Women love thread number 2

Thread to debate BASED women practicing eugenics by being choosy about men. Previous

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They only choose what society tells them is attractive

Giving Women voting rights and access to social media was the worst thing humanity did in the last 2,000 years.

It took women barely 60 years to destroy the world via democracy and voting. Incelism/Mgtow/Escapism/neetdom is the symptom of hypergamy

>generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mens taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society burns out

These satistics are much worse, the people who are still married just haven’t gotten divorced yet:

>"According to the National Center for Health Statistics 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Of the marriages that end in divorce, 80 percent of the divorces are initiated (filed) by women."

>"Belgium & Portugal have the highest rates of divorce in this data set at a staggering 70%"



Attached: Divorce.png (1332x610, 50.25K)

I think that in order for this to happen the men have to agree to it, and the lower end of men have to be strong enough to keep it well implemented and secured

>society tells them
So the problem is that the women are too submissive to men?

Most White women are based. Pay attention to the "White" women who are cringe. They're probably Jewish or Slavic.

This. Amount of jews saying they are white when it benefits them is disgusting.

That's ok, you can simply choose not to meet these standards and not have children by your own choice. The woman os trying to not put her children through this difficulty which you are now complaining about.

The "women voting ree" thing is a meme. White women vote nearly the same as White men. It's non-Whites voting that is the problem.

The Irish elk would like a word.

>Most White women are based
white Women are the worst of any race

What good is a woman being submissive if it's to whatever propaganda or seemingly strong strange man that comes around which she believes is more influential? If there's no loyalty or reason there's nothing worth investing in long term.

You're correct. Men fucked it up in early 20th century America by cheating on their wives with women at bars. It's what kicked off the temperance movement and the suffragettes.

Nothing wrong, humans in general are just ordinary animals.

By the way, all primates also have hypergamy, when alpha CHAD and his entourage keep all the women of the tribe as the property, and 90% of the men are incel slaves who are forbidden to have any kind of relationship with females.

So it was 99% of human history, until the Neolithic revolution, when agriculture and monogamy appeared. Monogamous patriarchy is to some extent "sexual socialism".

In any case, men by their nature are consumables of evolution, a testing ground. The biological purpose of men is to provide a market for genetic diversity, while women choose which genetic traits to perpetuate and which not.

Mankind is naturally inclined towards social Darwinism.

Jewish shill.
No one voted for open borders. No one voted for diversity quotas No one voted for no fault divorce. They were forced on us by (mostly Jewish) men. Plus Ronald Reagan for some bizarre reason.

Show flag, Moshe.

Didn't even only half of white women vote Trump? You have a ridiculous amount of self hating virtue signaling whites.


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poor eyesight is a growing epidemic that needs to be stamped out somehow.

And also the sexual revolution where women all wanted to "get even" with men by being whores.

The simple fact is the average man has always barely if ever gotten any sex so along with the rest of feminist propaganda it just doesn't make sense they were all cheating left and right. This is cope.

>90% of the men are incel slaves who are forbidden to have any kind of relationship with females
Not buying it. If there are 20 men in the tribe and only 2 having sex, 2 men are gonna wake up with their throats slit, and the women are gonna have some non-consensual group sex with 18 men.

55% of White women voted for Trump.
58% of White men voted for Trump.
White women are based and anyone who says otherwise is a Jewish shill, a jealous nigger, or a hateful Arab trying to sow division between you and your mom, you and your wife, you and your fellow people.

>is the average man has always barely if ever gotten any sex
I don't thing this is true...

Also, look at how bonobos mate.
They're primates, and it's nothing like you described.

It's their best and worst quality, user. Jews know this, it's why they've been targeted relentlessly with messages promoting feminism, miscegenation, abortion, promiscuity, etc and they gobbled it all up.

There is no reason women should give a single fuck about being a virgin if their husbands aren't. It hurts, it's heartbreaking, it's useless. The purity of the marriage is already ruined. You're saving yourself for nothing.

are women evolving?
Did we get too cocky, bros?


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Female deer like the majority of all mammals look questionable.

Humans are much closer to chimpanzees than to bonobos.
In chimpanzees, everything is exactly as I described.