Nukes tonight? Where?

OK, we are. Nothing but talk of Nuclear War over the last couple of days. Gotta admit, I think it's in the works as we speak. This war seems like a false flag event in, and of itself, so it wouldn't be surprising if they intend to use a "nuke" to spark off WW3.It seems to me that Biden's announcement of the sanctions was the catalyst in this whole situation, and his "timing" of that announcement is highly suspicious to me. We were all expecting something to happen on the 22nd of February (02/22/2022) because "they" like to use numerology in their magic/religion (what have you), but I certainly didn't expect Joe Biden to hold off his presser a whole 1 hour and 22 minutes until 2:22pm! Why is that important? Simply due to the fact that "they" also practice 'electional astrology' as one of their cult's practices as well. This is when you attempt an undertaking at the most advantageous time, according to the positions of the planets. In other words you wait until a chart fits the subject at hand, and then take the initiative. This could be anything...start of a company...begin a trip...time to get married, or START A WAR. (1 of 3)

Attached: Nukes where1.jpg (1152x2352, 816.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

9/11 was planned to the exact minute when the first jet hit the tower. Mercury was on the ascendant, and heading into the 12th House (house of hidden enemies). One minute before, or less would have ruined the effect. It's symbolic. Biden by waiting 'til 2:22 put the "descendant" exactly on 22 degrees Capricorn. So we have 2/22/ 2:22pm...on 22 degrees Capricorn, with.....wait for it...Mars (planet signifying WAR) conjunct Venus, approaching a conjunction with Pluto (this is called a stellium), at 21.5 degrees capricorn (essentially 22 degrees on the descendant). In other words this signifies (literally) "war going down" with Pluto (signifying 'nuclear') soon to follow. This is definitely sympathetic magik with numerology, and astrology at the forefront. To add to this, February, 2nd month, also happens to be America's "Pluto return"...meaning that Pluto has gone around the sun once, and has returned to the exact position it was in July 4th 1776. Also adding to this streak of "coincidences" Russia's Foreign Ministry is celebrating an anniversary of some sort involving "2's". "MFA Russia" has "22022" on their Twatter account to signify this (although I haven't confirmed what it truly signifies to them). (2 of 3)

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So...what is all this shit I'm sperging on about you wonder? Well, on March 3rd (essentially tonight) at 3:41am EST, the Mars/Pluto conjunction will reach it's exactness. This aspect could be interpreted as the potential for "Nuclear War" reaching it's peak. Given the fact that the narrative has been drifting towards nuclear war being a possibility, and the symbolic nature of these "coincidences", I'm thinking this could happen tonight (early AM that is). I'm thinking (hoping) that this will be a single false flag a selected target "suitcase nuke" or some shit like that, rather than a full out nuclear launch, and that it's only purpose will be to start WW3, rather than obliterate the planet.
What I'm hoping from you, Lads, is to tell us WHERE do you think they would target?
In keeping with the possible "22" theme, they seem to be following, I've included some Google Earth images with the globe drawn up at 22 deg 22minutes Latitude, and Longitude (with complementary angles at 158 deg), as well as the exact geographical co-ordinates for the ascendant/descendant at the time the astrological exactness.
Some possibilities....
Hong Kong at 22deg 22 min North
Taiwan (just across from HK at 22deg N)
Hawaiian Islands at 22deg N 158deg W
Panama Canal (extremely close to line of ascendant)
So, place your bets....where are they gonna strike?

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OP is on to something.

I agree.

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mental health is covered by insurance. just fyi...

MFA Russia....^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Attached: Biden Address 2.22.2020.png (1188x2028, 1.39M)

Earth is flat, retard.

>Earth is flat, retard.
...and "Nukes are fake" too, I suppose?

You just blew my fuckin face off OP. It's going to be New York city. A swath of jews just evacuated a few days ago. Just like they did on 9/11, supposedly their little bungalo retreats, due to "heightened tensions in ukraine" you can find the video on Israeli news on jewtube. Fuckin shit bros.


>...and "Nukes are fake" too, I suppose?

It wouldn't surprise me, that's all I'm saying.
Besides, nothing is real anyways, you're just here for the ride into clownworld.

>You just blew my fuckin face off OP. It's going to be New York city. A swath of jews just evacuated a few days ago. Just like they did on 9/11
Yeap....I saw the thread, and watched the video. they're heading to the Catskills.

There are 3 primary types of nuclear radiation.
1) Alpha particles.
The most dangerous of all, these are basically a helium nucleus with no electrons attached. They are ejected at very high speed from radioactive decay, and would be bombarding you during a nuclear event. However these are very large and highly reactive, and thus can be blocked very easily with a piece of paper.

2) Beta particles
The second most dangerous. These are highly energetic electrons. Smaller than an alpha particle, but also very highly reactive. Thus they can be blocked with something like a tin sheet.

3) Gamma radiation.
This is the least dangerous. These are basically high frequency light waves in the gamma spectrum. Our atmosphere blocks the gamma rays from the sun, but these would be hot and heavy near a nuclear explosion. To block gamma rays is difficult, and would require very dense shielding. 15 feet of water, or several feet of lead. You basically need to be in an expensive fallout shelter deep underground to be properly guarded from gamma radiation.

The nuclear weapon also irradiates the soil and kicks it up into the air. This is called fallout.

There are two ways to detonate a nuke.
1) Air burst nuke.
This is the most effective and efficient use of a nuclear weapon. It will flatten the town below it, while kicking up the least amount of fallout possible. The light source high in the air triangulates a very large area, and burns everything the light touches. A large nuke can cause immediate death 15 - 30 miles away, from the intense heat and radiation emitted by the air-burst weapon.

2) Ground burst nuke.
Easier to land one of these. They are not as efficient, and destroy a smaller area. However, it kicks up LOTS of irradiated soil, and can poison the land for years. This is by far the least humanitarian use of a weapon.

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The places that will certainly be targeted in a nuclear attack are large cities, industrial centers, military bases, and nuclear silos. You should spend 10 minutes on google maps and figure out where these are located near you. The radioactive fallout can travel quite a distance away from these places. You want to be upwind of them for sure.

The conventional wisdom states that you can avoid radiation sickness by remaining in your shelter for 2 weeks. But the damage to the land inflicted by fallout remains. The water is contaminated. The soil is contaminated. It seeps into the groundwater as well. The entire land is poisoned by fallout. This is truly a catastrophe. These effects will persist for years, and possibly decades. Expect cancer rates to rise.

The fear is that in a global nuclear Armageddon, the irradiated soil will be kicked up into the jetstream, and pollute literally the entire world. There won't be a single patch of earth unpoisoned. Some places will be worse off than others, but don't think that you can escape completely. Your lifespan will be shortened, even if you survive. Assuming that is, you can even get access to non-irradiated food.

Attached: nuclear fallout map.jpg (1000x619, 386.86K)

thanks for linking all his posts so i could read them from the front page instead of having to enter the thread

I'm sincerely hoping they'll preserve the planet, and just nuke one, or two things....just to put everyone in fear, and start a conventional WW3.

It will be a cyberattack, not a nuke
t. religious experience having schizo just meditated for the answer

>It will be a cyberattack, not a nuke
Allegedly China just cyber attacked Taiwan. China would be a great addition to the WW3 effort, right about now.

>just 2 more hours!
post nuclear face

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I hope it's not Taiwan

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