The war in Ukraine is about oil and natural gas

A theory about the war.

Not many have mentioned it but the war in Ukraine is not about NATO or the EU or "reestablishing" the USSR: the war is about oil and LNG drilling export rights and the West and Russia have been fighting a proxy war about it since at least 2014 but likely earlier. Yes, all the usual suspects were involved on both sides: the 2014 CIA color revolution, the Russian destabilization of the LNG rich Donbass region, the invasion of Crimea to secure its VAST offshore gas fields, the Biden/Burisma LNG company bribe, the Trump weapons-withholding Zelenskyy phone call/bribe about illegal lobbying for US LNG company rights, etc. Contrary to the media opinion the war has been going on at the physical, political, economic, and lobbying levels since Euromaiden and well before. Both sides are correct: both the USA and Russia have HEAVILY meddled in Ukraine since the discovery of the resource fields, and yes there's been a lot of fuckery on both sides in about 10 years now: the war is just a coming to a head of these long running sagas.

Both sides are trying to spin it as "freedom fighters" or "denazification" or "USSR ambitions" or "rebel assistance/suppression" or "protecting from NATO" (which both sides know isn't a real threat anymore anyway) but make no mistake: this is an oil and gas war, for both sides, same as Iraq was an oil war as well as Kuwait. You won't hear about this in either the Russian or American or European spin as energy companies on both sides (especially Gazprom and ExxonMobile and BP) have a TON of sway in media and government not only in the Russia, which is essentially a mafia petrostate, but also in the US deep state, which is deeply tied to the US congress and legacy media conglomerates.

Sadly the Ukrainian people are caught in the middle of two giant economic blocks with a lot to lose. But this is just a reminder: both sides are pumping out massive amounts of information warfare. 1/3

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Ukraine has been a political "scandal" in the shadows in the USA and Russia for years now. Why do you think Uranium One and Burisma and the Ukraine weapons deal were essentially proxy war fights within the Democrat and Republic parties in 2016 and 2020? Why do you think Russian opposition like Nalvany have been persecuted for discussing the Eastern Siberia/Crimea oil pipeline corruption and how it relates to Kremlin political ambitions and infighting? Ukraine has been a flashpoint in the background for a decade now. Look into Euromaiden.
Even at the time it was recognized that Euromaiden was half organic and half a controlled operation. The soonest Ukrainian general election after the discovery of LNG in 2012 was 2014: during those two years, Royal Dutch Shell and Burisma were heavily involved in lobbying the US government to secure oil and LNG rights in a new massive market. This happened to dovetail with the longstanding Western intelligence interest in reducing the influence of Russia over the West - and the Ukrainian LNG exports would potentially be 85% of Russia's energy exports, it was an opportunity to destabilize the Putin/Med. government as Russia's wealth relies on energy exports for about 65% of the economy. The energy lobbying was particularly focused on Biden (is it a coincidence he's President now?) and his son who was seen as a soft target with a lot of personal scandals that could be leveraged. 2/3

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Cue Euromaiden, then Putin's reciprocal invasion of Crimea, then his, and the Russian FSB's support of "rebels" in Donbass and Luhansk and subsequent invasion of that region too, then the discovery of the Burisma/Biden scandal by the Trump team (and Putin influenced the 2016 election in the hopes that Trump, once in power, would use this information to cut off support for Ukraine or hurt a potential Biden (who is a strong Western energy/Ukraine puppet) President run. I believe Putin's failure to succeed in getting Trump reelected (combined with Biden's election manipulation) meant that he *had* to invade, in his mind, as there was now a government in Washington that would support Zelensky retaking Donbass and securing the LNG rights for Western (as opposed to Russian) energy companies.'m no Russia fan but western intelligence agencies essentially overthrew a pro-Russian-economy legitimately elected president and installed a pro-economically-Western government. There is no question it was a coup in violation of international law. Of course, Putin's invasion is also a grave violation of international law and a war crime. But there's no "good or bad" side here. There's a lot of grey. I happen to be pro-Western for many reasons: but don't think Ukraine hasn't been subject to covert operations by the CIA for years now. There's a reason Russian is taught more often than Arabic at Langley, even during the GWOT.

