You don't want a nuclear war

The very fact that you're alive right now means that you love life and want to continue living no matter what. Otherwise, you'd have killed yourself by now.

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Killing myself would require a lot of effort, because I don't want to die knowing I left a mess. Someone else killing me would be preferable.

Oh shit you just reminded me that I have something to do

Nuclear war wouldn’t kill me, only unchain me

imagine thinking your talking to other actual humans on here and not bots.

Jokes on you I already contemplate suicide from time to time.

that's what you get for being a trumpcuck

I generally want to live, sure, but my desire for others to die en masse is far greater

trump is a nigger loving zionist

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No that’s not true. I hate my life. I hate myself. You’re an idiot for saying that, just because I haven’t committed suicide yet doesn’t mean I have never wanted to it been close to. You’re a fucking retard eat shit.

>you're alive right now means that you love life and want to continue living

That's bullshit, I hate being alive but with that being said I really don't have a reason to die. I COULD kill myself but on the off chance reincarnation/heaven/hell exists I don't want to fuck myself for the next life too.

That's not true at all. Some people are too pussy to kill themselves. Others simply decide to wait things out and hope something good actually happens.

Forgot my image. Apologies.

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Oh, it will be fun

If it means people like you will die too then I'm all for it

I don't want nuclear war, I want to live. But there are a lot of crazies in this country right now. Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to have mutated into the far more lethal Russia Derangement Syndrome variant. And these idiots vote and their representatives are in power.

I don't know, man. But for some reason, the thought of burning together with the entirety of earth does not sound so scary as oppose to being nuked alone.

if the nuclear war only killed all the trumptards id be begging putin to hit the button already

Russia doesn’t like fags.

If I get to watch one globohomo aids commie faggot die, I will take nuclear war over the alternative of that globohomo aids commie not dying. The latter is far far far worse.

Maybe I want to get the enjoyment of a violent mass genocide happening before I do it.