Look how the vatnik propaganda outlet tries to put a positive spin on their absolute destruction of life

Look how the vatnik propaganda outlet tries to put a positive spin on their absolute destruction of life.

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Where's the spin

it’s a good thing

They've been fully excluded by the western world through sanctions.

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no. this is russian propaganda. not an avengers update

Ok and? They now exclusivly have to use the ruble. Says they cant use foreign currency.

The thing is, the more obvious propaganda pro-Ukraine posts on every social media site including Any Forums, the more it looks like the West is losing.
I don't have a dog in the race but it's getting pathetic how weak the West looks right now.

In the USA we only take dollars.

>H...He wanted to destroy russia

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they wont be using the jewish petrol dollar, sounds like a win

oh noes. What will I ever do if I stop using USD that keeps printing out of thin air by their (((central bank))) and export their inflation?

Where is COVID?

How the hell this is a bad thing?

Seriously, they just need to stop printing enough money to be 100% price inflation ALWAYS happen, and their currency will be awesome.

Of course this would require both things:
1-state economists to not not believe at the "price inflation is good" bullshit
2-They not being corrupt

This is almost impossible to happen


pretty soon it will be a rubble country




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when the fuck was average russian buying wheat with dollars, when he is the world's #1 exporter of wheat? when did a russian buy gas with dollars?
russia is a world export leader in multiple fields of aerospace, nuclear technologies, agriculture, arms, energents and heavy industry

besides, russians can just trade with fucking serbia
that's right
im still in the swift
i still have 10+ russian banks in my commerce block/area
i have eu bank and russian bank across the street, i can just walk into one, get the cash, and deposit in another

>They've been fully excluded by the western
And I congratulate them for their victory. Hope we could all be that lucky.
Listen glowie, shill, or wtf you are. This is not reddit mate. Your bullshit narrative doesnt work here.

So you're telling me that the rewards to invade a US territory (which is what Ukraine is) are Globohomo and central banks leaving your country for good? Don't threaten us with a good time

How we can get those sanctions?

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you forgot the most important : remind the EU and the US that dependence on Russia and China is a weakness.
Putin just fucked China a lot more than people realise

Oh no! That sucks!

fuck back to re*ddit.