Brenton Tarrant trained with the Azov battalion

Remember his manifesto? In it he claimed that as well as having travelled to israel right before the attack.

Attached: Brenton.png (1200x900, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:

best get to digging

wonder why they wanted to deeply censor the manifesto?

Any Forums was right again

Nazis and commies get the rope

hes in tel aviv with epstein

Attached: oy vey2.jpg (517x718, 152.08K)

What if israel is making nazis? But not the ones you're thinking of

like this

Attached: 1644925251497.jpg (1280x726, 272.71K)

Have you retards ever considered that the FSB is trying to turn you into useful idiots who cheer on commumism, and that both Azov and Tarrant are the real deal? Pic VERY related.

Attached: 1646083267523.png (1404x897, 938.67K)

Have they been getting training from Azov? Who were trained by CIA/Mossad?

weird how the video is very very censored huh? possibly evidence of them?

Attached: Connection.png (1125x787, 1.1M)

making siege-fags and not national socialists
like that - (saved, btw)

He was always a soldier for the jews

Bump holy shit, He did go to Israel and Ukraine.

Attached: 3be6ec205c8db7da9f3fd78100cd4e5e.jpg (680x675, 53.78K)



maybe I should get rid of my copy of siege

best to just hide it

Why would anyone care? The US government and big industry have openly stated they want to exclude and replace us and would violently do so given the chance? My job and my president repeatedly lied to me and threatened my job over a vaccine that doesn't work for q virus that is less deadly than the flu. Please, explain why I should be on their side in a war I don't want us to be a part of.

i know it's gonna sound like bullshit, but i actually saw that thread when it was still up. i thought nothing of it and assumed it was just a tryhard. then the news broke about an hour later and bricks were shat. i had just missed out on one of the most epic chan moments ever. shame that the founder turned out to be a massive faggot and turned his site into glowie central after "cooperating" with them.

Attached: 1552690660551.jpg (454x401, 108.86K)

>i know it's gonna sound like bullshit
why lol, i saw it. shit was hectic. i miss 8//chan.

>shills still counter signalling tarrant after years
No one believes you

no one is "tricking" us, retard. nice public school logic you have there.
i hate niggers because i've lived around niggers.
i hate sandniggers because i've lived around sandnigers.
i hate kikes because i've seen firsthand what vile, two-face cunts they can be
no one is brainwashing anyone here, you fucking glowie.

Attached: 1543721777308.jpg (623x713, 61.97K)

>14 and odal runes are now secret Jewish symbols
Nigger what the FUCK

Why do you always feel the need to change the subject when threatened, FSB? That's not even what we were originally talking about.

this seems like the type of thing that should be bumped. what kind of glow-op is this? didn't Soros help fund Azov?

It means you've gone full circle and become the useful idiot for actual communists at the FSB.