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Add Romania.

add Finland

No offence to Magyars, but I've always found it funny how Trianon seems to have made Romanians perpetually smug.
Despite getting BTFO in WW2, having a chunk of their country stolen and chafing under communism, they always seem to be far more chill than any of their neighbours.

why hide behind memeflags and constantly shit out the same threads?

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Because fuck Russia, that's why

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Finland is always voted happiest country ever tho

How can you be the happiest country while you have most autist people and most suicides in Europe?


Death to Russia

They fought for their independence from the Germans, only to be occupied by the Russians


They love to suck American dick despite us literally flooding their continent with rapefugees

Why do you think, genius?

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have you seen how the Finnish look? they all have down syndrome or something. Their severe retardation has resulted in Retard's Rapture, a well known medical phenomena.

Finnish people cant be emotionally open. You realize those polls are just going to people and asking them if they are happy
Do that in soutern or eastern europe and you ll end up listening to some depressing story for 20 minutes about dead dogs and grandpas with cancer.

On the other hand ask a finish if he is happy and he will way " haha yes very happy" even though he will kill himself after getting home

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Add Portugal

Poor Slovenians and Montenegrins are forgotten even on this map.

then why is east germany not butthurt. because slavs have butthurt genetically encoded in their dna.

>love to suck American dick
That's western Europeans

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What the fuck is Yugoslavia doing there, Wikipedia fucked up again.

I just want to know why