Dear God, Please let Russia win and kill all the globohomo shills

Dear God, Please let Russia win and kill all the globohomo shills


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you'll do it, sooner or later.

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Go hug a nigger

I come to you all today to present a sermon. We are gathered in peace and hatred for those which know not. Those which do not. Those who should not. But as we look up ourselves, we see those who can and will be. Be. To be free of all the shackles of the contemporary world. To be moral, upstanding citizens of our great homelands. We must carry on in the only way we know how. Weaponized autism and shitposting. This is the word of the Lord.

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>cia database filename
holy shit they're not sending their best today

Good thread.

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AHH-men or AYY-men??

So Putin will kill all of his cabinet and his son-in-law?

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You think her pussy is made of silicone or metal?


I say (ayy-men) normally but in the Lutheran church we always chant (ahh-men) so I do both.

I'm a buddhist , but..

Ave Jvpiter, may YHWH have you spanked right up, Amen.

Soon brothers

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I grew up Catholic and everyone said AYY-men. I lost my faith a long, long time ago though. I used to pray to god for forgiveness for saying (thinking) profanity words like "damn" and "shit" in my head, without actually saying them out loud, kek.


Ave, true to Caesar.

liquid metal silicate, makes micro adjustment for comfort and pleasure

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why is Poland allowed to exist?

Soon, they won't

Hawt. A glassy pussy.

Amen christbro

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god wouldn't defend satanist Putin

Hurry up my boner hurts already

two more weeks!

I don’t know if it’s just coincidental but almost every atheist, agnostic, or non religious person I’ve ever met was a
>former catholic
and for some reason it grates on my every nerve, what’s up with the Catholic Church??

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good luck, remember how rolling across the country and encircling cities was supposed to be the easy part?

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