Give it to me straight

Give it to me straight.
How bad is he losing?

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>Economy isolated
>500billion war fund frozen
>Army getting vietkonged
>Haven't captured any major cities
>Turkey just dropped off dozens of new vatnik removers
It ain't looking good chief

Russians are unbelievable amateurs with retroarmy in 70s mode.

(today) Lavrov radically changed rhetoric, saying that someone had apparently tried to drag Russia into an unnecessary conflict in Ukraine

"someone wanted Russia stuck in an artificial conflict in Ukraine"

Russniggers are fucked and they know it very well.

>Give it to me straight.
>How bad is he losing?
Find an updated war map that shows what the gains are
Then post it here
I will read it, and then of course tell you what it means....

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even the war in georgia took like a month or two and ukraine is a lot larger country, it hasn't been a week yet

there's no doubt he'll manage to occupy Ukraine relatively soon but he has no graceful exit. The sanctions won't be lifted, he'll face guerilla resistance and the costs of occupation will quickly climb. And most importantly, he lost the propaganda war. He looks like the bad guy right now, even here where people used to worship him. It's a failure in several ways

very. The UN assraped him too today. Only had syria, north korea, belarus and eritrea on its side

the absolute best he can hope for is a quick peace deal whereby Ukraine drops their claim on Crimea and the Donbas and announces neutrality. But Zelensky seems emboldened lately, maybe the CIA is telling him good news.

>be gay
>ask people to "give it to you straight"

He's going to win the war but sanctions are going to cripple the country.

why is it so fucking dirty?

Russia gets sanctioned every month for some shit and they NEVER lift them even when the thing is over. There are sanctions in place from decades ago. They don't give a fuck anymore. Go out with bang rather than a whimper.

>muh sanctions
Do you think a KGB mastermind wouldn't predict that? Stupid niggers. The West is fucked.

>takes 1/3 of Ukraine
>minimal damage to infrastructure
>been like a week


Even if they somehow find a way to claim a "win", Russia is finished the only question now is if those drunk shit heads take us all down with them

Yes and no

he "predicted" it by amassing $600 billion in central bank assets but 2/3 of that was locked out

~500 russians dead
~3000 ukrainians dead

not bad i guess

>KGB mastermind
no shit bigbrain... CCCP won cold war, right???
Stfu banana man

He is 69 and more and more hated by the people he served for 20+ years, people he unintentially screwed beyond believe. He is also probably dying and surrounded by conspirators. You tell me

What do you mean occupy.
He is going to liberate Russian blood lines in Ukraine from Jews committing genocide against them.

He has specific targets not all of ukraine.

Feels like setting up some kind of Pearl Harbour desperate-gamble lightning strike

>500billion war fund frozen
Why were they keeping all this money in foreign banks in the first place? Did they seriously not see this coming? Just seems unbelievably stupid.

How about you look things up before bulshitting online next time?

My sources on Reddit are saying that ukraine will retake Crimea soon
We won, guys!

his army of mandatory service children and muslim hordes are a week behind schedule, without food and without fuel
you tell me

AFAIK there's never been a large scale freezing of central bank assets like that previously

he's not losing at all

Yeah it's a great success except the great number of casualties.

Rome wasn't built in a day

>UN vote

Means shit

he has to have some amount of popular support for that to happen

He predicted that too obviously. The man is playing 4d chess and you guys think you understand what's happening. You'll see soon enough.

nigger gonna win ukraine and lose russia

not even joking at this point anymore...
my guess is that in around 3 weeks nato will see how fucking weak the russian mlitary is and double their efforts to fuck russians.

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He’ll probably be ousted by someone. Hopefully no civil war or power vacuum follows

>He predicted that too
this is Batman-tier plot armor damn

For a "superpower" they could not be doing worse. They only thing they do is bomb shit. They have zero logistics for resupply, their teenaged "solders" are deserting if they dont get killed first, lost lots of hardware, entire economy has collapsed due to 100% inflation. Wait till the reopen the stock market it's going to be a fucking bloodbath. Russian leadership is fucking pathetic and the Russian citizens are paying the price.

>Lavrov radically changed rhetoric, saying that someone had apparently tried to drag Russia into an unnecessary conflict in Ukraine

>yeah bro you can totally attack ukraine and get away with it.
>lol dude chill, i released a flue virus and made the west kill their ecconomy, they are so fucking week hrhrhrh
>go for it, i got your back.

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They´re losing a LOT of armored vehicles, but as it is now, the forecast is total russian control until the end of march if EU and OTAN do nothing - which they already told they would.
Puddin is threatening everyone with nukes, which seems to be effectibe, as everyone is reluctant on helping Ucraine.

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>trust the plan
>two more weeks

They are winning and this agitation for them to win faster is simply an effort to have Russian soldiers to committ massacres.

yeah bro he hid a nuke inside one of the bingo fuel abandoned tanks so when zelenskyy does a victory homo twerk on top of it, putin can pull the trigger
trust the plan gopniks in control

>KGB mastermind
"drop more vdv over the ocean"

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I wonder if they'll even reopen the market at all.

1 more week till he gets Nicholas'd

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He’s not losing you fucking kike. Stop being a troll. Putin is based and redpilled and supports this board’s political platform, which means he can’t lose, and if he does, it’s because of the Jews.

You’re not a part of our movement, kike faggot. Leave our board.