Reddit Volunteer Mercenary Thread #13

>Just Sell Your Stuff Edition

>What's happening?
Redditors are taking the war into their own hands by dropping their entire lives and flying over to Ukraine to help fight.

>This is a guide they posted with general tips for foreign combat such as getting vaccinated and watching your microagressions (yes, really)

>Some scammers have gotten wind of this movement and have used it as an opportunity to separate Reddit Heroes from their hard earned shekels. That's not nice!

>They've recently learned that they may be held to a 3 year contract. Watch them cope with that information here

>One actually arrived and decided to go home because the Ukrainian forces had neck tatoos and he just remembered his parents were sick. Read his account here

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I can’t express strongly enough how much I hope they get sniped walking off the plane.

Attached: JustGetVaxxed.png (887x404, 53.04K)

Attached: N95.jpg (914x520, 56.81K)

This is gold.
>go die in a hole for the jew
>muh little cough

>heh, stupid chud, i'd rather get shelled than catch the cold against which i am vaxxinated

Its the same old posts from yesterday

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Don't question them, encourage them. Make them commit before the propaganda high wears off

Post the one about pronouns please, don't have the patience to shift thru that garbage

Buckle up, boys. There's a discord

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41% casualties incoming

He thinks the types of diseases you get exposed to in war can be stopped by a mask, and as if disease is your biggest concern instead of a mortar shell.

This has to be a troll


He's quoting old WWI movies and shit. "A Blister could be the end of you." Every life experience these people have was seen through a TV screen

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>he actually thinks he'll be able to use any of that on himself

poor fool doesn't know they'll be doing everything they can to ensure the redditors die before the actual ukrainians

Kek based trolls

Those movies are also pre-WW2 since we had penicillin by then.

>killed more people than war ever did
>WW2 had something like 50million dead in combat alone

jesus fucking christ these people are morons

>Redditor has a brief moment of clarity
>Other Redditors call him a Putin operative trying to discourage them from going

Attached: DefASpy.png (743x1110, 415.28K)

>You wanna kill white people.
>You're not vaccinated.
Omfg you're gonna kill me and the neighbors!

>high-tech NATO weaponry is distributed among Ukrainian civilians like candy
>Zelenskyy pardons hardened criminals, murderer, rapists and arsonists, gives them weapons too.
Fuck this volunteer crap. Who is going to join the warlords? Imagine all the fun and money you can make. I'm gonna specifically hunt for redditors and söyjaks and torture them to death in the most amusing and painful ways, then turn their remains into Funko Pops.

That is really good bait

If Putin gets defeated by fucking reddit I will never forgive my mom and dad for being afraid of the Russians in the 70s

>See I get this, but why is Ukraine saying untrained men and women can volunteer then?
>You think a country would just do that, just betray and kill its own people?

>I'm safe in an active warzone as long as I don't take on a combat role

Attached: SafeNonCombatant.png (724x603, 54.22K)

back when serbia was bombed some serbs used to make a lot of money making checkpoints and extorting people for stuff and money

this is reaching elaborate psyops level. I just don't get why reddit isn't clamping on it yet. There is just no way a majority of people suddenly decide to go against the common sense of avoiding active war zones if you have 0 experience.

this is why logistics roles have the highest incidence of PTSD; they never think the death and the fighting will come to them