Is Putin A Globalist Puppet Or Not? Part III

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Either the Jannies don't want this topic discussed or the shills are making new threads to flood the board. Regardless, the threads will keep being created until a consensus has been reached.

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>Is Putin A Globalist Puppet Or Not?
Yes, and bump

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Just to be clear, I don't want any more pointless wars like with what we had in Iraq and other countries. Getting to the bottom of this will help everyone make the right call moving forward.
Looks like you uploaded the wrong pic, roo.

No. He is a russian imperialist. How hard is that to understand?

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>Looks like you uploaded the wrong pic, roo.
>highlights globohomos fuck up

That's part of the reason why I'm making these threads. You say no, saying yes.
I'm still at 50/50 and I imagine others know the feel.

I dont think he would even want an unilateral world. I bet I am more globalist than him, because I dont give a fuck who owns nukes and tanks, see Mexico.


Klaus Schwab working to Dugin Eurasian plan/The Western NWO is a decoy.

"The Russian Federation and (Schwab's) World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Russia."

Hes either incredibly stupid or NATOs greatest agent

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Major Robert Williams 1952

"The Jewish masters of the Soviet Union & Western nations have set the stage for a WW3. Western whites are to be thrown against Eastern Whites. WW3 is designed to devastate & enchain the white nations"

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Doesn’t Russia have a Rothschild central bank like basically every country in the world? Or are they an exception?

Putin the crypto-Jew.

"Putin spoke about CHABAD, as if he were an emissary"

Putin prays for 3rd temple to be built

'Maimonides teaches the Temple will be built by Messiah.'

Russian Iskander Hashim with Daryl B. Smith

(Jew) Putin's exile of the oligarchs was a dupe, to make it appear he was against Jews;


Journalist Nikolai Asmolov

"Berezovsky agreed to play the role of an outcast."

p 47

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he is a funny gorilla

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Question: Have you ever heard of Buyer's Remorse? I'm asking because it's looking like he left the WEF after a discovery. Giving credibility to the people saying that this really is a strike against them.
Otherwise, his membership would still be active.

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How the fuck is that an important information?

Putin and Zelensky both work for the same people
all those interconnected Chabad rabbis and Jewish billionaires could have stopped this
but they were quiet
no one stopped Zelensky from bombing and killing Russians in East Ukraine
no one stopped Putin from an extreme absurd attempt to conquer all Ukraine in response
world chaos like WEF and Schwab want
discrediting trad culture and the nationalist ideal like Soros wants
Putin agreed to play the Judas role
Russia will be impoverished and beg for a Schwab-approved new leader

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He clearly has WEF connections and is acting as an anti-globohomoist. Question is, is he acting or is it real?
NATO has been encroaching on Russian boarders for a long time, the reasons behind Russian aggression are real. The timing is highly suspicious. I don't know how you can come to concrete conclusions one way or another here.

The story I've heard (still digging for evidence) is that Russia paid off their debt to the Rothschild bank using Gazprom revenue, then told them to fuck off.
But why were the US-funded biolabs (Globo assets) bombed right at the begining of the special operation? Putin could have ignored those and still invade to put on a show for Klaus & Co.

Putin 1 was a kike puppet, Putin 2 is in between but Putin 3 who replaced Putin 2 last year is anti-globalist

I'm gonna need some more info, fren. You're the first to bring up human cloning/actors.

Putin would be a globalist if he conquered the world.

My Guess: He finally got into The Club after dealing with years of hostility, saw what was really going on, then left after seeing some shit that could harm Russian lives.