Vladimir Putin’s commanders will be hunted down for war crimes

Reminder that the entire Russian regime will be facing war crimes tribunals this time next year in the Hague.

>Justice Secretary says UK is already drawing up plans to help identify and find fugitives suspected of atrocities
>Russian commanders who follow Vladimir Putin's illegal orders will be hunted down for war crimes, Dominc Raab has vowed.

>The Justice Secretary said the UK was already drawing up plans to help identify and track down fugitives suspected of atrocities.
>In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Mr Raab, the Deputy Prime Minister, said Britain had expertise from previous conflicts of gathering intelligence that could provide vital evidence that prosecutors needed to put war criminals on trial.

>It came as Boris Johnson for the first time explicitly accused Putin of committing war crimes in Ukraine as he expressed his shock at the bombardment of civilian areas.


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>war crimes tribunals
They're only war crimes if you lose memeflag

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now start exposing his trolls farms on here top. i want all the rodents that shilled for him hanged

There must be dozens of fully equipped presidential guards in Moscow, because there is no way any of the faces will survice what comes after the war in Ukraine. Or maybe they just dig a hole like Saddam did. Plenty of clay in Russia to do that. However if they ever go shopping or do other every day things it can be any 20-90-year old matushka that suddenly explodes, or shoots, or stabs them.

His generals already think he's lost his mind, if this gets any worse it's possible there will be a military coup underway.

The hypocrisy of the west is at insane levels.
Seriously, this is out of control now. It's beyond Orwellian.
Which means only one thing. The end is close. Real close now.

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Fuck you, american swine. No mercy for degenerates like you.

don't care, dilate you faggot tranny

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Only real war crime is losing

Are we going to just memoryhole Ukrainians bombing civilians and violating the Geneva conventions by using incendiary weapons as well? Fuck out of here with those double standards

What would be the implications of charging every Russian on earth with war crimes?

I do not just mean Putin and his henchmen. I mean Sergei the exchange student and Ivan the local treecutter. I mean Katya the cocktail waitress and Lena the little museum curator.

I mean total and absolute and throat ripping war that cancels the Russian civilization and its people from life. I mean hunting, robbery, enslavement, and murder. I mean the kind of vicious, almost insane conquest that will make everyone on the planet terrified to ever go after the Western world and its friends again, now until the end of time.

We are already taking Russian billionaire's yachts and freezing their assets. The crypto Killswitch will be used on them soon.

Why fucking stop there? Make them fucking pay.

I know in my heart of hearts we've invented something that will intercept their ancient nukes.

We just have to be brave.

>Which means only one thing. The end is close. Real close now.

Regardless of whether or not he actually is a war criminal (he is), how is this announcement anything but confirmation that this conflict is going to escalate? How the fuck do they plan to make Putin accountable except by directly invading and ousting him? Also wouldn't this serve to make his military more loyal to him? If they're going to face a tribunal (if they lose), they might as well stick it out with Putin rather than try to assassinate him themselves, right?

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Personally I wish that Russia loses the war, as it most likely has, because they will never get anything but current year Afghanistan from Ukraine, without any towelhead clan shit, so they can't even buy themselves in. No warlords to bribe or other similar things. So I also wish that Pootin stays in power and we can continue the torture of Russians as long as he lives. Who knows how long he has left, maybe 10, maybe 20 years? Maybe he goes full Mugabe and lives to 99. All that time the russians will be going down and rotting, stores empty, no jobs, no money. Then, when things get a little bit more normal I will visit russia and buy teenage sex slaves for me with the €20 my mother gave me.


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You wanna save Ukraine, save the world?
Send the US home. And tell them to stay there. The world has had enough of their bullshit.
This mess is all their fault. They have been working at making it happen for years.

Oh shit bros gulags, better surrender

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tsar bomba London already please

Ok and?

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Day of the Guppy...

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>We just have to be brave.
If you think bravery means reckless acts of suicide then of course, be my guest

Cope harder subhuman

Putin is a kike like Zelensky. Here is proof

If you lose everything's a warcrime.. including shooting back..

So if they have nothing to lose….wouldn’t that push them over the edge to nuclear conflict?

No but all his oligarchs are

That would be insanely difficult to prove without foreign observers. Not just that, there's also alot of documentation that ukranians have used schools, churches, hospitals and historical sites for staging etc;
These structures lose the legitimacy of neutrality when soldiers, or operations are held by them... Then comes the task of proving whether Putin or any generals specifically ordered soldiers to commit a war crime, oversaw it, or provided cover.

This bangs home my next point, how could the vast majority of the west even begin to be accusatory in this nature considering some of the conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan? Not to mention the intentional concealment of this conduct by high ranking officials, I for one have been to combat and sometimes Geneva convention is purely Geneva suggestion in urban warfare. It is entirely unavoidable intense urban warfare and not to say that it should not be prosecuted, however you cannot have a massive armed force all on the same page; You can only enforce the punishment after the circumstance occurs.
I feel as though there is a massive eye on Russias conduct, their history with war crimes is practically undeniable but in this particular instance it seems like they've played a pretty fair game for the most part. There should be a bigger question of what is the frequency of unarmed casualties, was it without explanation and would the explanation suffice as a legitimate cause for said casualties.
In any case, this is purely political showboating. I doubt Hague has the capacity to arrest any of these officials unless they somehow lost the war and were captured. Which is more or less a laughable assertion, even moreso now. It's just for politicians to issue an summoning to Putin and when he either avoids it it will be said "He's scared to face retribution and this is proof of war crimes!" Or if he wanted to be funny and appear, they'd just railroad him with misinformation and refuse anything proof otherwise in submittal.