Grandma Lotov will reach Moscow by May

Russia will fall. Ukraine will be Kievenged.

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In hindsight, Zelensky’s call to ukranians to go and fight Russian soldiers will be, hopefully, regarded as a war crime. He sent them to a certain death

why are you mocking? this is just tragic, you have old ass people who sacrifice their life in a desperate attempt to save their grandchildren, and people who are feeling powerless about the inasion try to show it in a positive light to stay positive

this isn't clown world it's just sad

russia is wrecking ukraine


>russia is wrecking ukraine
damn that's crazy

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It`s beyond my understanding. Literally fucking Bunker IRL.

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Lol jesus christ france get your shit together. You don't even know the context of the photo you whiny cunt. It was family war day... All in good fun.

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it’s not sad, it’s extremely jewish.
it’s not done out of accident, it’s done out of pure malice against the home population.

I would argue it is sad... because like everything else in this gay year its the fake disney version of war where the whole family gets to participate so they have pictures to say they were there... whos next?

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>it’s not done out of accident, it’s done out of pure malice against the home population.
yes the western jews forced putin to invade a country, of course mutt, of course

literally nothing else he could have done, if he didnt invade ukraine his country would have collapsed, oh wait it's collapsing because he invaded, my bad I got the two mixed up

amazing story.. do they have video of her slipping through the convoy and incinerating approaching russian column?

Man, it`s just cold blood murder. Who is giving orders is war criminal.

leaf do you not understand that if you fail your molotov throw you are likely gonna die right? why do you think they're training, throwing molotovs is like throwing grenades or shooting a gun, you train before real combat or else you fuck up

The babushka of kiev?!

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The hell is that?

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Noooo what? Your supposed to make your unarmed innocent civilians fight trained soldiers to the death. They will win because its heroooic. Like in the moobies.

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There is already vids, when local folksturm with molotovs is turned into mincemeat. Literally powers forces of Chaos.

Uhhh yes that is precisely why this old lady should not be there you fucking retard. This is just a photo op... she should be at the back of the line making them. Holy shit you are stupid.

Aren't these pictures great?... yes that's why they were there.

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hes right

I've heard they might link up...

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>Uhhh yes that is precisely why this old lady should not be there you fucking retard.
should not be fucking where you subhuman leaf, having a nice stroll in a park in her country? death to the invaders, I'm all for nuking russia after what they have done

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The old lady should not be practicing throwing dangerous homemade improvised explosives... also a minute ago you said she needed to be there for training and now she's just strolling through the park? Which is it?

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