I need to watch things die

>I need to watch things die
>From a good safe distance
>Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies
>You all feel the same so
>Why can't we just admit it?

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I enjoy loosh as much as the next demon, but you don't have to be weird about it, user.

no you don't need
you dont have to have an opinion on everything, just enjoy the ride

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>Album about the 4th industrial revolution
>Jewish cabals

Is this the new Batman poster


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Spiral out, see the bigger picture

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It's about being trapped in the big lie. Regardless of the time period.

Outside of context, sure. Their work has been a trail of breadcrumbs. 7empest coming out a couple years ago was no coincidence

>I sneed to watch things die
This album sucked. 10,000 days was their worst work. Also, when Chuck owned the shop, he was notorious in the local community for peddling both fuck and suck. Times have really changed and the neighborhood took a turn for better once Sneed began selling feed and seed.

tool fags get the rope first

>Is down wif da sikness
>Hiwchaha bom cik bom I'm a nigga



Maynard sends people into the crowd to invite girls backstage
Then he walks by and chooses the one(s) he wants like coombrain degenerate
Then goes and sells his $20 wine for $150 and complains about capitalism

Tool are fucking tools but this song is based. Every now and then they make a few accidentally based or at least catchy songs. Too bad they can't even get the message of their own songs lmao.

Retarded amerimutt. It's actually the opposite of edgy since it's criticizing people getting off on tragedy, but it's also not hypocritical since he's admitting it happens to himself too.

whoa dude like dmt and fucking math and shit deep man

damn like people are flawed and shit? that's fucking deep!

>you dont have to have an opinion on everything
If only more people lived by this...social media made every retard expert on everything

I hope death of civilization is avoided.
I may be watching from a distance actual physical death today, but I am watching death of this nation and continent, and civilization as we speak. And on this path it's a matter of time before physical death and war comes to my door step, again! It will be a shock for most here, not for me, unfortunately!

>I call this one “cat piss”

Fractional reality, small big, same, one cannot escape reality of this existance on any level, so when you think it's someone else and you, or far and not near... not realy!

dude that's like math and shit! math is deep!

This but unironically.


Pink Floyd for cunts, I like Tool but I don’t like admitting it because Tool fans are pretty terrible people. Would never pay for that shit tho. Puscifer maybe. Elon Musk Pink Floyd laser show sounds terrible