Why can't NATO intervene now like they did in Libya a few years ago?

Lybia didn't attack any NATO member

Attached: Coalition_action_against_Libya-en copy.jpg (4051x4260, 1.35M)

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Klaus Schwab boasted on camera that Putin is one of his WEF (World Economic Forum) puppets, along with Trudeau, Merkel, Macron:

There are 2 scenarios:
1. Putin defected from the WEF and is now at war with them
2. Putin is still controlled by the WEF, and it's all political theater working towards the Great Reset

Because NATO constitutes a system of collective security, whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
>In Jewish tradition, lying is generally forbidden but is required in certain exceptional cases

They attacked us when that nigga kadhafi build his gypsy tent in the élysée's garden

Attached: Screenshot_20220302-222421.jpg (1080x703, 185.67K)

If NATO interfered, and Russia didn't step in, Ukraine would be well underway to looking just like Libya lmfao

Because Putin is threatening to use his nuclear weapons to anyone who intervenes. The world leaders don't consider it a bluff given how precarious his situation is right now. Ukraine isn't worth a nuclear exchange.

What makes you sure they wont?

Attached: Perfect Deal.jpg (1275x1224, 788.68K)

Does Libya have le nukes? Le central bank?

Why would they? Especially with Ukrainian twitter literally saying they'll commie war crimes. Its better to stand back and let them deal with it. If shit gets really bad in 3 years we can come in and save them.

Imagine being in the same position and having an embargo by some pencilneck retard diversity hire levied against you and having the hold that attack for months while the west delays your weak shipments.

They haven't seen urban warfare yet. This campaign hasn't even started.

Can't believe boomers still fall for the nuke meme. Bunch of worthless pussies.

I'm a fucking coward personally.

The Russian army is scary

>Can't believe boomers still fall for the nuke meme. Bunch of worthless pussies.
Boomers run the West right now. So Putin is a mastermind using the threat of fake nukes against them and they believe it. 4D Chess.

the WEF canceled putin... but again your two options remain, either putin is going against schwabos ideas or its the keikaku they are playing out.

WEF is a distraction. They have no power. They’re nothing more than the new Jesuit type scapegoat.

If I was Putin I wouldn’t hesitate to launch my entire arsenal asap. This world hasn’t been worth living in for two decades

This. I've seen the WW2 pic represented by Dinosaurs to know better than to throw myself to the Zerg rush that is the Russian army. Yikes

Lybia threatened the global financial system. The 0.01% can't afford their system of control to be compromised. Money is all that matters in this world. A dead Russian soldier is worth a hudnred bucks from the state to their families. Human life is worthless. Money is all that matters in this world. Our civilization is trash. Our species is trash. We are a skidmark upon the universe.

>implying any of this shit has to do with muh nahtzees

Theyre the guys shelling majority russian cities.

Whats next? First it was muzzies are attacking white people. Than it was the jews are sending russians to kill white people. Now its he you guys, look, the lefties are attacking white people, please die for Ukraine. Whats next? Dressing trannies and fags in russian uniforms saying these are the people attacking Ukraine come and die for us? Its all so tiresome.

I dont understand sry.