Japanese people seriously sleep in these capsule room and have no problem about it

Japanese people seriously sleep in these capsule room and have no problem about it

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Looks comfy.

Nigger this looks something straight out of Neuromancer

You get what you pay for, it costs like 20-50 bucks for a night in these.

hotels and yes they are because hotels are for sleeping in

Based Japanese businessmen getting cheap accomodation in the heart of tokyo while OP seethes from a $300 dollar a night piss soaked matress behind burger king, Tennessee

What if I wanna walk around? What if my foot falls asleep or I just wanna lounge.

Then you rent a normal room, is anyone forcing you to stay there? thats illegal user and you are an american, dont let them force you.

What if I wanna fucking eat in my room. I can't do this in the cuck capsule

these are literally for just sleeping somewhere if you miss your train or otherwise just want to nap. and are fucking cheap. Yankee Doodle in his urban hell hole is paying 3200 a month for a one bedroom apartment sucking fucking lead water from the tap

Then get a hotel room? These are a cheap option for tourists and businessmen that want a place to fall asleep for the night. It's not meant as a place to stay during the day.

These are intended for like 4-5 hour use at max, they're not overnight stays. You're not renting a "room", you're renting a curated quiet place to nap.

Rent a bigger room, retard

What are these little fapping rooms?

Who's stopping you from walking around outside the bedroom? Now if you're honest and say you can't fit in it then that's a legitimate concern.

if you wanna lounge and go out and get a snack before bed. Japans fuckin comfy

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This is a kind of discount hostel for business people who travel from the outskirts of a big city to a big city for business and get too drunk at the after party to travel back home the same day. They're designed so you flop into bed at midnight, sleep for 5 hours and then catch the first train back home.

It is....if you like being surrounded by snoring Japanese middle-aged men who smell like booze.

I'm not a fucking animal in some little stable. This is inhumane and those Japs need a lesson in proper human living conditions

Fuck you there aren't any bigger rooms

Chances are I'd also be snoring and smelling of booze if I was there, as that is what they are for.

there are, and they're nearly identical to hotels in the west dingus

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t. fat

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>Fuck you there aren't any bigger rooms
Shut the fuck up.

These pods are filled with germs and cum and fart. These pods are breeding grounds for cum fart germs

You finna get me a new room Jackie

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It's not even that much cheaper than a discount hotel. The capsule hotel I stayed in, in Osaka charged like 3500 yen per night, but the next trip I took to Tokyo, I found a "business hotel"--basically just a normal hotel with slightly smaller rooms (but still a full room with a bathroom) for 5500 yen per night. A difference of about $20 per night between sleeping in a pod next to snoring assholes, and having your own room with full bathroom.

Because there is a whorehouse with a similar setup across the street and a nice noodle shop downstairs.

Japan is my fren.

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This only works in homogeneous, high trust, high iq societies

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And you too WILL live in a pod

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Japs are clean unlike you humanoid chink bugs

Those are actually pretty big for pods. 2x normal.
Super nice compared to a first class pod on an international flight you'd pay $10k for. You would pay $40/ night tops for a japanese pod.

>This is a kind of discount hostel for business people who travel from the outskirts of a big city to a big city for business and get too drunk at the after party to travel back home the same day. They're designed so you flop into bed at midnight, sleep for 5 hours and then catch the first train back home.
You couldn't have this in The West because niggers would ruin it.

I wish. They're horribly overpriced and you can get a regular hotel room for the same rate. No one uses these but tourists for novelty's sake.

It would be covered in feces and and collapse on every other occupant if it were made by your people, Chang.

Wow tourists are fucking retarded.

>you can get a regular hotel room for the same rate
But can you bathe alongside naked strangers in a shared bathroom if you get a normal hotel room?

Actually these are mostly tourist attractions. I've never met a Japanese person that actually has ever used one of these.

55% of all American hotels are infested with fucking scabies and bedbugs.

Go stay in one for the night. 99% of the people staying in them are Japanese.

Your flag has a leave on it

I bought a insect hotel for my garden with more room than this shit.

I would do that to mog the Japanese. My penis is naturally large, but I have been doing penis enhancement for 6 months so I have added 5cm of erect length and 5cm of flaccid length so I would humiliate Japanese men. I am going to use JAV as a reference since Jap dicks never really go above 16cm.

Yeah whatever fag