Why are both sides calling each other nazis?

Why are both sides calling each other nazis?

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power word: fiend is a strong spell and these people are summoning their occult-commanded armies? duh?////////////////////////

because the are both run by jews

clown world politics only exist on a spectrum from non-hitler to hitler

You know the media language
It's a game you play

In modern times "nazi" has been trivialized to the point it's just a swear word disconnected from the meaning
See also: azog battalion

When you are a slav and hate someone you call them a Nazi or "literally Hitler". It's kind of like how we call each other niggers on here.

The term nazi has completely lost all meaning they just use it to demonise each other in propaganda

what this guy said

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ukrainians worships bandera, a nazi stooge and a mass murderer, they even use nazi flags and do nazi salutes, so they get called nazis

russians go against western jewish interests and globohomo, so they get called nazis

so ukrainians are nazis but they elected a jewish president? i don't understand that.

b but zelensky and putin are kikes

btw the real nazis in ukraine that hold rallies on the streets always protest against jews too.

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so they are both based
what a shit show this war is. imagine if they made a pact and attacked the eu or america instead. now THAT would be a war i could get down with

> why are people in a war accusing the other side of things
ignore and vibe fr

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What if both sides are nazies?

Because it's the good vs evil origin story of their cultures. Just like everyone here accuses each other of being Jewish or on Reddit it's Voldemort

Fuck Ukraine they're a country they can solve their shit on their own.

you didn't know that even for the first years of world war ii, jews in poland thought that the nazis were their friends and strongly collaborated with them? the irony, but then they got their surprise

anyway, the last "real" election in ukraine was held before the maidan, now it's just a meanigless show

Thats what they're doing. They got the whole world backing them and sanctioning Russia. Diplomatic immunity.

The word has lost its meaning.

One side is nazis backed up by people unaware of that. And those people backing up hate Nazis