The demon representing the US was just a black lady with a face mask...

the demon representing the US was just a black lady with a face mask, lol take your meds and stop flooding the board with this shit, schizos

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Black people are demons.

That this got as much posting as it did made me round my average estimated IQ of this board down about 40 points

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demon apologists get the rope first


no no no, we let the mask slip!!!

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I genuinely think the people that cannot see the fast with a mask on looking down, and see instead a demon or some shit are actually legitimately schizophrenic, human face blindness is a common trait amongst schizophrenics.

Fucking finally someones said this
Mega bump, take your meds you fucking schizo niggers

Oops, should read "face with a mask on" not "fast".

here's the real one

Attached: 1646179481723.jpg (441x479, 178.82K)


Attached: You are a blight.jpg (251x255, 17.11K)

Even through everybody know this, I still find it funny we got this kind of accidental picture while there is a bunch of conspiracy theory about how americans elite are all satanist or something.
I wouldn't have done better if I wanted to taunt the schizo

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Thats a fucking DEMON, dude.

What causes such a glitch?

the whole point of a cloaking alien/demon is that they look normal most of the time, the cloak slipped for a second of course it looks like a black woman moments before
as for the mspaint image you made, the supposed left eye literally doesnt appear, it's just a black pixels but you imagined an eye there because it fits the normal human face you think is there
for the "right eye" you made it look normal sized and completely ignored the fact that on the non ms painted image it's gigantic, almost as if she's wearing glasses, which she doesnt so also debunked
you're just experiencing pareidolia and imagining a face you want to be there but isn't

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What kind of retard leaves glasses in her hair?

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the chance of this happening is like 1 in a trillion. these were demonic powers showing briefly, using her body.

HAHAHAHA wtf. god damn it Any Forums
you made it from funny to sad :(

>chance of a a black person representing the US
>1 in a trillion
>chance it's a demonic entity placed there by a cabalistic occult society bent on world order
>it's happening
now you're just straight slapping yourself on the face there

Everyone knew that you fucking moron, we're laughing because it looked like a demon.

take your meds

>mfw some vice faggot is writing an article about this whole shitshow RIGHT NOW

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Make your teds!

AI will be the death of us. AI rendering caused thisa nd AI will "render" the human cattle-pigs into energy to fuel the endless conqueror of the stars


You will have to try harder for me to forget this fuckup.

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its an IRL ink blot

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God is warning His Creation

yes but with everything going on this was actually fun pol

it’s just a glitch goy
go back to sleep

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Delet this.