Why are russians allowed to post here?

They are being banned everywhere and we aren't allowed on their websites, we aren't allowed freedom of speech on the Russian interweb.
Why are russians allowed to post here?

Please consider ending their ability to spread propaganda here. Thank you.

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Sorry OP but you're a nigger and no one gives a fuck mmmmmmmmmmmmmkay?

If you want ban someone then maybe mi suggest you to go to Reddit. You will like it there cunt.

Fuck off, you cancel culture cunt. Normal Russians are not to be blamed for what Putin is doing.

Information shall not be infringed, even wrong information. The masses should decide for themselves what to believe, not everyone Is gonna wipe your ass clean when you don't want to do it yourself

>90% of shitposters are Australians. they're destroying this website
>I hate Aussies so god damn much

fuck off lominsa tranny. your reshadesettings are shit.

FFXIV playerbase is 100% troons. Fuck off lunatic.

I'd rather they banned dump ausie cunts, but they won't do that.
Just fuck of. Fucking shill cunt.

Why is your propaganda ok?

ok cowardly bruce.

Classic Australian shitpost.

>Yshtola blocks your path

Is there a large jew population in Australia now? It explains recent events

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feels like that they have a problem yes.

Don't care you Communist. The rooskie has a platform here, even if he himself does not fully understand "free speech". Once he learns what free speech really is, he can change his own society for the better.

Any Forums, and Any Forums especially, is pretty much the last place in the world that people have a meaningfully uncensored voice in general.
If you take away Russian voices here, it will erode uncensored free speech for the rest of us, AND WE WILL NEVER GET IT BACK.
Think very carefully about what you are asking, and instead use your brain to filter any propaganda as you would any other shit content. It is not worth losing good content along with it.

Nice pic lol

It will be over soon. Look up at the sky *BOOOOOOM*

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because Any Forums is what real democracy looks like, please kys

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I was expecting a leaf to be behind this objectively abhorrent post

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>RuSsIa BaD dUrRrRr!
Fuck you, obvious npc nigger, the kikes have pulled you're stings so fuckin tight it's no longer funny but just pathetic. The people of Russia ain't the fuckin enemy. They're being lead by a faggot (like you). Putin is a kike, working in the sole interest of kikes. Whites should never kill whites. No one but an absolute subhuman shitskin glownigger shill would say otherwise. Guess what you are faggot.

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Because Any Forums is a Russian asset.

They will still use proxies to shill on Any Forums.

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I'm only here for porn

Stay mad faggot

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Good thing I wont see this shitty yellow blue flag anymore

You're posting from a penal colony. If anyone should have their right to post here revoked, it's Australians.