So now that we lost Ukraine, is Moldova getting fucked next?

So now that we lost Ukraine, is Moldova getting fucked next?

Attached: Ukraine.jpg (1600x1114, 1.47M)

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Here's your liberators bro

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Poland is next


No Georgia is next

Moldovia is gay

putin needs to go through poland to get to germany

God I hope so. But not likely. Poles have gotten so uppity lately.

He will increase the size of the border he needs to defend if he annexes both countries

Should have joined NATO when they had the chance :3

the only question now is if putin will choose speed or low casualty when taking over poland on the way to germany


yes in like 6 years Moldova is next because in was 2008 georgia with separatist pre-text then in 2014 was Crimea with separatist pre-text and now in 2022 is the war with the two republics pre-text.

so around in 6 years Moldova is next with the Transnistria separatist pre-text.

Transnistria, bros. Scarier that Pripyat better beware.

No, Moldova is letting Russian troops use their territory to move into Transnistria. Moldova would just join with Russia willingly.

That map is wrong. Crimea is part of Russia.

Yea ok James Charles

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>is Moldova getting fucked next?
Putin doesn't care much about Moldova, what he cares about is to cut off Ukraine from it's coastline first and foremost.
Crimea is a de facto Russian stronghold, the only warm water seaport Putin has access to. Consolidating Sebastopol's strategic location is currently paramount from Russia's pov.
Putin will assert control over the Diepr. He needs it's waters to flow into Crimea. Ukrainians have cut-of Crimea's natural water supplies years ago.


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>is Moldova getting fucked next?

Attached: rip moldova.jpg (2000x1333, 188.14K)

Well.. It was nice trolling here lads

Why is the english wife beater with them?

Why is the english wife beater with them?

I was reading about Moldova recently because it's not in the EU and Romania is, yet there is a lot of cross border interactions there which made me think about the Northern Ireland border that everyone has been freaking out over in the UK.

Moldovans, Georgians, Armenians and Azerbaidjanese must be afraid.

Don't worry Russians don't have enough fuel to reach Moldova

Why is the english wife beater with them?

What the fuck is a Azerbaidjanese?

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Moldova has always been fucked

Also 1pbtid

Moldova is allied with Russia dumbass

nice map

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Please nuke America

Yes, it is. The Imbecile Lukaschenko was filmed with the map with a red arrow pointed to it.

Finland will be next if I get sequential numbers
Just watch.

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Nowhere is next. Putin wants to unify the East Slavs and become Tsar of all the Russias, not conquer territories full of unambiguously non-Russian people that Russia used to rule.

transnistria has been a de facto statelet for 30 years.
are you implying the russians go even further beyond transnistria? I hope they invade us next!