Go ahead with shitting up the board, shills. Get all your npcs to babble and virtue signal endlessly...

Go ahead with shitting up the board, shills. Get all your npcs to babble and virtue signal endlessly. Throw all the smear and no-platforming towards russia you want. Act like the west is totally united in this.
But it won't matter in the slightest to the unashamed dissenting westerner. We will mock you and ignore you and go about our lives like nothing is happening. And the second you try to force us to go fight overseas or cross a line with lowering our standard of life, you'll get a war a lot closer to home that you cannot hope to win.
You lost where it matters years ago.
You've made enemies for life.

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Meta meme

Globohomo elites will never be able to win back our trust no matter what fake crises they invent.

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They won't need anti-social anons anyway, they have millions of other sources that will gladly fight.

Like who lmao?

Yes yes, the left can't meme, we know

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All of USA and Latin America. Literally anyone who isn't a Any Forumslack (99% of people).

Remember boys. WW3 is hardly kinetic. Satan's army are the doctors, cops, bankers, politicians, etc. They don't even have to fire a bullet. Stay strong bros. Jesus is King.

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That's what I don't get about this. Were supposed to just pretend the last 2 years didn't happen? People killed themselves. Families were completely destroyed. We watched "Canadian" police officers trample protesters with horses and beat people with rifles. Sorry bout that eh? How boot we go fight the ruskies eh? Fuck off. the only war I will fight in is a civil war.

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They can want from us whatever they want, but in the end we decide what we do.
And let the golems obey their new programming. They are what long knives are for.


Nobody is telling you to go fight in Ukraine, retard, it doesn't change the fact that a literal communist takeover of a white Christian nation in order to "denazify" them is obviously undesirable and unjustified.

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Globohomos will taste dirt long before I get drafted. They've bit off more than they can chew.

>white Christian nation

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The lies are so blatant and disgusting. How can normies even cope with this scale and scope of psychological assault?

Trannies and niggers are not sources.

Ukraine is over 95% white and over two thirds christian, Russia is not even 90% white and is less than half christian, and it is currently sending sand nigger invaders to Ukraine.

>Trannies and niggers are not sources.

The agenda for destruction is very clear.

Anti-Feminism thread - immediately banned on Any Forums. Very touchy subject.
Feminism = anti-family.

NO family = trannies and LGBT+++++

Problem glasses and a coalburner, plus the niglet. Death to America and its influences.

You're all too fat, scared, or stupid to join the armed forces. Like anyone needs you, we've got foreign nationals attempting to serve in Ukraine from every stripe of life.
It's funny that redditors have big enough balls to serve Ukraine, while none of you are willing to aid Russia.

The shilling here has been so crazy that I don't trust or support either side. Both countries are run by WEF jews and all the people going off to fight are being played for fools.
I'd even go as far as wondering if this is all orchestrated as the next big thing after the coof to keep the masses in a panic due to the threat of WWII or nuclear annihilation.
Fuck it all

>We need you
said nobody ever. 30 and above BMI dudes don't pass the draft medical exam.

Stop Caring What The Cattle Think. That is what was the worry of the losers and failures of the last century who fussed about optics and morality while the enemy marched unimpeded across the west. They don't matter, they never mattered.
Get results and dispose of your enemies and the npcs will bend the knee to you just like they did to them. They. Don't. Matter.

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What the fuck do I gain from fighting for either side? Nobody is on my side, so why bother?