Russia is our last chance against the Globohomo

Russia is our last chance against the Globohomo

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Relax goys he is just trying to denazify them!

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>Russia is our last chance against the Globoho-ACK

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seethe finno uggo mutt

All famous jews and jewish companies support ukraine, reddit too and all lgbt community as well. So if they globohomo support ukraine, I should support Russia, but if this is some 5D chess and jews actually control both and this is some scenario just to kill young white lads and make shittone of money by selling javelins and ammo and dividing society even more then fuck it all

I would rather fight globohomo from the inside or join the Han Hive.
Everything but r*ssia.

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Don't you wish for good old days?
>NOOO NOOOOO I want the butt sex I want to pretend as Nordic nation.
Sometime soon NATO lap dog you will trot home to old master. :DD

China and globohomo are in cahoots both wanting the social credit transhumanist reset.
I think it's possible China duped Russia into attacking. Promising support and perhaps a simultaneous attack on Taiwan. That being a trick to set up Russia to fail.
Most likely Putin will soon be replaced by a puppet leader enforcing globohomo in russia


you niggers are butthurt only because you had not banans in shop, if not for soviets here you would most likely root for russia

>reducing geopolitics to a single buzzword

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hahaha i love this meme

Glowniggers shills are mad they don't speak the lingo
We know very well what Globo-homo means, if you don't you're either a jew or a glownigger
Simple as

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>1 post by this ID
yeah, sure thing, Ivan. Suck my dick. I want to put a bullet between the eyes of every commie scum supporting Kremlinbots on this earth. You fucks will pay for what you did to Ukraine and what happened in Vrbětice ammunition storage.

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No it's not. It's even worse than the globhomo. At least we're rich.


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>3 posts by this ID
Pokud opravdu věříš vládní narativě o Vrběticích, tak jsi dementní.

so not only a jew, but a homo as well

If you're so convinced Russia is your last hope, go fight for Russia and get off our board.

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Putin is literally talking about denazification of Ukraine, he unleashed Chechen muslims onto white lands and he's starting the first anti-fascist conference.
Yet Any Forumsbrains are still supporting him because Soros sent thoughts and prayers on twitter. You can't make this shit up.

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I do it for free.

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No you don't understand, you have to pick a side! There can't possibly be a Third Position!

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Glownigger kike nigger tranny nigger nigger

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based 404 get.
>404 - Kremlin influence in Poland NOT FOUND
Our east slavic countries - we know how bad Russian propaganda is. And we know how fucked up communist rule is. One day we will witness them completely fall apart. I hope I will meet you on the battlefield, brother. We will finally purge the commie scum off the face of the Earth.

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So ? Who is not the jew here ? Ukraine is jew, Russia jew too, what to do then ? Third position and ignore probably

Globohomo is collection of demoralization propaganda tools which make people subject to it less likely to defend the interests of own country. It's a weapon.
Many of those tools begun by being shilled by commie educated acidemias, most notable example being "economy experts" trying to convince countries to let in brown hordes at the promise of increased economic growth.

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naah, they are in on it together

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>Russia will save us from globohomo by murdering europeans and strengthening the unity of NATO and the EU

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Kill yourself

>>Russia will save us from globohomo by murdering europeans and strengthening the unity of NATO and the EU

Spoken like a true georgian sneak attack faggot, firing artillery into south ossetian apartment blocks.

Shut the fuck up jew

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that's a parody of Eurovision faggotry. Shills have no meme ammo, so they post this without context 24/7. How pathetic. You won't fool anyone, Volodia. kys

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Jorrit Faassen is the son in law of Vladimir Putin.
This kike is porking putin’s first born daughter while milking the russian people for dollarinos and you’re telling me putin is gonna save me from globohomo?

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how about you respond with an argument

Cope harder tranny
Nobody find this smut funny

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Ukraines president is a drag queen short gay jew comedian installed by Soros types. Ukraine wouldn't be a country without a color revolution and the CIA. You're retarded.
