.

Good luck user. Your family will still love you even if you didn't graduate. You can still find happiness.

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Drop out of college for 2-3 years, stop the carbs, moderate protein, heavy fats (no seed oils), no processed crap, do some daily exercise.

Literally all you need to do. Then go back to study. Worked for me. I started studying seriously when I was 30.

zero connections with classmates and the environment for 8 years. also i cheated on the exams to enter uni.

Germans literally paid for your existence, insane

>break up
>too lazy
not an excuse kill yourself

Wtf is wrong with you?

Also stop masturbating (or limit it to once or twice a week) and stop playing vidya / watching anime. Dopamine overload is probably one of your biggest problems.

>thank you for your application, i-
>i see you started university...
>20 years ago
>thank you for your time but unfortunately we will not be continuing the interview

35 yr old lawyer. Started university in 2005, dropped out in 2006. Tried to go back a couple of times with little success. Eventually got my shit together in 2016, went back and finished in 2 years. Graduated law school last year. Practicing law this year.
user, you would not believe how far I've come.

Greek flag lazy user making excuses...
KYS user

Surprisingly wholesome answers, I expected a shitstorm against OP, even considering the easy jokes about his flag.

Need 3 years of experience you can prove to apply without a degree.

I wish him shit all over his face.

Just collect your government’s free money and do crime on the side. Then smoke weed, masturbate, video games, Any Forums, all day everyday

Cut him some slack. He had a breakup with his gf and is a poorfag. Obviously it's tough as shit to focus on studies when he likely needed therapy or something to get his life back on track. Im pretty sure OP got fucked hard from the breakup and was just laying down and rotting all day like so many young men do, after a breakup especially.

Your shitty ass so called university doesnt even check your pass.

Now this is the Any Forums I know!

That's a good opportunity to fuck younger bitches.

>also i cheated on the exams to enter uni.
Go fuck yourself then.

If you had to pay tuition you might not be such a lazy sack of shit

You own a company. You're hiring employees. A guy walks in whose resume shows he attended school for 20 years. Would you really "cut him some slack"?

Fuck outta here

mask + hat + pic from 14 years ago, how will they be able to tell it isnt me?

Holy fck, stop going, stop delaying your life, stop lying. Not having a college degree is not a big deal no matter what any oblivious Normie days.

The OP is a total faggot and drinks gallons of semen everyday. I automatically feel sorry for his ex gf for wasting her precious years with this deadbeat loser.

OP take my advice - shut the fuck up - stop being lazy bitch - go labour as uber driver or welder

Does he want to work as night watchman?


College was a mistake. So many cases of losers way above their heads. McDonald's tier people going to uni.... wonder how much student debt will be wiped from ww3

The faggot is a brainlet. He had to cheat to get in. Please.

You're a dopamine riddled retard and will never get over yourself. Might was well drop out already and stop wasting your parents' money

user I don't understand. Just gtfo and get working, make soke money... Why the fuck are you still there if you clearly don't want to study that shit?
No shame in being without a degree

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This. I flat out told my parents I'm dropping out because the only way I'd be motivated is to pay for it myself.

I stopped after 5 years because of the debt jew. Now I make about 98k no degree. kek. Office job chillin the most. Just get some entry level shit and work up. Politic and don't be totally retarded and it's easy.

You can do whatever you want, unless yourself gets in the way. No, nothing happen when you reach 30. Cognitive decline won't set it until early 50s. Unless you are addicted to shit food and live an artificial live.
Listen to me, at 26 years old I was without high school degree. Now I am 30 and I have a bachelor. I managed to obtain it because I ceased to listen to anybody and especially my brain. What you want, you can get it but you have to form an objective in your mind.

ffs give it up. University is not for you. You speak English, go work in a resort and fuck tourist girls.

If he proves to be useful why not? Resumees can be full of pretentious shit and still worth nothing because there's plenty of retarded with degrees

>t. never been in love

That's why I'm saying he should do an internship where he can price himself useful and once he gets his foot in the door he can still get a permanent position. The shit OP described can be a good reason to tell employers about so they understand why he took so long to study.

>University of the People
Retarded peer graded

You make this thread every month, please stop greekfag. Find fulfillment elsewhere

Dude you’ve barely passed year one. Time to drop this and pursue a skilled trade. You’ll probably make your money back in an instant. Find a wife too, have kids, and your life will be a million times better. Do it user.

I've never experienced the creativity drop. 32 yo startup founder here. Its just been getting better and better for me, but maybe the existential struggle of bootstrapping a company for nearly 2 years until I finally raised a funding round was enough to kick things into gear.

Academically, I have a civil engineering BS and geotechnical MS from ivy league schools, but that feels like ages ago at this point.

Idk how people here just waste their lives doing nothing. I'd an hero in that situation

Fuck that guy. Im starting to not believe his shit story. In fact in The Netherlands you need to garner a number of points in the first year to even stay in university.

For me it‘s my masters degree I am 28

This. Some of us just need to be honest and accept food service or retail is what we'll be doing our entire lives. There's no shame in it, you're literally as essential as healthcare. You'll have food, a car and an apartment, and that's enough.

>in your late 20s and 30s you will experienc

Yeah if you become a fat stagnant goyim and loss your energy sure. Keep your health right and you cann keep actively doing shit into your 40s and 50s

Happy with the law choice?
I had aspirations in grade school and college to become a lawyer, but it seems just so Jewish and 'on the spot'

> gf
Difficult task for me
> college
piss easy. It isn't anywhere near as difficult as it used to be in the early days. You had to work for a bachelor's degree, and face difficult exams. Now that they have to cater to the lowest common denominator, it's diluted to all hell.

You give me hope bro. Working on my Bachelor's at the moment. Late 20s.

For me it's the McChicken etc

>Im starting to not believe his shit story
It sounds like weak bait desu

not sure in your country but in America the degree is not needed if you are good. I have a bs in software engineering and I’m 6 credit hours away from a masters now but I have friends who dropped out and made more than me (I make 170k but I live in texas not Silicon Valley / Seattle). but you have to be good and quite frankly a ton of you are not good and will be trapped making react websites forever and I have no sympathy for you if so

What the fuck is your major that you stayed for 14 years??

Dont let age bother you, it really depends on what you want to do. If you want to continue studying then you have to find a way to motivate yourself.

I’m in the midst of nofap and no video games in order to deprive my brain of dopamine so that I can study and succeed in my college classes. I need to hear this, thanks user

It's Greece. Being sedentary from birth and gaming the system is their whole culture.

>break up with gf, trouble with the law, being a poorfag, too lazy to study
usually it's a woman always putting the root cause at the end and pretending it's an external problem. greeks really are effeminate these days, huh?

If true you are absolutely worthless as a human. You couldn't even come up with a way to cheat through 4 years of nonsense material in 11 years.
You actually wasted 11 years of your life for a piece of paper who's value is only what you payed for it.
>Literally used bunker trannies to maintain neet status
I needed a good laugh this morning. The fact that someone so inept and useless hasn't even grown enough balls to kill themselves is a perfect example of the world as is.

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what OP's studying by the way? and why he never changed if he felt it was not his thing?