China invades Vladivostok

Thought it would be Taiwan, guess not. With Russia's weak military and economy it was a matter of time before China takes over the sparsely populated territories of Siberia for it's surplus population.

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Please stop

illegitimate and homosexual in nature

>china invades russia
>russian bitch fit
>china nuked
>russia nuked
>the world is saved from two dysgenic obsolete hominids

>it's affraid the schizo board brings this timeline into reality

It's all out war now. Everyone grab what he can.

Mediogre attempt. Lurk more, you're not a good baiter

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Vladivostok here, can confirm china tanks in the city, here's proofs

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Nice trips. Does Russia even have any nukes aimed at China? I bet it would take them months to recalculate all missile coordinates. Probably require special wrenches to reset.

Fuck I hope that’s not your delivery guy

stormed from where? take a look at a map

While I want this it's probably not happening, the Chinese ate literally too cowardly to do something like this even though it's free real estate.

Russia doesn't need to be invaded. It's a weak nation that's aquiescent to Chinese influences and can be coaxed to our demands if framed under the guise of cooperation and mutual support.

This ukraine situation now makes them ever more dependant on us.



Expert statesmanship and diplomacy is mistaken as being wimpy by smooth brain American with only 250 years of history to draw conclusions with.

You'll be gone eventually and fragmented into a loose band of various brown federations with cartel style politics.

No source

Westerners seriously think China would support regime change in Russia, as if they're not the ones profiting the most from this war.

>not yet

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This shit is why China has been everyone's bitch under the sun Chang, you lot have been weak and cowardly for thousands of thousands of years. You are a pushy, your ancestors were pussies, you will always be a weak and servile species.

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Checked and now we have breathing room for CW2.11.