So where do we go from here? The reality is, there's a lot of unknowns. Ukraine is just another quagmire of both the US and Russian deep states, and, as usual, information warfare is being heavily deployed by both sides to try and justify their operations, and sway public opinion. Do not be a sheep. Do not swallow either side's propaganda, whether one side is "based" or not. Real people are dying. The deep state, on both sides, has no problem sacrificing innocent people to achieve complete economic domination. As always, be alert. Make your own judgements. 3/3


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thanks lad. trying to do some rational analysis here.

Interesting digits going on here.

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>oil and gas war
Yeah, that's why all major oil companies have been withdrawing from Russia in the last week, that will sure be a success for Putin in terms of getting more oil and gas extracted and processed.

When Gazprom takes them over, all the profits stay in Russia.

Ultimately most war is about money which can involve in oil and gas. Rarely is war purely about ideological differences and so on

Its about petroleum and other natural resources, land and sea access - gaining and denying. Its a game of empire, same as always. It looks like the US+ was able to draw Russia into another endless fight in Ukraine, just as the US+ drew the Soviet Union into Afghanistan which helped to bankrupt them (the cold war, Chernobyl, corruption also helped the bankruptcy). The US+ well deceived Putin into thinking Russia could survive the economic war they are now in with the west. No way of telling how well Putin gamed this out and prepared, but he needs to act to protect Russia before he loses too much support at home. It remains to be seen just how much China helps Russia. China better understand if Russia falls, the US+ is coming for China next and China is finished.

>about money which can involve in oil and gas
US has control of the money, its working to deny access to sea ports, land routes, and encircle Russia and China to try to ensure any attempt to breakout is destroyed militarily. If China intends to break the US military choke hold they better do it now otherwise the US will have completed the encirclement of China via land and sea.

Yes. All wars are economic. To the victors comes the spoils. Deception

But U.S. state run media told me its about Freedom and Democracy.

Guess thats two opinions against another so your opinion is invalid.

It's a shame most people can't see it's essentially one group of rich billionaires vs. another here. instead it's "pick a team".

putin will take norway too to take away all eu gas

Yes. This dude spelled out the reasons very clearly and in an unbiased fashion.

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That's world war.

>Goyim, it's just another war for oil, nothing to do with the jews...

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>war for oil
it's essentially the same thing

I know.

>The war in Ukraine is about oil and natural gas
Stopped reading there. The war is especially about mutual genocide between citizens of the world. It's well organized golobal civil war.

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I'm starting to think this war is orchestrated as part of or the next phase for the Great Reset and also to keep the masses in a state of panic with the threat and fear of WWIII and nuclear attacks. Seems convenient how talk of covid has seemingly gone away overnight, both Putin and Zelenskyy are part of the WEF, and the talk in Europe of "we need to find more sustainable sources of gas or find greener alternatives".
Also that woman who made a speech at Boris Johnson demanding a no-fly zone? Yep, WEF.
Can't all be a coincidence.

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100% worth watching this video. Does an excellent job explaining what is (potentially) the real reasons for the conflicts in Ukraine.

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You offer a false choice. It doesn't just have to be just one cause behind the invasion.

not wanting ppl to die just exposed you as a literal putin nazi war crime supporter, kys

jk love your take

world war already started

>clearly and in an unbiased fashion
lmao its just libtard clickbait fud lore

I don't see a mobilized world, just 2 shit stains on the world map having a bout.

Well summed up as the real reason.
However, since the war is going on as a "battle of narratives" now in the west, Any Forums autists should shift the narrative away from general "leftyism" and into more patriotic.
The MSM are pants down in this battle and cannot do anything else than to agree.

the actions taken by the eu/us are the same as declaration of war, after ukraine putin will keep going into europe

Any Forums could destroy communism, feminism, LGBTism etc. (ad infinitum) by absolute victory.


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How do they think they can take Europe though?