Do Americans just genuinely not give a fuck what happens anymore?

Do Americans just genuinely not give a fuck what happens anymore?

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there was kinda supposed to be a ww3
but nookz fuked it up


Like seriously, I can't imagine anything but an utterly demoralized populace just seeing this and going about their day like it's normal

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i think the saddest part is that most those crackheads are still richer than the average spaniard. they just spend most their money on crack

Niggers and spics all voted for communism in their cities and they got it. I'm armed and well fed, I laugh inside whenever I see some homeless rat in the street. Not my problem.

What is there to give a fuck about? Asking for a friend.

It has already been stated but it is the crux of the matter.

Utterly demoralized

>not my problem
until it is. and it's going to be

This is the problem with a society that gets too large: an individual no longer believes they can affect it.
That's when politics, in the sense of caring about the community and the state, dies.

Some kind of new political system has to arise to fix this.
Something that gives people meaning, membership, and a measure of control.

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if that happened around these parts they'd get sprayed with a firehose.

America is vasty different from region to region.


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Those people are happy

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I don't live in a democrat run city, and I don't care about those shitholes either

Imagine this country controlls the world via dollars

Yea. Basically we're just trying to live before the coming collapse and the Troubles.


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remember, these is what these ukrainians are dying for

Nope. I don't care anymore. Burn it all down. The strong and smart will survive, and we'll be better off.

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>all americans

People do care I think. Most Americans are kind hearted people. But what are they to do? I see plenty of drug addicts on the streets here too, but we have a smaller population. The fact is the problem in America goes beyond what any one man can solve. It is a structural issue that no government wants to address because it means admitting you let the problem happen in the first place. Trump building a wall on the southern border would have been a start. A real solution would be something akin to the anti-cartel military action America did in Columbia in the 80s and 90s, but in Mexico.

The world is full of souless people, it's not just here.

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Our metros have been destroyed by covid. They've become nothing more than an airport with a homeless shelter that white collar yuppies have to trapeze through. I hate this country so much it's unreal.

Is it that fun to be on heroin all the time? Seems boring to be sluggish and tired day in day out. Its like a form of soft suicide, they want to disconnect from the world but can't make the leap to kill themselves. It's slow suicide that feels good.

what are they on that they're always blasted off their rockers but still manage to stand on two feed?

Honestly globohomo nuclear war would be nice

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And when I say covid I mean policy bull shit. Inb4 tiny hat fuckery

You have no idea, this was the perfect time for Putin to go all in. The country is an entire façade I'm utterly astonished why so many people want to come here just for a an 8$ an hour job lmao. You would be shocked at the amount of people that do blow, how much debt they have, and how easy heroin is to get. Also I hope our military doesn't drug test for THC because the only people that don't smoke are literally boomers.

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>Do Americans just genuinely not give a fuck what happens anymore?
That is correct. Talked to friends and family about the potential for nuclear war and they actually welcomed it. Things weren't supposed to be this way. We never should have gotten involved

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Americans have better access to benzos than they have to clean water. Couple that with the fact that they are so infatuated with the utterly utopic cultural notion that is a "doctor", and you've got a recipe for disaster.
>bad feefies?
>here's this cocktail of benzos and SSRIs
>over-the-counter gateway opioid ibuprofen here we go!
>root canal?
>here, chug that oxycodone my nigger don't question or research just TRUST THE EXPERTS
This post is brought to you by (((BIG PHARMA)))
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Not at all. My nation is ruled by a senile tyrant who stole an election and a party filled with homos and trannys. I no longer give a fuck what happens I want the world to end or to fight till I die. Fuck this world and every degenerate in it from Biden to Putin to Xi. Kill them all god will know his own.

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>You would be shocked at the amount of people that do blow, how much debt they have, and how easy heroin is to get. Also I hope our military doesn't drug test for THC because the only people that don't smoke are literally boomers.
True. The jew fucked us and now it's fucking Ukrainians

>a couple minutes of footage from just one neighborhood in one city
>there are 300 cities of population 100,000 or more in the US
i understand it's not your fault that your ability to comprehend just how large, spread out, and diverse the circumstances are here is hampered by your lack of experience with such as this, but the plain fact is that 330 million people here every single day just do not ever see this or ever have to deal with it. that shit is locked down right where it is. they do not wander out of their shithole. i am sure you can understand that -- when's the last time you went out of your room? it's just that on a bigger scale.

>For now

These are leftwing faggots not Americans.

Do you mean besides the whole drug flooding, economic collapse, demographic changes, and rampant degeneracy? Well, Churchill said they had to drag us into the world wars kicking and screaming against our will

Leftist Democrat areas always degenerate to the leftist Democrat utopia of Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore.

There is no America. It's already dead. 3 nights without power for vidya games and bread for tummies and burgers will murder the state actors demanding taxes for a nonexistent state.

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Amerimutts don't live in a country they live in an offshore tax haven for the rich + their slaves.

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>big pharma
exactly, big profits to be made
that’s how the system works
in the past people tried to come with alternatives, but they were all defeated

Not American, still don't give a flying fuck. The abyss has stared back at me

I hate globohomo so goddamn much.

What are these people on exactly?

It's not really the size of the community, that doesn't make sense.

>retard is looking at the result of neoliberalism, toxic individuality, and no safety nets
Golems are so pathetic.

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I look out for me and mine. If everyone else gets by, great, but I barely have ths bandwidth to take care of and prepare for myself and my family.

I'm convinced that America is a lost cause. Too many browns now. I'm leaving once I finish my education. When I move to Europe I'm going to show them this footage as a warning.

Fentanyl or meth addicts on Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A previous bridge encampment got cleared for redevelopment; druggies moved to the doorstep of a welfare building.

Do any of you fuckers have a webm of Nancy Pelosi rubbing her fists together like a demented drug addict behind Biden during that retarded SOTU address?
It's hard to OP.

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You know how often priests fuck kids and get away with it?

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It's simply that America has fetishized individuality to the point where we've turned our country in to a giant tournament, and we all hate each other and distrust each other.

The issues that face the world are spiritual not political. No political policy or funding or movement can make people sincere, de construct their narcissism make them feel love and passion, envelop them with a virtuous guidance of right action towards a higher place of consciousness towards that metaphorical place among god. It's literally a joke that people attempt to deconstruct the turmoils that face the world as it's know, which is dead of all light, and propose some political abstraction as a solution. That's just fucking games. Nothing short of an entire shift in consciousness in the right direction will alter life back to it's proper course. Because we have been straying away from it for atleast 100 years. Until people value selflessness above selfishness, sincerity above shallowness, love above pleasure the world is lost. End of story.

Oh Philly. Those people btw looked zonked out of their minds, but they're in pure pharmaceutical bliss.

I care but I don't know where I am supposed to go / what I am supposed to do.


Americans haven't cared about anything since the 80's at least.

we're beyond sodom and gemora

Anyone have the pic of the naked homeless lady with a nice ass, laying down on the sidewalk?

50% overweight.
Their own body.
Couldn't give a fuck.

>A real solution would be something akin to the anti-cartel military action America did in Columbia in the 80s and 90s, but in Mexico.

That would have been fantastic. First we'd need to reverse immigration policy from the 60's and deport everyone admitted since then and execute employers who white illegals.

sup vpnigger

Why are you saying "kids" when all those kids are young boys? Kids makes it sound like they're fucking girls too.

I don't have time to think about stuff outside of my immediate survival

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