Why do city people represent a country/state?

I am a Victorian from Australia and by internet rules that means
>You live in Melbourne
>You are a cuck that supports Quarantine camps
>You love the CCP and China
>Your skin is yellow
But that simply isn't true?
I am so white that i don't even get a sun tan?
I get freckles....

What no freckles uleh?
Sorry... You are not white.

I live half way between the middle of nowhere and
>You got purdy mouth
out in the middle of Jumbuk...
I am unvaxxed, never worn a mask and i own a v8 ute that has been more environmentally friendly than a Tesla model 3 could ever hope to be in 20 years of existence.

Stay mad city bois, how about you tell me about your new city boi plan for a sky scraper farm or some other retarded shit?

The last one was hyper loop right?
A subway sytem that uses cars with batteries instead of trains connected to the city power grid right?

Meanwhile i grow your food and i dangle my testicles on your food city boi, make sure you wash your veggies.

Attached: Australian thread.png (919x737, 23K)

Fuck Victorians. lol

Victoria is the most Aryan state

You seem a bit upset there mate, What's wrong?
Gonna have a bit of a sook maybe?
Little teary about it?
Bit of a temper tantrum?
Awww is diddums upset is he?

ford or holden ute?

Fuck Queerslanders lol

wtf kind of question is that?
Holden of course, How can fords even be called utes with their cab chassis design?


Where do you live in Vic?

anything pre AU was a real ute, plus ford invented the ute.

digits and putin hits melbourne with the tzar bomb


Because that was still a ute, The bullshit where you city people call a cab chassis ford a ute though?
Whats next?
A Mazda BT 50 is a ute city boi?

yes yes yes!

Digits and Putin hits Brisbane with the Tsar Bomba

Has to be trips faggot

Why would Putin target anywhere in Australia that isn't MERINO though?

Attached: Baaaaa.jpg (253x199, 10.29K)

Pretty sure this is a ute, you retard nigger

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My family comes from there, Boisdale area.

Australian pig people have no idea how bad the long term effects of the probuild collapse will be

It's way worse for the US man. Be better if US posters had their flag by state not nation. Then we could spot califags and Jew Yorkers

why the fuck do you care what 20 year old under socialised zoomers think about anything?
they can't even install aircon right

everyone in victoria is a faggot and a nigger and melbourne is the personification of these things. therefore if you are from victoria you must also be all three of these things. Also, melbourne has like 5 million people in it, its a country of 25 million.. thats 1/5th the entire countries population it isnt a far stretch.


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