These kids don’t look Ukrainian…

Very curious…

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Something is off…

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Yeah Putin is driving another brown refugee wave because GLOBOHOMO is a weapon he uses against the west.

I can’t quite put my finger on it.

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Are they too brown for you? maybe they'll stay home if Putin stops making it intolerable for them.

It’s the cat isn’t it? There are no cats in Ukraine right? I think I remember reading that somewhere.

Remove your memeflag you giant faggot.

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congratulations you have figured it out.
russian and ukraine are working together to offload more browns to europa

gas yourself frankencunt

Fucking spaniards


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a fake media war where they get to destroy old military equipment ZvZ because the west is sending more to ukraine which will eventually share with russia for oil deals. the economic sanctions seem harsh but you know they already shorted and will buy the dip for the recovery after a ceasefire with no change of governments.

every fucking time

>These kids don’t look Ukrainian
Because he's feeding people at the border, where the "non-ukranian" refugees are being told they have to step aside because ukranian women and children go first.
Or at least that's his claim.


>Jose andres

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no you don't get it it's a giant plot and everyone's in on it and only me and a few other people have it all figured out because we're just that smart and everyone else is stupid.

Basically true. We're letting in hohol females and children as is, even without documents. Hohol males at the border are usually poached by some kind of hohol secret police and driven back.
Niggers and towelheads are being told they have to wait since, and I shit you not, the official stance of our government and border guards is: "You're not refugees, fuck off".
Expect videos of commies crying to all heavens that poor niggerinos and goatfuckerinos are freezing to death at the polish border.
Not my problem.

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>You're not refugees, fuck off
very based

>Niggers and towelheads are being told they have to wait since, and I shit you not, the official stance of our government and border guards is: "You're not refugees, fuck off".

And how do you know that you subhuman Slav. Why don't you let them in and book them a ticket to their home country?

well, in a sense that they have another citizenship so they have an actual country to legally go to unlike ukrainians who have no where else to go.

I don't know, why don't you go fuck a dog to find out?

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>Why don't you let them in and book them a ticket to their home country?
6/8 b8 m8

why waste money on booking them a ticket to their shitholes? let them sit freeze to death, they won't be missed

Were they lying about Ukraine's demographics or did the jew allow all the non-whites and women leave while forcing whites to fight a hopeless battle?

Since when has the word chef become some sort of honorific like doctor or professor? They work in a kitchen like a woman.

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I read it as "breeding refugees."

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