Remember Milo? He now has COVID Dementia and nearly killed himself tripping

Remember Milo? He now has COVID Dementia and nearly killed himself tripping.

Attached: FM27RJnVgAMMI1t.jpg (1249x1122, 222.81K) can long covid be real if covid isnt real?

were we wrong after all....?

>caring about a narcissist homo grifter

Yep. Just like you nignogs are wrong about everything else.

He probably should have gone to the hospital and not expect anyone to know/care who he is

Such a shame that this grifter didn't croak.

>blood oxygen of 65%
>doesnt go to the hospital
>brain doesn't get enough oxygen
>shits himself and falls down stairs
wow, so shocking

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the guy is a fag so he probably has AIDS right?
they did say covid is pretty bad for immnocompromised so thats probably wy.

It's either vaxx damage or h's been paid to say it.

Miloooooooooooo nooooooooooo

is that the jew who shilled for zognald in 2016 and pretended to be gay? same category as lauren simonsen and mcinnes

kek, that's a funny read


it's probably just nigger aids from his niggee husband

is he describing VAIDS, or just AIDS?

maybe just regular aids...?

Oh no not the jew faggorino not the heckin homo gate keeper!

Good. I always hated that imbecile faggot.
Dude was a deranged retard from day one.

>get VAIDS
>hit head
>die in your sleep
many such cases


This faggot thinks too highly of himself if he believes a single nurse would have any clue who he is, nor care. He was barely relevant at his peak now he's a literally who

nigger this faggot has aids already anyways it prolly just triggered an immune reaction over it all

Being gay is a disease

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this, he probably has aids