How long until he kills himself, Any Forums?

How long until he kills himself, Any Forums?

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not fast enough..

I don't know Biden looking more depressed each day could happen any moment

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Putin, user? He is Russian man and he is very bad. Trust me, I am Agent Smith. I will even write "nigger" and "you will never be a woman". Now Putin - he looks like a monkey because he is racially impure. Ignore the meme flag and admire this a20.png "monke" image. I have learned that an insult of this nature comports with your board culture and by disseminating it, I can gain credibility among the members of this, your fringe community that I have studied and analyzed for years, secretly beginning to believe what I read while never seeming natural enough to fit in. But back to Putin - I mean, "Jewtin". You guys really don't like Jews, do you? Anyways, Putin is not based - but the Israeli-funded Azov battalion (they're Nazis! You like that don't you user?)Poroshenko, Zelensky and NATO? Now that's what I call based! If you support, or "shill", for Putin, you are a kike, which is not something I've been told you want to be. Now tell me, where do I have to go on the information superhighway to join Jewtin? And Russian Americans, look! I even know a few Russian words so that the most gullible among you will fall for my boss' ingenious strategy.

Glowniggers on suicide watch. I will be shilling all day. You will not win.

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Hi there, shills. Welcome to my thread.

Literally this
Keep up the good work user. Something fucky is afoot

where can I see actual footage of the war? it's just day after day of people posting shitty memes with crops on each others leaders. I never get any meaningful information out of here


Jesus loves you.

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>watch how he recoils: "i have been found out"

Isn’t it funny that back in the day it was “punk” to make presidents look like faggots ? The joke was that being a faggot is the worst thing they could do to a mans image.
Pretty horrible in the current year and all #punkrock

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why? he's winning and China's backing him.

2 more weeks

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What did Charlie mean by this

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Never. Putin is a psycho who can kill as many people as necessary but he won't ever hurt himself

Hes too pussy for nukes button , nato should join in defence of ukraine. Fully agree with chads of caricature

>where can I see actual footage of the war? it's just day after day of people posting shitty memes with crops on each others leaders. I never get any meaningful information out of here
2ch dot hk/wm

>One week into a winning war and he’s going to kill himself because the West is Sperging out

How fucking retarded are you shills? You’re gobbling up state propaganda left and right.

Serious answer is there's not a lot. Reasons:
1) It is a serious symmetric conflict and soldiers don't really have time to record while fighting. Some go pro footage etc. may surface after the war is over.
2) They don't have phones/are not allowed to turn them on/connect to the internet/post anything, because a phone that's turned on is a serious artillery magnet and they don't want to show the movement of troops. I would assume Ukrainians take this seriously. Not sure about ruskies. Again, I would assume ruskies are also forbidden to show their loses or that there's even a war going on due to propaganda reasons.

That's why most of the footage is either from civilians (which also don't want to show their army movements, so it's rare that actual fighting is shown) or of the destroyed equipment only or both of course.

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I'd imagine you will 42% yourself before he does

How long till you kys faggot?