What is your Lenten sacrifice? You DO want to improve yourself, right?

What is your Lenten sacrifice? You DO want to improve yourself, right?
40 days of fasting from today to April 14

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I'm giving up pure air I will only breathe weed smoke

i'm going to quit nofap.

porn and snacks. Quit smoking recently but relapsed 3 cigarettes in February. At least for Lent I will have 0 cigarettes God willing.

>40 days of fasting
I wish a nigga would

The only way for me to save myself is to destroy myself. It pointless to try and be a good Christian at this point.

Gonna quit listening to you kikes

Fine. Fuck it. Ill give up soda.

meats, associating with non-Catholics, and porn.

I'm gonna avoid killing christcucks for 40 days

How does fasting on lent work? You get to eat a little after sundown?

I follow the traditional Catholic fast according to 1962 law. Also no alcohol and no sweet desserts.
I usually lose 15 lbs but now I could definitely stand to lol.

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Disgusting subhuman filth. You worship pedos

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>Lenten sacrifice
Fine, I will not call Niggers a Niggers 10 times a day, only 5.

>burgers perform annual sacrifices to Moloch

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i'm only eating op's mom's ass during lent

you do whatever you want when nobody is looking then ask jesus for forgiveness at the end

Pretty sure they just give up all non-fish meat on Fridays. I dont know though, Im not catholic.

You get to choose what you fast for
I heard one lady said she fasted for forty days
People kept asking her about it
Eventually, she relented and said she fasted from chocolate for forty days.
Fucking amazing.

You do the same thing as every other day but you lie bout it so you look good in front of your week end warrior friends

Fasting (true 100% water fast) either 1 or 2 days a week. Today is fast day #1.

Almost. Fridays you should also eat a total of 1 small meal with no meat.

God will know. They're only playing themselves by doing this shit.

The sacraments will help you.

i'll think wait for god to actually do something good for once before i'd even consider "giving back".

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I am not a catholic why would I celebrate lent?


Pascha is 24 April

Moloch is my grill, and I sacrifice burgers upon it, then feast upon the delicious bounty Satan hath bestowed me with a side of the most unholy and blasphemous french fries seasoned with spices from the abyss

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does killing kykes count

Myself will my soul

What have you sacrificed?

Deus hoc vult

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Lent was created by some random dudes in the 4th century. Its not commanded in the bible. No thanks.

Fasting is for farmers who basically sleep for 40 days after lent.

Giving up catholicism

Sorry I don't follow. Abrahamic death cults are so 1918

i’m orthodox so the fasting is a little more stringent but it’s my first time actually participating so i’m excited

I follow the 1 AD version which is to say I don't follow it at all. Stop changing the religion to suit your political whims kid diddlers

>be me
>go on nofap
>overall sexual drive actual goes down after I peak after 2-3 weeks
>go back to fapping
>now it isn't like it used to be, just want a relationship now

How did french fries even become a thing, country fried is easier AND better.

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Gonna give up cigs as well, once and for all this lent, I’ve tried before but keep slipping up. Fuck these stupid things

I’m a deist, so I’m eating well.

Based Miércoles de Ceniza enjoyer

I'm so bad at giving up vices I'm not sure it's even worth trying. I feel it would be disrespectful to pick something to give up knowing damn well I won't be able to do it.

where exactly does our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ command anyone to write down how we should live into a single text document?

I sacrifice alcohol for 40 days with a one time exemption on St. Patrick's Day. It coincides as my annual detox.

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fuck off with your schizo shit, christfag

You posted the wrong picture, lemme fix that

Believe in something greater than yourself dude God is real

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>40 days of fasting
that would kill any normal person. You have to be drastically obese to not eat for 40 days and live

Here it is

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He doesn't. That's the point. You've built essentially a political machine that just stupidly interpreted scripture to acquire land 1,700 years ago and none of you cultists have questioned if some, or all of it, even make any sense to real christians.

giving up my foreskin

He gave you life.

>Participating in globohomo: the religion
Not happening. Instead I'll be treating myself to a nice steak and some bussy.

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maybe there is but I can guarantee that it's not yeshua bin yosef king of the jews.

Lent is not christian is native to europe. You are supposed to not eat red meat during it because you are supposed to let the animals regenerate instead of eating them all early in the year. Christians are the worlds biggest retards.

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does god want my foreskin?

Giving up soda so many times as a teen ended up with me dropping soda entirely a couple of years ago. Lent legitimately helps you to ween off these vices.
Gonna try nofap this year, but I'm pretty bad about it.

Can you pick up those potato nuggets and dip them in ketchup, mayo, or ranch? No, you can't. Also, in America those are called "home fries".

Do you really think kikes represent God?

It's a tradition based on Jesus's 40 days fasting in the wilderness where he overcame the temptations of Satan.

porn and junk food probably

Then come kill me

The god of my God I will inscribe his name in your forehead

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They represent yahweh, which is an invented and illogical demon that you guys larp worship together.

Minimum fasting is 1 modest meal per day, at any time of the day, if necessary you can also add two smaller meals that together don't add up to a single modest meal.

>home fries
they're called freedom fries here, you fucking commie nigger

You aren't supposed to eat them with hands. Just drizzle ketchup over them if you want.

Russian lent is next week

Why did you read the book yourself

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You just have a low iq it seems, can't even understand the Bible.

relax bro i'm just rustling your jimmies

i'm not catholic and don't celebrate lent.

No. You were made in God's image meaning you are perfect as you are. Semites doing weird shit in the desert isn't your tradition. St. Paul covered this at the Council of Jerusalem.

>he hasnt figured out that this has to do with the fact that women are pregnant for 40 weeks

Country fried is a better complex flavor with spices added bc the extra potato starch per bite dampens the spices.
Fries are a better simple flavor with salt only because less seasoning is needed for the smaller portion of potato.
Both styles are good.