Also, the city at the north side of the encircled hohol army Kramatorsk means Crematorium.

>The origins of the name are not fully understood. The name of the city comes from the name of the station Kramatorska. V. A. Nikonov assumed that this toponym arose from the name Kramatorsk plant, which, in turn, was derived from the French word crématoire “big oven”

You can't make this shit up.

Attached: photo_2022-03-02_23-34-43.jpg (1280x806, 118.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it confirmed Transnistria is crossing the border into Ukraine?

Most of the forces in the Southern circle are concentrated towards Mariupol, so I doubt they have enough soldiers to complete the encirclement show in the picture.

Correct map

Attached: FM3WE6QVIAAfKya.jpg (1280x925, 141.34K)

Is there a website that has this as a live map?

Maybe that's what the convoy is for, you know "heading towards Kiev".

Added English for those unable to read Slav runes.

Attached: 1646257786136.jpg (1280x806, 273.01K)


Attached: I wish Russian Army winrar.jpg (640x480, 27.13K)

No, just a couple firefights, no one is moving out hence no arrows



8 days and only this? lmao complete failure
not looking good for trump

>"read slav"
ivan you had one job to do

Attached: 1646252618690.jpg (960x1280, 288.04K)

Attached: Capture.jpg (570x698, 22.85K)

European migrant sandniggers, as maroccans, algerians, tunisians are already going in Ukraine with the dream, to have an AK and learn to fight. Those subhumans one day will return back. Imagine the future of west
The best one so far. Next to wiki map.

These painted maps are retared. Clearly Russia fails to do full area denial outside Donbass and Crimea. And they try to hold roads instead of urban & rural areas

Implying they won't get slaughtered


Cheers dude

Cant wait for the hohol's mass POW walk once they get squeezed.

Most of the hohol army is in that pocket lul