Nato treaty forbids countries with ongoing territorial or political issues to join the nato

and if america ever tries to fuck around with this clause to funnel finland in, russia will invade finland, and all help that they can hope for from us will be nlaws and helmets

Attached: 3EC1A387-619E-43F7-8CDC-D2DBEB65DEB9.jpg (700x394, 69.41K)

Ok so Finland Sweden Switzerland and Kosovo are good to go

Kek Russia is losing against Ukraine they won't do shit

>nato treaty forbids countries with ongoing territorial or political issues to join the nato
This is why Russia supports 2 most separatist movements in country by sending them arms
They literally did same shit in Georgia.
If you plan on joining NATO, dont broadcast it and do it suddenly.

>I desperately want war. You don't understand how badly I want the Jewish military industrial complex to make trillions. Every day I wake up and spend all my time thinking of ways I can make more money for jews. There are absolutely 0 ways to prevent all this in Russia. When putin said multiple times over the decades that he didn't want nato expanding west, what he really was saying was "I'm literally Hitler and I'm gassing 6 million jews every day"

Expanding east. I mistyped now the disingenuous faggots have an out and don't have to read my post.

No thanks handle protecting baltics by yourself faggot. I am not gonna pay it or die because of Estonia or other shit country

KYS, glowtard.

>russia will invade finland
The absolute state of russian shills, they can't win even win Ukraine, they threaten finns
Fucking KEK

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this pretty much sums it up
nato is just here to fuck our economy up. airbus is forced to stop business with russia because of sanctions, YET boeng does not. airbus is being held by european governments, boeng by american (((investors)))

If you plan to join NATO then don't tell it to krautlets or they ban you

Whatever, not my problem.

daily reminder that SLIDE posts about "russia is losing vs ukraine" are part of a psyop meant to distract you and make you waste your time and arguments on debunking lies instead of discuss truth and strategies

I read some user write in Morse code, something like "Captain Blackbeard's War 4/20".

Cool! I am technically a member of the Church of CopyPasta.

Go away we don't want your shit

Don't give a fuck about your strategy fapping, i want a ukie nationalist 9/10 gf

Attached: 1645964226270.png (960x904, 1.02M)

Winter war 2 electric boogaloo
Can someone beat Simos high score?

Congrats for believing russkie propaganda!
Show that specific treaty clause RIGHT NOW

Your appeal to the opposite sex will not increase with their transposition to a new area. They will pursue the same top 10% chads that other women are pursuing, and you will continue to fail to pass on your genes. Cope seethe and masturbate.

im a chad but french girls are garbage.
I want a girl who cook and make babies and let fuck other women on the side.

you are mentally ill retard whose larping on an image board
