Are most white people okay with this? What’s the breaking point?

Are most white people okay with this? What’s the breaking point?

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Yes, and there is no breaking point.

probably not but its not really something they think about

and the breaking point is when the younger generations isnt as productive as the old one and the pension and welfare system collapses

>and the breaking point is when the younger generations isnt as productive as the old one and the pension and welfare system collapses
That time is literally now

just think of all the new [Insert non-white ethnicity] restaurants!

shits fucked

Most people either don't think about or don't care

>Those California future demographics

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why would I think about that when a there is a new Marvel movie to get excited about?

They let themselves get genocided lol it's too late now

We'll just start calling Latinos white before long. Worked with the Irish and Italians.

Black and Asian populations shrinking. Mutts increasing only slightly. Gaps being filled by Latinos/Hispanics. Sounds fine. I'm not Anglo myself, so what do I care.

Media has conditioned whites to accept this as a good thing.

breaking point is when no more food at mcdonalds and walmart. then shieet gets real


There’s 200,000,000 whites in the USA

Whites belong in Europe. North America is basically a continent for money laundering and narcissistic retards.

the same media who tells you how wonderful it will be when whites are a minority also tell you that how awful it would be if jews became a minority in israel

Attached: demographics.png (890x775, 42.87K)

There were millions of jews in Europe after WW2, what's your point

Wow. So whats gonna happen? SoCal just gonna be annexed by Mexico or what? They would face no resistance

They're already calling slavs white, at this rate we finns are going to be considered in few decades.

average age of a white is 58

Haiti and Rhodesia are the future of all white countries unless the new world order fucking dies.

Not bloody likely. They have more power than any evil in human history thanks to modern technology

The inverted pyramid thing is a problem for Europe, not America. Like another user said, Whiteness will simply be adjusted. Latinos are all partial Euro ancestry anyway. Who do you think colonized Latin America? lmao. The oceans are the saving grace here. We don't have to worry about immigration from Africa and the Middle East.

It already broke.
The USA is over.
I plan on retiring to Russia.

There aren’t enough whites to bleach them all.


No genocide yet. They're still the largest ethnic group in the US.
Actual genocide will happen soon when they have shrunk to an absolute minority and lost all constitutional power.

Not with that attitude. Do you have any idea how many Latinas a man could theoretically impregnate in one day? It's a lot. Very big number.