How do I stop being bitter at people who have more than me and become grateful for what I have?

How do I stop being bitter at people who have more than me and become grateful for what I have?

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Take a yoga course and learn to suck your own dick.

You live in the greatest region on Earth, what is the problem?

stop being poor


Bond: Rebuilding the man

it's very simple user you just have to look at the people who have less than you
I am very happy I am not an african

Just mentor a rich guy or two. Once you get to know them you will find they are just as miserable as everyone else. I have never envyed a man I knew well

As a 1st worlder, you have it better than 95% of the worlds population. Stop being an entitled faggot and travel some time, see how most people live.

Stop being a materialist nigger

Idk, I don't have this problem so much, I never had much want or need for things.
My wigger rapper friend is constantly obsessed with men who drive fast cars, have big houses, wear tacky clothes and has hot women.
All that shit won't satisfy you, and it will get boring fast. I am jealous of people who are content in their mind and has clarity of thought and enjoy their lives.
I fucking hate the world we're forced to live in.

Mini relevant lessons to be learned from stoicism.

Fuck everyone and do what you want , realise that everyone is in the same boat. No-matter what material possessions you have or what your status is, we all have to deal with inevitable death and loss.

>huur duuur you got Xbox, and porn, and tinder and cultureless hellhole!!! Be grateful!!
Psychologists has repeatedly shown people in simpler, less advanced cultures åre more content and happy.

I’d say realise it’s all meaningless but I’m miserable being this nihilistic

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First of all only bitches get jealous
Strive to have what you want
Do any shit
But never get jealous user.

It's a hard path, but since you at least considered to think about it, you're some steps closer to this goal.
Since your natural way of thinking is by comparing yourself to others, try comparing yourself with people who are having it harder than you. Little by little you'll notice comparisons serve no purpose and that there'll always be someone better and worse than you.
If you start feeling less bitter, try being happy for the successes of others. Hard, but if you get here, you'll achieve a very rare humbleness to see nowadays.

People bathe in shit. People don't know where there next meal is going to come from, people dont have clean drinking water. Most of the worlds population would kill to trade spots with you or I. You sound like a massive faggot, go live the tribal lifestyle if it's so much better, your pampered ass wouldn't make it a week.
>Xbox, and porn, and tinder
Nobody is forcing you to use these things, sounds like you're a no-life loser.

I don’t know because I can’t relate. I think I am physically incapable of jealousy, maybe some kind of autism

Trust me no one is happy on this clownworld Westoids cope by consooming and niggers cope by niggering.
Only The chinese are working towards something anyone else is too zoged or too nigered

>not an african

Usually very shitty people tend to post his sort of thing to virtue signal and revert roles... I mean very shitty, such as jews.

accept the lord jesus christ?
haha nah i know u swedefags arent into that
you are bitter because you have no perspective, your parents werent poor and your living standards havent grown significantly since then.
you are about to get a lot poorer once ww3 kicks off, you will look at these days with a deep longing

Being happy, being interested, and having a life filled with meaning and joy doesn't require a lot.
Remember that those people amassing all that shit: you can't take any of that with you to the other side. You get to enjoy your superyacht for a little while and that's it.
Meanwhile you, without a yacht, can have beautiful, divine experiences that rival anything someone can do with a yacht, because you have a mind, which is much more complex and capable than a yacht.

Unlock your mind and travel to the past, the future, different places in the present.
The ability to read is more fascinating than any wealth: you can read about the dawn of mankind in ancient Mesopotamia, or the Bronze Age Collapse, or World War 1, or you can read about the 2 new species of electric eel discovered in the Amazon's upper reaches, or about how steel is made, or about the teachings of Islam. You can read about the war in Ukraine.
You can experience the highs and lows of all of humanity: the greatest and worst moments that people have lived.

You can come to realize the sheer power of having a mind, and what you can do with one of those.

I've never been more ready for my death. I just hope it isn't a painful way to go. I'm considering drowning myself in a cold fresh water river. I think that's how I'd like to go. There is increasingly little in this world that I want and could ever hope to attain. Each day is exhausting and I just want it to end. There is no reprieve.