Why do they pick niggers over quality men to breed with?

Why do they pick niggers over quality men to breed with?

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from my observations in nigger populated high school. the women are usually extremely defective, and the nigger pretends to care long enough.

hahahaha look at that chimp baby stupid whore

Toll status: DELINQUENT

the sorts of women who pick black men tend to be fat, ugly, extremely mentally defective, or any combination of the 3 and so they have to settle for blacks

There's no straight man that's a quality man. All quality men are gay. Only incels, trannies and niggers are the ones left liking women. Of course they are going to pick a black guy over you OP.

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This and mostly because they’re stupid.
In my school the girls who went black had and ready fucked every “Alpha” white student and been written off as a cumrag.

Social influence, having a half nigger baby to show up as trophy and get validation points on social media, woman's are known to be stupid it's not a big surprise

Your not as quality as you think.

women don't experience post nut clarity. She will go on enjoying blacks and finding her ogre baby beautiful till it isn't fashionable to do so.

they're like mad scientists with that womb


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Literally me.

They've been inundated with a lifetime of Jewish lies and what guilt, what else. If they were worth their while they wouldn't be so easy to manipulate, but they are

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because theyre smart. they know whites will be genocided and if they dont have a nigger husband they will be treated as racist and murdered. its survival of the fittest. women do not want to fight and will always take the easy way out and follow the agenda of people in power. they will breed with niggers and kneel to black lives matter because they are women. they are shortsighted and only do whats best for them in the moment. this is what happens when you create a country that is against biology and treats women like they are capable humans/men. its jews

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women are the real jews

I don't know but there's gonna be a lot of nigger kids in a few years.

Jew civilization is about to end in a nuclear hellfire so who cares about any of this?
The white man will emerge from the ashes and rebuild

Because the men are already taken by the Asians

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Look at her. She is like a 2/10 at most. No man of quality would fuck that trash.

Seethe wahhh

Because they literally hate themselves and have zero self esteem. This is absolutely the case, 100% of the time, with every single nigger lover

in the movies, the niggers are heroes, on the midia also. woman can´t see reality

bc it doesn't matter how ugly the baby is, if it's male his mom knows there's a high chance he develops a BBC and turns into a CHAD that bullies whitebois and fucks white girls only

Because of leftie propaganda. They are being taught by the media that the evil white man is, well, evil and they themselves are spreading "black supremacy" as an attempt to rebel against evil white supremacy. TL;DR: White girls are fucking dumb

Takes a quality woman to get a quality man