Attached: globalcondemnation.png (1264x862, 921.04K)


Ruscucks get slaughtered

What's up with Eritrea? Planning to annex ethiopian territories?

Yeah my support for Russia just went up. Ukraine is not a country btw

>Completely ruined any reputation Russia had
>There are people in Moscow (essentially the equivalent of Washington) making a 5 mile long queue to buy bread.

its fucking over, hopefully theyre blocked from Any Forums as well, the less gopniks the better, on the internet, and in gaming.

I would even pay a new tax to keep these fuckers off the internet.

Blue helmet Target practice

>me like da bad guys!" XD fk parents and fk school!!! :P

grow up you unfuckable cunt.

useless virtue signaling.

The most embarassing war in history. The greatest grand strategy blunder in the history of nations.

Fuck 'em.

Attached: towedbyfarmers.jpg (1920x1020, 199.78K)

all those niggers abstaining kek

one of us, one of us


Isn't Serbia a monkey ally?

>El Salvador
I thought it was a libertarian shithole, what happened?

haha veto go brrrr

Attached: veto-vote.gif (220x220, 26.82K)

Not anymore, now they too became people!
Vucic just gave a speech about it.

I cant find moldova on the list, is there something that I don't know?

OP = DIsinformation dick sucking faggot.

This. UN can't do shit.

Wow white saviour supported by savage non whites only in killing white people in Ukraine. So based.

That's the security council. The veto doesn't exist for the general assembly.

>Serbia voted yes

so much for that alliance

Why India and Pakistan are both supportive of Russia? Also best Korea being based as usual

At least you can see a pattern in there, look at the abstentions, kek. also missing Maduro, Venezuelans love him

I confirm that we actually support Russian comrades here, US and Ukrainian shills on fb already got BTFO

>general assembly.
Ah so its already dead in the water. General assembly only does non-binding recommendations. Security council are the only ones that can actually do shit.

At this point mostly third positionist countries are supportive of Russia