ITT: Subhuman dog breeds

People always mention Shitbulls but never their cousins the German Shepshart

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Other urls found in this thread:

GSD are quite literally the most loyal dog breed ever. Putting them in the same category as Shitbulls is just wrong.

Even though dogs can be violent & potentially kill them, white girls just can't resist the Big Dog Knot

I kid was probably torturing the poor puppy

There are no bad dog breeds. It's just retards using guard dogs as family pets. Dogs are bred for specific jobs. It's like saying guns are bad because a kid accidentally blew his brains out after mommy left a loaded glock on the kitchen table.

i 100% put fault on the girl.

Bitten on the face? Stupid bitch was being a cunt and the dog obviously wanted her to fuck off.
Never put your face to a dog, I trust my dog but I wouldn't fucking stick my face in his, mainly because he licks his own arse and cock

GSD can do no wrong.
Guaranteed she was trying to go for his knot and he didn't want to fuck that uggo britbong.


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>9 days old

In Italy by law you can't take a dog from his mother before the three months of age

>but she still loves dogs
I'll bet she does

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Pic rel is a good dog breed. Smart, social, civilised, everything a Kraut Shitpard is not

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>Dude its the owner not the breed!

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I had dogs my entire life and my German shep was the most loyal and well behaved dog I even owned. Nigbulls are subhuman tier dogs

I have only been attacked by a dog 3 times in my life. 2 of them were leashless German Shitsharts, and the 3rd was a Doberman, which brings us to chimpdog #3

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How did pitbulls go from "great nurse dog" to "you can't let this animal near children" anyway?

>'It was horrific,' said the former ambulance worker. 'Iona just bent down to give him his plate of food and he just went for her.
>'He just flipped, even afterwards when we put him in a cage he growled and barked angrily every time one of us went near him, something had changed in his mind.
>And the family say they have no idea why Fidden, who was later put down, suddenly changed.
>Mrs Manson said they also adopted his brother, Bracken, who has never behaved aggressively.
>She said: 'The attack was so vicious, it even traumatised Bracken. He cowered in the corner and wouldn’t come out for days.
>'We’ve had them since they were nine days old, you just do not expect that to happen from a friendly dog.'
The girl bent down to give him food and that triggered him.
Since the dogs were siblings, I'd guess that there was food aggression issues between the two male dogs that isn't being mentioned in the article.
Also OP should learn how to post links

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First thing

Why was the dog not sitting, several feet back while food is placed, and only allowed the food when commanded?

Why was the dog next to her face while feeding it.

This tells me the dog wasn't trained and was in competition for the food with the kid.

It's literally bad parenting. Dogs are dogs. They aren't automatically good or bad.. whatever the breed. Like people, it's all in the training. Blacks without father's are always trash because.. they lack discipline and training and a role model

Furthermore, shit bulls are bad.. because it's usually low IQ suburban trash people that buy them for 'protection' and that ups the numbers of attacks. Again, poor parenting

Ban all of these abominations.

Or at the very least make it so any dog attack is treated as if the owner did the attack himself and prosecute accordingly.

Too many low IQ dog owners get away with a slap on the wrist.


dog is stressed


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blame the owners, not the dogs. they weren't raised properly.

Why the hell do you have this saved in hour hard drive

Why is this board so obsessed with dogs?

This. Collies are the best.

>sub human

>'Iona just bent down to give him his plate of food and he just went for her
Attacking out of nowhere, classing kraut tactic.

No puppy should be taken from the liter until 9 weeks. 9 days is fucking retarded. She deserved it.

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